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الأحد, أغسطس 13, 2023
International Medical Education Trust Supports Six Medical Students from the AAUP Faculty of Medicine

The International Medical Education Trust (IMET2000) provided six grants for six students of the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University in Jenin Campus, at a value of $1000 per student. These scholarships aim at reducing the financial burden on the students’ families in the costs of studying medicine, funded by the Association’s friends and supporters in the United Kingdom.

This support is restricted to medical students in various studying levels in order to encourage them to focus on their studies and improve their results.

The grants were presented in a meeting attended by Dr. Ramiz Zaid, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Head of the Department of Pathology and Histology at AAUP, the administrative assistant of the association, Alia Al-Tordi, the continuing education officials of the association, Dr. Moataz Daraghmeh and Marah Qatouni, in addition to the students who benefited from the grant.

الخميس, أغسطس 10, 2023
AAUP Graduates the Participants in the Training Program Entitled "For the Sake of Employment"

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University concluded the activities of the training program, entitled "For the Sake of Employment" within the "Universities Lead Entrepreneurship and Innovation" project, targeting university graduates.

During the closing ceremony, the director of the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center at the University, Ms. Mays Awwad, graduated the participants and handed over certificates to them. The 5-day training program dealt with creating new job opportunities for graduates and promoting economic empowerment by strengthening support for Palestinian startups and entrepreneurs as well as encouraging innovation through integration between the academic and private sectors and business incubators, and developing graduates’ skills to be productive entrepreneurs.

الثلاثاء, أغسطس 8, 2023
AAUP and Asal Technology Company Sign an Agreement of Strategic Cooperation and Exchange of Experiences

The Arab American University, represented by the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Bara Asfour, and Asal Technology Company, represented by its General Manager, Mr. Murad Tahboub, signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement aims at exchanging experiences and benefiting from the company, and building a strategic relationship, through which Asal Company will open a branch on AAUP campus in Jenin.

The agreement includes building a strategic relationship and joint cooperation, exchanging experiences. To facilitate this, Asal Technology Company opens a branch of on the Arab American University to create a distinguished model based on the integration of the role of the Palestinian private sector with educational institutions in the field of programming and information technology sector in Palestine in addition to joint work to integrate students and graduates of the university into a qualitative work environment.

الثلاثاء, أغسطس 8, 2023
AAUP Launches the Training Program "For the Sake of Employment" Targeting University Graduates

The Arab American University launched the activities of the training program, for five days, entitled "For the Sake of Employment", targeting university graduates. The training program is held in partnership with the United Nations Development Program / Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People UNDP, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Palestinian partner universities, funded by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency SDC.

The program comes within the partnership of the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University to implement the project of the universities that Lead Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

The program aims, as pointed out by the Director of the Hassib Sabbagh Center, Dr. Mays Awwad, to contribute to creating new job opportunities, and to enhance the economic empowerment of youth and women by strengthening the support provided for Palestinian startups and entrepreneurs.

الاثنين, أغسطس 7, 2023
AAUP and Al Jazeera Network Grant Shireen Abu Akleh Scholarship in Digital Media to Habiba Shadeed the Top Student in the Literary Stream

The founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour, granted the “Shireen Abu Akleh Scholarship in Digital Media” to the student Habiba Shadeed, who got the top grade in the literary stream at the level of Palestine with an average of 99.6%.

The meeting of granting the bachelor's scholarship at the Faculty of Modern Media was attended by the representative of Al-Jazeera News Media Network, Givara Budeiri, the Vice President of the University in Ramallah Campus, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asia, the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs Dr. Bara Asfour, the Dean of the Faculty of Modern Media Dr. Hanadi Dweikat, and the Assistant Dean, Dr. Saeed Abu Mualla, the general manager of the Arab American University, Mr. Faleh Abu Arra, and the student Shadeed with her family.

الأحد, أغسطس 6, 2023
AAUP's Conflict Studies Research Center Pays a Visit to Several Organizations

The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University organized a field visit to the headquarters of the Palestinian Radio and Television Corporation in Ramallah, and to the Sakia Foundation in Ein Qinya, as part of the "AAUP - International Summer School 2023" program, in partnership with The American New School.

At the headquarters of the Palestinian Radio and Television, the students of the program visited various departments and learned about the process of producing TV and radio programs and the modern editing and directing techniques used by the Television in transmitting news and media materials to the public.

الأحد, أغسطس 6, 2023
AAUP Holds a Workshop on Self-Care and Developing Psychological Intervention Skills

The Psychological and Social Counseling Office at the Deanship of Student Affairs at the Arab American University has held a workshop entitled "Self-Care and Developing Psychological Intervention Skills". The workshop targeted the members of the psychological support team working in the field during the invasion of Jenin camp, in cooperation with the Palestinian Counseling Center and the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA). The training was conducted by Salah Malaysha and Sanaa Belidi.

In her turn, the social counselor at the University, Dr. Laila Herzallah, confirmed that the University is always proactive in social responsibility with the services it provides in the field of psychological care, praising the efforts paid by the workers in the field and what they witnessed during the war and the invasion.

الأحد, أغسطس 13, 2023
الجامعة تستضيف بطولة نقابة أطباء الاسنان لكرة القدم الخماسي

استضافت الصالة الرياضية في الجامعة العربية الامريكية بطولة نقابة أطباء الاسنان لكرة القدم الخماسي، تحت اشراف عمادة شؤون الطلبة، وبمشاركة 7 فرق يمثلون نقابة أطباء الاسنان في محافظات الضفة والقدس.

وتأتي البطولة ضمن الأنشطة اللامنهجية التي تنظمها نقابة أطباء الاسنان بهدف تعزيز اللقاءات والتعاون بين الأطباء.

ولعبت العديد من المباريات الشيقة والتنافسية حيث برز فريق نقابة أطباء القدس بمستوى متميز والذي حصد اللقب، وفي ختام البطولة، قام رئيس وأعضاء النقابة بتكريم الفائزين بالمراتب الأربعة الأولى.

الأحد, أغسطس 13, 2023
جمعية التربية الطبية الدولية تدعم ستة طلبة من كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة

قدمت جمعية التربية الطبية الدولية IMET2000 ستة منح مقتطعة لستة من طلبة كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في حرم جنين بقيمة 1000 دولار للطالب الواحد، وذلك بهدف تخفيف العبء على ذوي الطلبة في تكاليف دراسة الطب، بتمويل من أصدقاء الجمعية والداعمين في المملكة المتحدة.

يأتي هذا الدعم بشكل أساسي ومحدد لتخصص الطب البشري من مختلف المستويات السنوية من أجل توجيه الطلبة على التركيز في دراستهم وتحسين كفاءة نتائجهم.

وتم تقديم المنح في لقاء حضره كلا من الدكتور رامز زيد مساعد عميد كلية الطب ورئيس قسم علم الأمراض والأنسجة في الجامعة، والمساعدة الإدارية في الجمعية عليا الطردي ومسؤولي التعليم المستمر في الجمعية الدكتور معتز دراغمة ومرح قاطوني، بالإضافة الى الطلبة المستفيدين من المنحة.

الخميس, أغسطس 3, 2023
AAUP Wins the Project of Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions

The Arab American University - Palestine has made a new achievement in addition to its previous ones in terms of international projects funded by the Erasmus program of the European Union. The University won the funding provided by the European Union in the amount of 868 thousand Euros, which will be allocated for the implementation of its project entitled: "Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions" "Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions- PhDGov

The Arab American University submitted a project proposal to the European Erasmus Program at the beginning of this year. The project passed all stages of evaluation successfully and outperformed dozens of proposals submitted by many other Palestinian higher education institutions to finally win the funding. Al-Quds University, Birzeit University, An-Najah National University, Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie, in addition to the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education, participate in the project led by the Arab American University.


الأحد, أغسطس 13, 2023
International Medical Education Trust Supports Six Medical Students from the AAUP Faculty of Medicine

The International Medical Education Trust (IMET2000) provided six grants for six students of the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University in Jenin Campus, at a value of $1000 per student. These scholarships aim at reducing the financial burden on the students’ families in the costs of studying medicine, funded by the Association’s friends and supporters in the United Kingdom.

This support is restricted to medical students in various studying levels in order to encourage them to focus on their studies and improve their results.

The grants were presented in a meeting attended by Dr. Ramiz Zaid, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Head of the Department of Pathology and Histology at AAUP, the administrative assistant of the association, Alia Al-Tordi, the continuing education officials of the association, Dr. Moataz Daraghmeh and Marah Qatouni, in addition to the students who benefited from the grant.

الخميس, أغسطس 10, 2023
AAUP Graduates the Participants in the Training Program Entitled "For the Sake of Employment"

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University concluded the activities of the training program, entitled "For the Sake of Employment" within the "Universities Lead Entrepreneurship and Innovation" project, targeting university graduates.

During the closing ceremony, the director of the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center at the University, Ms. Mays Awwad, graduated the participants and handed over certificates to them. The 5-day training program dealt with creating new job opportunities for graduates and promoting economic empowerment by strengthening support for Palestinian startups and entrepreneurs as well as encouraging innovation through integration between the academic and private sectors and business incubators, and developing graduates’ skills to be productive entrepreneurs.

الثلاثاء, أغسطس 8, 2023
AAUP and Asal Technology Company Sign an Agreement of Strategic Cooperation and Exchange of Experiences

The Arab American University, represented by the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Bara Asfour, and Asal Technology Company, represented by its General Manager, Mr. Murad Tahboub, signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement aims at exchanging experiences and benefiting from the company, and building a strategic relationship, through which Asal Company will open a branch on AAUP campus in Jenin.

The agreement includes building a strategic relationship and joint cooperation, exchanging experiences. To facilitate this, Asal Technology Company opens a branch of on the Arab American University to create a distinguished model based on the integration of the role of the Palestinian private sector with educational institutions in the field of programming and information technology sector in Palestine in addition to joint work to integrate students and graduates of the university into a qualitative work environment.

الثلاثاء, أغسطس 8, 2023
AAUP Launches the Training Program "For the Sake of Employment" Targeting University Graduates

The Arab American University launched the activities of the training program, for five days, entitled "For the Sake of Employment", targeting university graduates. The training program is held in partnership with the United Nations Development Program / Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People UNDP, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Palestinian partner universities, funded by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency SDC.

The program comes within the partnership of the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University to implement the project of the universities that Lead Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

The program aims, as pointed out by the Director of the Hassib Sabbagh Center, Dr. Mays Awwad, to contribute to creating new job opportunities, and to enhance the economic empowerment of youth and women by strengthening the support provided for Palestinian startups and entrepreneurs.

الاثنين, أغسطس 7, 2023
AAUP and Al Jazeera Network Grant Shireen Abu Akleh Scholarship in Digital Media to Habiba Shadeed the Top Student in the Literary Stream

The founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour, granted the “Shireen Abu Akleh Scholarship in Digital Media” to the student Habiba Shadeed, who got the top grade in the literary stream at the level of Palestine with an average of 99.6%.

The meeting of granting the bachelor's scholarship at the Faculty of Modern Media was attended by the representative of Al-Jazeera News Media Network, Givara Budeiri, the Vice President of the University in Ramallah Campus, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asia, the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs Dr. Bara Asfour, the Dean of the Faculty of Modern Media Dr. Hanadi Dweikat, and the Assistant Dean, Dr. Saeed Abu Mualla, the general manager of the Arab American University, Mr. Faleh Abu Arra, and the student Shadeed with her family.

الأحد, أغسطس 6, 2023
AAUP's Conflict Studies Research Center Pays a Visit to Several Organizations

The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University organized a field visit to the headquarters of the Palestinian Radio and Television Corporation in Ramallah, and to the Sakia Foundation in Ein Qinya, as part of the "AAUP - International Summer School 2023" program, in partnership with The American New School.

At the headquarters of the Palestinian Radio and Television, the students of the program visited various departments and learned about the process of producing TV and radio programs and the modern editing and directing techniques used by the Television in transmitting news and media materials to the public.

الأحد, أغسطس 6, 2023
AAUP Holds a Workshop on Self-Care and Developing Psychological Intervention Skills

The Psychological and Social Counseling Office at the Deanship of Student Affairs at the Arab American University has held a workshop entitled "Self-Care and Developing Psychological Intervention Skills". The workshop targeted the members of the psychological support team working in the field during the invasion of Jenin camp, in cooperation with the Palestinian Counseling Center and the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA). The training was conducted by Salah Malaysha and Sanaa Belidi.

In her turn, the social counselor at the University, Dr. Laila Herzallah, confirmed that the University is always proactive in social responsibility with the services it provides in the field of psychological care, praising the efforts paid by the workers in the field and what they witnessed during the war and the invasion.

الأحد, أغسطس 13, 2023
الجامعة تستضيف بطولة نقابة أطباء الاسنان لكرة القدم الخماسي

استضافت الصالة الرياضية في الجامعة العربية الامريكية بطولة نقابة أطباء الاسنان لكرة القدم الخماسي، تحت اشراف عمادة شؤون الطلبة، وبمشاركة 7 فرق يمثلون نقابة أطباء الاسنان في محافظات الضفة والقدس.

وتأتي البطولة ضمن الأنشطة اللامنهجية التي تنظمها نقابة أطباء الاسنان بهدف تعزيز اللقاءات والتعاون بين الأطباء.

ولعبت العديد من المباريات الشيقة والتنافسية حيث برز فريق نقابة أطباء القدس بمستوى متميز والذي حصد اللقب، وفي ختام البطولة، قام رئيس وأعضاء النقابة بتكريم الفائزين بالمراتب الأربعة الأولى.

الأحد, أغسطس 13, 2023
جمعية التربية الطبية الدولية تدعم ستة طلبة من كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة

قدمت جمعية التربية الطبية الدولية IMET2000 ستة منح مقتطعة لستة من طلبة كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في حرم جنين بقيمة 1000 دولار للطالب الواحد، وذلك بهدف تخفيف العبء على ذوي الطلبة في تكاليف دراسة الطب، بتمويل من أصدقاء الجمعية والداعمين في المملكة المتحدة.

يأتي هذا الدعم بشكل أساسي ومحدد لتخصص الطب البشري من مختلف المستويات السنوية من أجل توجيه الطلبة على التركيز في دراستهم وتحسين كفاءة نتائجهم.

وتم تقديم المنح في لقاء حضره كلا من الدكتور رامز زيد مساعد عميد كلية الطب ورئيس قسم علم الأمراض والأنسجة في الجامعة، والمساعدة الإدارية في الجمعية عليا الطردي ومسؤولي التعليم المستمر في الجمعية الدكتور معتز دراغمة ومرح قاطوني، بالإضافة الى الطلبة المستفيدين من المنحة.

الخميس, أغسطس 3, 2023
AAUP Wins the Project of Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions

The Arab American University - Palestine has made a new achievement in addition to its previous ones in terms of international projects funded by the Erasmus program of the European Union. The University won the funding provided by the European Union in the amount of 868 thousand Euros, which will be allocated for the implementation of its project entitled: "Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions" "Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions- PhDGov

The Arab American University submitted a project proposal to the European Erasmus Program at the beginning of this year. The project passed all stages of evaluation successfully and outperformed dozens of proposals submitted by many other Palestinian higher education institutions to finally win the funding. Al-Quds University, Birzeit University, An-Najah National University, Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie, in addition to the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education, participate in the project led by the Arab American University.
