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الاثنين, مايو 6, 2024
مجلة الجامعة العربية الأمريكية تفوز بجائزة أفضل مجلة عربية للعام 2024

فازت مجلة الجامعة العربية الأمريكية بجائزة أفضل مجلة عربية للعام 2024 حيث تم الاعلان عنها خلال مؤتمر معامل التائير العربي والذي عقد في جامعة أبو ظبي في الامارات العربية المتحدة.

وتنافست مجلة الجامعة مع أكثر من 500 مجلة على مستوى العالم العربي في تصنيف معامل التأثير العربي للعام (Arab Impact Factor)، الأمر الذي يعد إنجازا لمجلة الجامعة وللبحث العلمي في الجامعة بشكل خاص وفلسطين بشكل عام.

من جهته بارك رئيس الجامعة الأستاذ الدكتور علي زيدان أبو زهري اسرة الجامعة على هذا الفوز، مؤكدا أن ما حققته مجلة الجامعة إنجاز يشير الى قدرة فلسطين على منافسة المجلات البحثية في الوطن العربي وعلى مستوى العالم، موضحا ان الجامعة تولي كل الاهتمام بالبحث العلمي وتطوير مجلة الجامعة نحو تصنيفها في قواعد البيانات المرموقة.

الثلاثاء, أبريل 30, 2024
AAUP Concludes the Free Acupuncture Medical Week

The Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences concluded the free medical week for acupuncture (Acupuncturists Without Borders-AWB) at the University Medical Rehabilitation Complex clinics, in cooperation with Doctors Without Borders, based in the American state of Oregon.

The event was held over four working days by providing treatment for medical cases suffering from fears, anxiety, stress and depression, in addition to post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain. The number of the cases was over one hundred and thirty.

The provision of acupuncture treatment was supervised by a medical team and health staff specialized in Chinese medicine techniques and guided psychotherapy, led by Dr. Nawal Awad, a Chinese medicine specialist, and Dr. Wael Abu Al-Hassan, a lecturer at the University and a specialist in clinical psychology.

الاثنين, أبريل 29, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Medicine Holds a Meeting with Cardiff University in Britain

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University has held a meeting with the (HIVE) Digital and Teaching Innovation Unit at Cardiff University in Britain. The meeting was attended by the assistant deans of the Faculty of Medicine, directors of the departments, the academic and administrative staff of the Faculty’s two branches on the University’s campuses in Jenin and Ramallah, as well as Dr. Athanasios Hassoulas from Cardiff University.

The meeting included the presentation of immersive educational experiences and e-learning resources that fill the gaps in students’ knowledge of many medical topics, which is considered a qualitative addition to the method of teaching.

الاثنين, أبريل 29, 2024
AAUP Participates in the International Scientific Conference “Media in the Post-Truth Era”

The Arab American University participated in the events of the International Scientific conference “Media in the Post-Truth Era: Practicing Media Professions in an Information Perturbation Era,” which was held by the Institute of Journalism and News Sciences at Manouba University in Tunisia.

The Arab American University was represented at the conference by Dr. Said Abu Mualla, Head of the Digital Media Department at the Faculty of Modern Media, and Mr. Sudqi Mousa, Head of the Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Faculty of Arts and Education. Their participated was with a research paper titled “The Impacts of Information Perturbation on the Professional Performance of Palestinian Journalists in Their Coverage of the War against Gaza and the West Bank.”

الثلاثاء, أبريل 30, 2024
الجامعة تنظم أسبوع طبي مجاني للعلاج بالإبر الصينية

اختتمت كلية العلوم الطبية المساندة الاسبوع الطبي المجاني للعلاج بالإبر الصينية (Acupuncturists Without Borders-AWB) وذلك في عيادات المجمع الطبي التأهيلي في الجامعة بالتعاون مع منظمة أطباء بلا حدود للعلاج بالإبر الصينية ومقرها ولاية أرغن الأمريكية.

واستمر النشاط لمدة أربعة أيام عمل من خلال تقديم العلاج للحالات المرضية التي تعاني من المخاوف والقلق والتوتر والاكتئاب، إضافة إلى اضرابات ما بعد الصدمة والآلام المزمنة، والتي تجاوزت في عددها المائة وثلاثون حالة.

وأشرف على تقديم العلاج بالإبر الصينية فريق طبي وكادر صحي متخصص في تقنيات الطب الصيني والعلاج النفسي الموجه بقيادة الدكتورة نوال عوض اختصاصية الطب الصيني، والدكتور وائل أبو الحسن المحاضر في الجامعة والمختص في علم النفس الاكلينيكي.

الأحد, أبريل 28, 2024
An AAUP Team Is to Present a Theatrical Performance in Tunisia Representing the State of Palestine

The Arab American University theater team, which represents the State of Palestine, is preparing to present a theatrical performance at the International University Melodrama Festival in the city of Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, titled “The Last Sunset,” which was produced specially to be displayed at the festival, which holds the slogan “Student Messages to Gratified Gaza.”

The performance will be presented tomorrow, Monday, April 29, 2024, as part of the festival’s events. It displays the psychological conditions that our Palestinian people are experiencing in the Gaza Strip, especially in light of the war of extermination.

The theatrical show tells the story of a young Palestinian woman, before the outbreak of the war. She was living under siege, trying to build a world of imagination to escape the bitter reality. With the attack on Gaza, the young woman’s suffering deepens and her fantasies lead her to wish for the previous siege.

الأحد, أبريل 28, 2024
A European Union Delegation Visits AAUP and the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence in Jenin

The Head of the Economic Development Sector at the European Union Representative Office in Jerusalem, Ms. Sophie Otti, and her accompanying delegation, have visited the Arab American University and the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the University. This visit aimed at discussing ways of joint cooperation between the two parties. The delegation was received by the University’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Muayad Abusaa, member of the Board of Directors of Hassib Sabbagh, Mr. Sami Awad, and the General Director of the Center, Engineer Mays Awwad.

The European delegation included the Director of Investment and Entrepreneurship Programs Mitya Jorginbauer, Director of the Economic Flexibility and Green Economy Program Johnny Basil, and Investment Advisor, Chris Zaknoun.

الخميس, أبريل 25, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Free Medical Day in the Northern Jordan Valley

The Arab American University has held a free medical day in the northern Jordan Valley, targeting the Bardala, Kardala, and Ain Al Bayida areas, as well as Al Maleh and Bedouin areas.

Mr. Omar Fuqaha, Chairman of the Ain Al Bayda Village Council, in the presence of Mr. Abdullah Daraghmeh, representative of Tubas Governorate, and Mr. Mohammad Fuqaha and Osama Fuqaha, representing the Fatah Movement, welcomed the University team, represented by Dr. Laila Herzallah, Assistant to the President for Community Affairs. He thanked the University for this initiative which comes within the framework of Strengthening the steadfastness of families in these areas that suffer from the scourge of the siege and the lack of adequate medical services.

الخميس, أبريل 25, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Lecture for its Students on Transformative Education in Celebration of the Global Campaign for Education

The Office of the Assistant to the President of the Arab American University, in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts and Education, has held a scientific workshop for the University students titled “Transformative Education”. This lecture was held in partnership with the Teacher Creativity Center, and it comes in celebration of the global campaign to protect education, which falls on the twenty-second of April each year.

The lecture was attended by the University’s Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, the representative of the Teacher Creativity Center, Mr. Abdullah Jarrar, Professor Dr. Mohammad Dawabsheh, lecturer in the Faculty of Arts, and the researcher at the Arab American University, Dr. Mousa Odeh.

الاثنين, أبريل 29, 2024
كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة تعقد لقاءً مع جامعة كارديف في بريطانيا

عقدت كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة لقاءً مع وحدة التعليم الرقمي والابتكار (HIVE) في جامعة كارديف في بريطانيا، بحضور مساعدي عميد كلية الطب البشري ورؤساء الأقسام والهيئة الأكاديمية والإدارية لفرعي الكلية بحرم الجامعة في جنين ورام الله، والدكتور Athanasios Hassoulas من جامعة كارديف.

وتضمن اللقاء عرض تجارب تعليمية غامرة وموارد تعلم الكتروني تسد الفجوات في معرفة الطلبة للعديد من المواضيع الطبية، والتي تعتبر إضافة نوعية إلى آلية التعليم.

وأشار الدكتور مالك زبن عميد كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة إلى الجهود الحثيثة التي تبذلها كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة، ساعيةّ إلى توطيد العلاقات الأكاديمية بين الجامعة وغيرها من الجامعات المرموقة ومن ضمنها جامعة كارديف، وذلك لتعزيز وتطوير برامج التبادل الأكاديمي وتبادل الخبرات والمصادر.


الاثنين, مايو 6, 2024
مجلة الجامعة العربية الأمريكية تفوز بجائزة أفضل مجلة عربية للعام 2024

فازت مجلة الجامعة العربية الأمريكية بجائزة أفضل مجلة عربية للعام 2024 حيث تم الاعلان عنها خلال مؤتمر معامل التائير العربي والذي عقد في جامعة أبو ظبي في الامارات العربية المتحدة.

وتنافست مجلة الجامعة مع أكثر من 500 مجلة على مستوى العالم العربي في تصنيف معامل التأثير العربي للعام (Arab Impact Factor)، الأمر الذي يعد إنجازا لمجلة الجامعة وللبحث العلمي في الجامعة بشكل خاص وفلسطين بشكل عام.

من جهته بارك رئيس الجامعة الأستاذ الدكتور علي زيدان أبو زهري اسرة الجامعة على هذا الفوز، مؤكدا أن ما حققته مجلة الجامعة إنجاز يشير الى قدرة فلسطين على منافسة المجلات البحثية في الوطن العربي وعلى مستوى العالم، موضحا ان الجامعة تولي كل الاهتمام بالبحث العلمي وتطوير مجلة الجامعة نحو تصنيفها في قواعد البيانات المرموقة.

الثلاثاء, أبريل 30, 2024
AAUP Concludes the Free Acupuncture Medical Week

The Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences concluded the free medical week for acupuncture (Acupuncturists Without Borders-AWB) at the University Medical Rehabilitation Complex clinics, in cooperation with Doctors Without Borders, based in the American state of Oregon.

The event was held over four working days by providing treatment for medical cases suffering from fears, anxiety, stress and depression, in addition to post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain. The number of the cases was over one hundred and thirty.

The provision of acupuncture treatment was supervised by a medical team and health staff specialized in Chinese medicine techniques and guided psychotherapy, led by Dr. Nawal Awad, a Chinese medicine specialist, and Dr. Wael Abu Al-Hassan, a lecturer at the University and a specialist in clinical psychology.

الاثنين, أبريل 29, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Medicine Holds a Meeting with Cardiff University in Britain

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University has held a meeting with the (HIVE) Digital and Teaching Innovation Unit at Cardiff University in Britain. The meeting was attended by the assistant deans of the Faculty of Medicine, directors of the departments, the academic and administrative staff of the Faculty’s two branches on the University’s campuses in Jenin and Ramallah, as well as Dr. Athanasios Hassoulas from Cardiff University.

The meeting included the presentation of immersive educational experiences and e-learning resources that fill the gaps in students’ knowledge of many medical topics, which is considered a qualitative addition to the method of teaching.

الاثنين, أبريل 29, 2024
AAUP Participates in the International Scientific Conference “Media in the Post-Truth Era”

The Arab American University participated in the events of the International Scientific conference “Media in the Post-Truth Era: Practicing Media Professions in an Information Perturbation Era,” which was held by the Institute of Journalism and News Sciences at Manouba University in Tunisia.

The Arab American University was represented at the conference by Dr. Said Abu Mualla, Head of the Digital Media Department at the Faculty of Modern Media, and Mr. Sudqi Mousa, Head of the Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Faculty of Arts and Education. Their participated was with a research paper titled “The Impacts of Information Perturbation on the Professional Performance of Palestinian Journalists in Their Coverage of the War against Gaza and the West Bank.”

الثلاثاء, أبريل 30, 2024
الجامعة تنظم أسبوع طبي مجاني للعلاج بالإبر الصينية

اختتمت كلية العلوم الطبية المساندة الاسبوع الطبي المجاني للعلاج بالإبر الصينية (Acupuncturists Without Borders-AWB) وذلك في عيادات المجمع الطبي التأهيلي في الجامعة بالتعاون مع منظمة أطباء بلا حدود للعلاج بالإبر الصينية ومقرها ولاية أرغن الأمريكية.

واستمر النشاط لمدة أربعة أيام عمل من خلال تقديم العلاج للحالات المرضية التي تعاني من المخاوف والقلق والتوتر والاكتئاب، إضافة إلى اضرابات ما بعد الصدمة والآلام المزمنة، والتي تجاوزت في عددها المائة وثلاثون حالة.

وأشرف على تقديم العلاج بالإبر الصينية فريق طبي وكادر صحي متخصص في تقنيات الطب الصيني والعلاج النفسي الموجه بقيادة الدكتورة نوال عوض اختصاصية الطب الصيني، والدكتور وائل أبو الحسن المحاضر في الجامعة والمختص في علم النفس الاكلينيكي.

الأحد, أبريل 28, 2024
An AAUP Team Is to Present a Theatrical Performance in Tunisia Representing the State of Palestine

The Arab American University theater team, which represents the State of Palestine, is preparing to present a theatrical performance at the International University Melodrama Festival in the city of Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, titled “The Last Sunset,” which was produced specially to be displayed at the festival, which holds the slogan “Student Messages to Gratified Gaza.”

The performance will be presented tomorrow, Monday, April 29, 2024, as part of the festival’s events. It displays the psychological conditions that our Palestinian people are experiencing in the Gaza Strip, especially in light of the war of extermination.

The theatrical show tells the story of a young Palestinian woman, before the outbreak of the war. She was living under siege, trying to build a world of imagination to escape the bitter reality. With the attack on Gaza, the young woman’s suffering deepens and her fantasies lead her to wish for the previous siege.

الأحد, أبريل 28, 2024
A European Union Delegation Visits AAUP and the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence in Jenin

The Head of the Economic Development Sector at the European Union Representative Office in Jerusalem, Ms. Sophie Otti, and her accompanying delegation, have visited the Arab American University and the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the University. This visit aimed at discussing ways of joint cooperation between the two parties. The delegation was received by the University’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Muayad Abusaa, member of the Board of Directors of Hassib Sabbagh, Mr. Sami Awad, and the General Director of the Center, Engineer Mays Awwad.

The European delegation included the Director of Investment and Entrepreneurship Programs Mitya Jorginbauer, Director of the Economic Flexibility and Green Economy Program Johnny Basil, and Investment Advisor, Chris Zaknoun.

الخميس, أبريل 25, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Free Medical Day in the Northern Jordan Valley

The Arab American University has held a free medical day in the northern Jordan Valley, targeting the Bardala, Kardala, and Ain Al Bayida areas, as well as Al Maleh and Bedouin areas.

Mr. Omar Fuqaha, Chairman of the Ain Al Bayda Village Council, in the presence of Mr. Abdullah Daraghmeh, representative of Tubas Governorate, and Mr. Mohammad Fuqaha and Osama Fuqaha, representing the Fatah Movement, welcomed the University team, represented by Dr. Laila Herzallah, Assistant to the President for Community Affairs. He thanked the University for this initiative which comes within the framework of Strengthening the steadfastness of families in these areas that suffer from the scourge of the siege and the lack of adequate medical services.

الخميس, أبريل 25, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Lecture for its Students on Transformative Education in Celebration of the Global Campaign for Education

The Office of the Assistant to the President of the Arab American University, in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts and Education, has held a scientific workshop for the University students titled “Transformative Education”. This lecture was held in partnership with the Teacher Creativity Center, and it comes in celebration of the global campaign to protect education, which falls on the twenty-second of April each year.

The lecture was attended by the University’s Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, the representative of the Teacher Creativity Center, Mr. Abdullah Jarrar, Professor Dr. Mohammad Dawabsheh, lecturer in the Faculty of Arts, and the researcher at the Arab American University, Dr. Mousa Odeh.

الاثنين, أبريل 29, 2024
كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة تعقد لقاءً مع جامعة كارديف في بريطانيا

عقدت كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة لقاءً مع وحدة التعليم الرقمي والابتكار (HIVE) في جامعة كارديف في بريطانيا، بحضور مساعدي عميد كلية الطب البشري ورؤساء الأقسام والهيئة الأكاديمية والإدارية لفرعي الكلية بحرم الجامعة في جنين ورام الله، والدكتور Athanasios Hassoulas من جامعة كارديف.

وتضمن اللقاء عرض تجارب تعليمية غامرة وموارد تعلم الكتروني تسد الفجوات في معرفة الطلبة للعديد من المواضيع الطبية، والتي تعتبر إضافة نوعية إلى آلية التعليم.

وأشار الدكتور مالك زبن عميد كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة إلى الجهود الحثيثة التي تبذلها كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة، ساعيةّ إلى توطيد العلاقات الأكاديمية بين الجامعة وغيرها من الجامعات المرموقة ومن ضمنها جامعة كارديف، وذلك لتعزيز وتطوير برامج التبادل الأكاديمي وتبادل الخبرات والمصادر.
