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أخبار المركز

الأربعاء, يونيو 5, 2024
AAUP Holds an Online Workshop for Students of Property Valuation Diploma Program

The Department of Real Estate Sciences at the Faculty of Business at the Arab American University has held an online workshop for students of the property analysis and valuation course titled “Introducing the profession of Property Valuation from a practical perspective.”

The workshop was presented by Engineer Ali Ayaseh, a certified property valuator licensed by the Palestinian Capital Market Authority, an arbitrator certified by the Palestinian Ministry of Justice, a civil and construction engineer, general director of Al-Radeef and Al-Ayaseh Engineering and Construction Office, and a holder of several courses in the field of Property Valuation.

الأربعاء, يونيو 5, 2024
AAUP Holds an Environmental Agriculture Event and Inaugurates a National Product Marketing Exhibition

The Arab American University, in cooperation with the Caritas Jerusalem Foundation, has held an environmental agriculture event and the opening of a marketing exhibition for national rural products, in partnership with Caritas International Belgium, the Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority, and the Jenin Governorate Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and with funding from the Belgian Development Cooperation and Caritas France.

The event comes on the occasion of World Environment Day, as part of the Social Cohesion Program for Rural Communities, with the aim of enhancing resilience, social cohesion and economic empowerment of rural communities by focusing on youth and women.

الأربعاء, يونيو 5, 2024
Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University Holds a Job Evaluation Course

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University has held a course titled “Job Evaluation,” targeting students of the University’s Faculty of Business. The trainer was human resources expert Mr. Suleiman Abu Hijleh.

The Director General of Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence, Engineer Mays Awad, indicated that this course came within a series of training and workshops carried out by the Center, targeting University students from all specializations in order to integrate training and work, in addition to enhancing students’ awareness and providing them with the opportunity to find jobs and learn about the labor market at the local, regional and international levels.

الأربعاء, يونيو 5, 2024
AAUP Holds a Workshop for Students of the Property Valuation Diploma

The Department of Real Estate Sciences at the Faculty of Business at the Arab American University has held a workshop for students of the property valuation diploma titled “Building permits in Palestine and their impact on property valuation process.”

The department hosted Engineer Anas Suhail Taha, a construction engineer and property valuator, to explain land classifications in Palestine and the importance of the structural plan and regulatory laws in force in Palestine, in addition to the impact of the building permit, building violations, and parking, and their impact on the property valuation process.

The workshop was attended and participated by more than 40 students from the property valuation program.

الاثنين, يونيو 3, 2024
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity

The Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Faculty of Arts and Education at the Arab American University has held an educational symposium on the environment and biodiversity, in cooperation with the Environmental Education Center, targeting the department’s students. The symposium was hosted by the Environmental Quality Authority and the Marj Ibn Amer Women’s Forum.

The symposium was held with the presence of the head of the Arabic Language and Media Department at the University, Mr. Sudqi Mousa, the journalist specializing in environmental affairs, Mr. Abdalbasit Khalaf, and representatives of the Environmental Quality Authority, engineers Nour Al-Din Shtayyeh and Dana Abu Tabikh.

الاثنين, يونيو 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Haneen Ghosna in the Contemporary Public Relations Program

Researcher Haneen Bajis Ghosna, a student in the Master’s Program in Contemporary Public Relations, has defended her thesis titled: “Utilizing Palestinian Non-Profit Institutions for their Relations with Mass Media.”

This study aims to reveal the level of Palestinian non-profit institutions’ use of their media relations by studying the case of human rights institutions in the West Bank. This is to understand how human rights institutions employ their media relations, and to explore the most important strategies that govern the relationship of human rights institutions with the media, and the obstacles they face in communicating with media.

الأحد, يونيو 2, 2024
AAUP Holds a Workshop for Human Resources Management Students

The Department of Human Resources Management at the Arab American University has held a workshop for students specializing in human resources in the Faculty of Business to enhance the integration of students’ academic and practical aspects.

Dr. Emad Waladali, Head of the Human Resources Department, has inaugurated the workshop by introducing Ms. Islam Obaid, Director of the Human Resources Department at Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital, indicating the importance of cooperation between the Faculty of Business and Palestinian private sector institutions in enhancing the knowledge and skills required for graduates and integrating them into the Palestinian labor market. Ms.

الأحد, يونيو 2, 2024
Defense of a Doctoral Dissertation by Researcher Nasr Najeeb Khoury in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Nasr Najeeb Khoury, a student in the doctoral program in Educational Administration, has defended his dissertation titled: “The Role of Arab School Principals in Caring for the Psychological and Social Security of Secondary School Students, North of the Green Line, and its Relationship to Community Fitness, and Building a Strategy to Develop it, as Perceived by the Principals and the Psychological Advisors”

The study gap was to identify the role of Arab school principals in caring for the psychological and social security of secondary school students in Arab schools in northern Green Line and its relationship to social fitness. Also, it was to build a strategy to develop this role as perceived by school principals and psychological advisors.

الأحد, يونيو 2, 2024
Defense of a Doctoral Dissertation by Researcher Ahlam Abu Jami’ in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Ahlam Muhammad Abu Jame’, a student in the doctoral program in Educational Administration, has defended her dissertation titled: “Organizational Culture in Universities within the Green Line and its Relationship to Academic Freedom and Excellence in Performance As Perceived by Arab Faculty Members: a Proposed Perception.”

The researcher used the descriptive approach (quantitative and qualitative) / correlational method, in the academic year 2023/2024 on a random sample of 103 lecturers. She collected data using a questionnaire and conducted interviews with 10 lecturers working in different universities.

الأحد, يونيو 2, 2024
AAUP Holds a Training Workshop on Library Mental Health

The Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University has held a training workshop on library mental health in cooperation with the Tamer Foundation for Community Education, in partnership with the Faculties of Business and Sports Sciences at the University. The training was provided by Ms. Alaa Fatafta.

The program targeted University students in a number of humanities, education, media, nursing and allied medical specializations, in addition to a number of civil society institutions and libraries in many governorates, in a course of 8 meetings over two months.

The workshop aims to connect library and school children through this training with associations and the Red Crescent, train them on the mechanism of dealing with mental health cases, and direct them to specialized centers.


الأربعاء, يونيو 5, 2024
AAUP Holds an Online Workshop for Students of Property Valuation Diploma Program

The Department of Real Estate Sciences at the Faculty of Business at the Arab American University has held an online workshop for students of the property analysis and valuation course titled “Introducing the profession of Property Valuation from a practical perspective.”

The workshop was presented by Engineer Ali Ayaseh, a certified property valuator licensed by the Palestinian Capital Market Authority, an arbitrator certified by the Palestinian Ministry of Justice, a civil and construction engineer, general director of Al-Radeef and Al-Ayaseh Engineering and Construction Office, and a holder of several courses in the field of Property Valuation.

الأربعاء, يونيو 5, 2024
AAUP Holds an Environmental Agriculture Event and Inaugurates a National Product Marketing Exhibition

The Arab American University, in cooperation with the Caritas Jerusalem Foundation, has held an environmental agriculture event and the opening of a marketing exhibition for national rural products, in partnership with Caritas International Belgium, the Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority, and the Jenin Governorate Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and with funding from the Belgian Development Cooperation and Caritas France.

The event comes on the occasion of World Environment Day, as part of the Social Cohesion Program for Rural Communities, with the aim of enhancing resilience, social cohesion and economic empowerment of rural communities by focusing on youth and women.

الأربعاء, يونيو 5, 2024
Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University Holds a Job Evaluation Course

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University has held a course titled “Job Evaluation,” targeting students of the University’s Faculty of Business. The trainer was human resources expert Mr. Suleiman Abu Hijleh.

The Director General of Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence, Engineer Mays Awad, indicated that this course came within a series of training and workshops carried out by the Center, targeting University students from all specializations in order to integrate training and work, in addition to enhancing students’ awareness and providing them with the opportunity to find jobs and learn about the labor market at the local, regional and international levels.

الأربعاء, يونيو 5, 2024
AAUP Holds a Workshop for Students of the Property Valuation Diploma

The Department of Real Estate Sciences at the Faculty of Business at the Arab American University has held a workshop for students of the property valuation diploma titled “Building permits in Palestine and their impact on property valuation process.”

The department hosted Engineer Anas Suhail Taha, a construction engineer and property valuator, to explain land classifications in Palestine and the importance of the structural plan and regulatory laws in force in Palestine, in addition to the impact of the building permit, building violations, and parking, and their impact on the property valuation process.

The workshop was attended and participated by more than 40 students from the property valuation program.

الاثنين, يونيو 3, 2024
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity

The Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Faculty of Arts and Education at the Arab American University has held an educational symposium on the environment and biodiversity, in cooperation with the Environmental Education Center, targeting the department’s students. The symposium was hosted by the Environmental Quality Authority and the Marj Ibn Amer Women’s Forum.

The symposium was held with the presence of the head of the Arabic Language and Media Department at the University, Mr. Sudqi Mousa, the journalist specializing in environmental affairs, Mr. Abdalbasit Khalaf, and representatives of the Environmental Quality Authority, engineers Nour Al-Din Shtayyeh and Dana Abu Tabikh.

الاثنين, يونيو 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Haneen Ghosna in the Contemporary Public Relations Program

Researcher Haneen Bajis Ghosna, a student in the Master’s Program in Contemporary Public Relations, has defended her thesis titled: “Utilizing Palestinian Non-Profit Institutions for their Relations with Mass Media.”

This study aims to reveal the level of Palestinian non-profit institutions’ use of their media relations by studying the case of human rights institutions in the West Bank. This is to understand how human rights institutions employ their media relations, and to explore the most important strategies that govern the relationship of human rights institutions with the media, and the obstacles they face in communicating with media.

الأحد, يونيو 2, 2024
AAUP Holds a Workshop for Human Resources Management Students

The Department of Human Resources Management at the Arab American University has held a workshop for students specializing in human resources in the Faculty of Business to enhance the integration of students’ academic and practical aspects.

Dr. Emad Waladali, Head of the Human Resources Department, has inaugurated the workshop by introducing Ms. Islam Obaid, Director of the Human Resources Department at Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital, indicating the importance of cooperation between the Faculty of Business and Palestinian private sector institutions in enhancing the knowledge and skills required for graduates and integrating them into the Palestinian labor market. Ms.

الأحد, يونيو 2, 2024
Defense of a Doctoral Dissertation by Researcher Nasr Najeeb Khoury in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Nasr Najeeb Khoury, a student in the doctoral program in Educational Administration, has defended his dissertation titled: “The Role of Arab School Principals in Caring for the Psychological and Social Security of Secondary School Students, North of the Green Line, and its Relationship to Community Fitness, and Building a Strategy to Develop it, as Perceived by the Principals and the Psychological Advisors”

The study gap was to identify the role of Arab school principals in caring for the psychological and social security of secondary school students in Arab schools in northern Green Line and its relationship to social fitness. Also, it was to build a strategy to develop this role as perceived by school principals and psychological advisors.

الأحد, يونيو 2, 2024
Defense of a Doctoral Dissertation by Researcher Ahlam Abu Jami’ in the Educational Administration Program

Researcher Ahlam Muhammad Abu Jame’, a student in the doctoral program in Educational Administration, has defended her dissertation titled: “Organizational Culture in Universities within the Green Line and its Relationship to Academic Freedom and Excellence in Performance As Perceived by Arab Faculty Members: a Proposed Perception.”

The researcher used the descriptive approach (quantitative and qualitative) / correlational method, in the academic year 2023/2024 on a random sample of 103 lecturers. She collected data using a questionnaire and conducted interviews with 10 lecturers working in different universities.

الأحد, يونيو 2, 2024
AAUP Holds a Training Workshop on Library Mental Health

The Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University has held a training workshop on library mental health in cooperation with the Tamer Foundation for Community Education, in partnership with the Faculties of Business and Sports Sciences at the University. The training was provided by Ms. Alaa Fatafta.

The program targeted University students in a number of humanities, education, media, nursing and allied medical specializations, in addition to a number of civil society institutions and libraries in many governorates, in a course of 8 meetings over two months.

The workshop aims to connect library and school children through this training with associations and the Red Crescent, train them on the mechanism of dealing with mental health cases, and direct them to specialized centers.
