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Wednesday, June 5, 2024
AAUP Holds an Environmental Agriculture Event and Inaugurates a National Product Marketing Exhibition

The Arab American University, in cooperation with the Caritas Jerusalem Foundation, has held an environmental agriculture event and the opening of a marketing exhibition for national rural products, in partnership with Caritas International Belgium, the Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority, and the Jenin Governorate Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and with funding from the Belgian Development Cooperation and Caritas France.

The event comes on the occasion of World Environment Day, as part of the Social Cohesion Program for Rural Communities, with the aim of enhancing resilience, social cohesion and economic empowerment of rural communities by focusing on youth and women.

Monday, April 22, 2024
The Arab American University Police Station is Inaugurated under the Auspices of the President of the State of Palestine

The Minister of Interior, Major General Zeyad Hab Al Rih, has inaugurated the Arab American University Police Station. The inauguration was attended by the Governor of Jenin, Kamal Abu Al Rob, the President of the Arab American University, Professor Dr.

The Arab American University had donated a plot of 1000 square meters from its campus to build a police station. This police station was built by the University, and it is of an area of approximately 300 square meters.

Sunday, February 25, 2024
The Arab American University Participates in the Opening of an Exhibition for Artists from Gaza

The Arab American University participated in the opening of an exhibition for artists from Gaza titled “One Hundred Paintings from Gaza” by twenty-five visual artists, at the Ministry of Culture - Jenin Office, with the presence of a group of governmental and private institutions and other people interested in art.

Dr. Laila Herzallah, Vice President for Community Affairs, indicated that these activities and exhibitions have an important moral value, especially since they are held on the land of the city of Jenin being an icon of the national and cultural struggle.

The exhibition included a variety of paintings that express the country's geography, beautiful nature and living conditions.


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