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الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Screening the Film “Jenin Jenin” and Honoring the Winning Students in the Palestinian Hero Competition within the Series of Film Screenings at the Arab American University

The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University in Ramallah has organized the latest film screening series for the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024.

The event included a screening of the film “Jenin, Jenin” by director Mohammad Bakri, which deals with the events of the invasion of Jenin camp in 2002, and sheds light on the suffering of the camp’s residents and the challenges during that period. The screening was followed by a discussion about the film presented by Sari Baz, a researcher in cinema and analysis of films that deal with political and social issues.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
AAUP Receives a Delegation from the Jenin Governorate Police to Discuss Enhancing Security and Stability in the Surrounding Area

The President of the Arab American University, His Excellency Dr. Bara Asfour, has received a delegation from the police department in Jenin Governorate, to discuss some ideas to enhance security and stability in the University’s surroundings, its gates, and external residences.

The delegation included Brigadier General Mohammad Eid, Deputy Director of the Jenin Governorate Police, Colonel Faisal Awad, Director of the University Police Station, and a number of officials from various departments in the police department.

During the meeting, the two parties discussed a number of issues and the ways for enhancing the security, especially after the opening of the University Police Station, to maintain the safety of students, workers, and the people of the area from illegal violations, and to organize traffic in the surrounding area.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Ayat Obayat in the Neonatal Nursing Program

Researcher Ayat Zuhair Obayat, a student in the master’s program in Neonatal Nursing, has defended her thesis titled "The Association between Noise and the Neonatal Physiological and Behavioral Status in NICU at Al -Makassed Hospital, Jerusalem".

The study aimed to explore the relationship between noise levels and the physiological and behavioral status of newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit at Al-Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem. The specific objectives were to identify noise sources, analyze its effects on physiological indicators such as heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation, and evaluate its impact on neonatal behavioral patterns, including sleep habits.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D Dissertation by Researcher Tamara Abu Ta’a in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Tamara Mustafa Abu Ta'a, a student in the Ph.D program in Educational Administration, has defended her thesis titled "Change Management Strategies for Principals of Public Primary Schools in Jerusalem and Their Relationship to Achieving Creativity among Teachers from Their Point of View (Developing an Optimal Model)".

The study aimed to identify the strategies of change management among public primary school principals in Jerusalem and their relationship to achieving creativity among teachers from their point of view (developing an optimal model). This is by determining the level of application of change management strategies among public primary school principals in Jerusalem from the teachers’ point of view.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Maysoon Abu Asaad in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Maysoon Suleiman Abu Asaad, a student in the Ph.D. program in Educational Administration, has defended her thesis titled: “A suggested training program based on twenty-first century skills to develop a culture of change among public secondary school teachers in Nazareth in the light of Kotter’s model of change”.

The study aimed to build a proposed training program based on twenty-first century skills to develop a culture of change among public secondary school teachers in Nazareth in light of the Kotter model. The study used both descriptive and constructivist approaches, and used a questionnaire to collect data after ensuring its validity and reliability. It was applied to a random stratified cluster sample consisting of (158) male and female teachers, with a withdrawal rate of 44%.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Amal Mashal in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Amal Issa Mashal, a student in the Ph.D. program in educational administration, has defended her thesis titled “Foreseeing educational policies to develop life skills among secondary school students in Palestine”.

The study aimed to track Palestinian educational policies that dealt with life skills through analysis through the educational policy analysis approach. It also aimed to identify the reality of life skills practice by secondary school students in the cities of Al-Bireh and Ramallah from the point of view of the students themselves, their teachers, and their school principals. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher used the descriptive approach (quantitative through questionnaire, and qualitative through interviews).

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
The AAUP Conflict Studies Research Center Holds a Symposium with the Participation of International Academicians and Researchers

The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University Ramallah campus has held a symposium to discuss the “Why it Worked” project in cooperation with the Ruaa Center for Political and Strategic Studies.

The symposium brought together international academics and researchers from Harvard, George Mason, Delaware, and Ottawa universities. The symposium aimed to present five analytical studies of long-term and unequal international conflicts, during which researchers reviewed their studies and in-depth analyzes of the reasons for the success of some strategies for resolving political conflicts at the international level, giving attendees a deeper insight into the complex dynamics of these conflicts.

الأحد, يونيو 30, 2024
Dr. Iriqat, Professor of Diplomacy at AAUP, Participates in the World Economic Forum in China

Dr. Dalal Iriqat, Professor of Diplomacy at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, participated in the delegation of young global leaders in the World Economic Forum, held in the People’s Republic of China, which is of great importance in the geopolitical transformations in the world in order to find solutions to global challenges.

The forum brought together more than 1600 world leaders from the public and private sectors, as well as civil society and international organizations in all specialties.

This year’s session came under the main themes of linking climate, nature and energy, the new global economy, entrepreneurship in the age of artificial intelligence, new limits for industries, investment in people, as well as China and the world.

الأحد, يونيو 30, 2024
The AAUP Faculties of Engineering and Information Technology Discuss Enhancing Cooperation with Asal and Orail Technology Companies

A delegation from Asal Technology and Orail visited the Arab American University and met with the Deans of the Faculties of Engineering and Information Technology, Professor Dr. Hazem Khanfar and Dr. Mohammed Maree, to enhance joint cooperation between the University and the two companies.

The participants in the meeting discussed ways for holding training courses and practical workshops to target students of computer engineering majors in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science in the Faculty of Information Technology, especially on hardware, which is the system for designing and testing physical components.

The participants in the meeting stressed the importance of cooperation between the University and the two companies, as it opens many horizons for students of the two faculties, in addition to opening opportunities of work for the two companies.

الأحد, يونيو 30, 2024
AAUP Launches the “Framework for Digital Transformation for Arab Universities” in Partnership with the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization

The National Digital Transformation Center at the Arab American University has organized the launching event of the “Framework for Digital Transformation in Arab Universities” in partnership with the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science and the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization on the University Ramallah campus under the auspices and with the presence of the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Amjad Barham,.

The event took place with the presence of the Chairman of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, Professor Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour, the Acting President of the Arab American University, Dr. Bara Asfour, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, and a member of the Executive Council. “For the ALECSO” Dr. Dawwas Dawwas, the Governor of the Palestinian Monetary Authority, Dr.


الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Screening the Film “Jenin Jenin” and Honoring the Winning Students in the Palestinian Hero Competition within the Series of Film Screenings at the Arab American University

The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University in Ramallah has organized the latest film screening series for the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024.

The event included a screening of the film “Jenin, Jenin” by director Mohammad Bakri, which deals with the events of the invasion of Jenin camp in 2002, and sheds light on the suffering of the camp’s residents and the challenges during that period. The screening was followed by a discussion about the film presented by Sari Baz, a researcher in cinema and analysis of films that deal with political and social issues.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
AAUP Receives a Delegation from the Jenin Governorate Police to Discuss Enhancing Security and Stability in the Surrounding Area

The President of the Arab American University, His Excellency Dr. Bara Asfour, has received a delegation from the police department in Jenin Governorate, to discuss some ideas to enhance security and stability in the University’s surroundings, its gates, and external residences.

The delegation included Brigadier General Mohammad Eid, Deputy Director of the Jenin Governorate Police, Colonel Faisal Awad, Director of the University Police Station, and a number of officials from various departments in the police department.

During the meeting, the two parties discussed a number of issues and the ways for enhancing the security, especially after the opening of the University Police Station, to maintain the safety of students, workers, and the people of the area from illegal violations, and to organize traffic in the surrounding area.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Ayat Obayat in the Neonatal Nursing Program

Researcher Ayat Zuhair Obayat, a student in the master’s program in Neonatal Nursing, has defended her thesis titled "The Association between Noise and the Neonatal Physiological and Behavioral Status in NICU at Al -Makassed Hospital, Jerusalem".

The study aimed to explore the relationship between noise levels and the physiological and behavioral status of newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit at Al-Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem. The specific objectives were to identify noise sources, analyze its effects on physiological indicators such as heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation, and evaluate its impact on neonatal behavioral patterns, including sleep habits.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D Dissertation by Researcher Tamara Abu Ta’a in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Tamara Mustafa Abu Ta'a, a student in the Ph.D program in Educational Administration, has defended her thesis titled "Change Management Strategies for Principals of Public Primary Schools in Jerusalem and Their Relationship to Achieving Creativity among Teachers from Their Point of View (Developing an Optimal Model)".

The study aimed to identify the strategies of change management among public primary school principals in Jerusalem and their relationship to achieving creativity among teachers from their point of view (developing an optimal model). This is by determining the level of application of change management strategies among public primary school principals in Jerusalem from the teachers’ point of view.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Maysoon Abu Asaad in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Maysoon Suleiman Abu Asaad, a student in the Ph.D. program in Educational Administration, has defended her thesis titled: “A suggested training program based on twenty-first century skills to develop a culture of change among public secondary school teachers in Nazareth in the light of Kotter’s model of change”.

The study aimed to build a proposed training program based on twenty-first century skills to develop a culture of change among public secondary school teachers in Nazareth in light of the Kotter model. The study used both descriptive and constructivist approaches, and used a questionnaire to collect data after ensuring its validity and reliability. It was applied to a random stratified cluster sample consisting of (158) male and female teachers, with a withdrawal rate of 44%.

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Amal Mashal in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Amal Issa Mashal, a student in the Ph.D. program in educational administration, has defended her thesis titled “Foreseeing educational policies to develop life skills among secondary school students in Palestine”.

The study aimed to track Palestinian educational policies that dealt with life skills through analysis through the educational policy analysis approach. It also aimed to identify the reality of life skills practice by secondary school students in the cities of Al-Bireh and Ramallah from the point of view of the students themselves, their teachers, and their school principals. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher used the descriptive approach (quantitative through questionnaire, and qualitative through interviews).

الاثنين, يوليو 1, 2024
The AAUP Conflict Studies Research Center Holds a Symposium with the Participation of International Academicians and Researchers

The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University Ramallah campus has held a symposium to discuss the “Why it Worked” project in cooperation with the Ruaa Center for Political and Strategic Studies.

The symposium brought together international academics and researchers from Harvard, George Mason, Delaware, and Ottawa universities. The symposium aimed to present five analytical studies of long-term and unequal international conflicts, during which researchers reviewed their studies and in-depth analyzes of the reasons for the success of some strategies for resolving political conflicts at the international level, giving attendees a deeper insight into the complex dynamics of these conflicts.

الأحد, يونيو 30, 2024
Dr. Iriqat, Professor of Diplomacy at AAUP, Participates in the World Economic Forum in China

Dr. Dalal Iriqat, Professor of Diplomacy at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, participated in the delegation of young global leaders in the World Economic Forum, held in the People’s Republic of China, which is of great importance in the geopolitical transformations in the world in order to find solutions to global challenges.

The forum brought together more than 1600 world leaders from the public and private sectors, as well as civil society and international organizations in all specialties.

This year’s session came under the main themes of linking climate, nature and energy, the new global economy, entrepreneurship in the age of artificial intelligence, new limits for industries, investment in people, as well as China and the world.

الأحد, يونيو 30, 2024
The AAUP Faculties of Engineering and Information Technology Discuss Enhancing Cooperation with Asal and Orail Technology Companies

A delegation from Asal Technology and Orail visited the Arab American University and met with the Deans of the Faculties of Engineering and Information Technology, Professor Dr. Hazem Khanfar and Dr. Mohammed Maree, to enhance joint cooperation between the University and the two companies.

The participants in the meeting discussed ways for holding training courses and practical workshops to target students of computer engineering majors in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science in the Faculty of Information Technology, especially on hardware, which is the system for designing and testing physical components.

The participants in the meeting stressed the importance of cooperation between the University and the two companies, as it opens many horizons for students of the two faculties, in addition to opening opportunities of work for the two companies.

الأحد, يونيو 30, 2024
AAUP Launches the “Framework for Digital Transformation for Arab Universities” in Partnership with the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization

The National Digital Transformation Center at the Arab American University has organized the launching event of the “Framework for Digital Transformation in Arab Universities” in partnership with the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science and the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization on the University Ramallah campus under the auspices and with the presence of the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Amjad Barham,.

The event took place with the presence of the Chairman of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, Professor Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour, the Acting President of the Arab American University, Dr. Bara Asfour, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, and a member of the Executive Council. “For the ALECSO” Dr. Dawwas Dawwas, the Governor of the Palestinian Monetary Authority, Dr.
