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Tuesday, July 5, 2022
The “UNITED NATIONS” Rewards the University Team That Won the First Place in the Competition to Combat Desertification in the Arab Region

The UNITED NATIONS Organization rewarded the Arab American University team, which won at the level of the Arab world, in the competition to combat desertification and mitigate drought in the Arab region, at a conference held in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The winner team included students from the Faculties of Engineering and Arts, who are (Saed Hanani, Laith Nazzal, Ahmed Asaad, Yazan Hamad, Anwar Ghannam).

The conference aims to raise the awareness of young men and women in the Arab region about the impact of desertification and drought on their lives. It also discusses the roles they can play in mitigating the impact of these two challenges on the region.

Monday, March 7, 2022
AAUP Honors its Female Employees in the Occasion of the International Women Day

The Public Relations Department in Arab American University honored its female employees in the occasion of the International Women Day (8th of March) in a ceremony that was attended by Dr. Muayad Abusaa- the Acting President of the University and the VP for Academic Affairs, Ms. Manar Abu Sbaa- the VP for Administrative Affairs, through Zoom, Dr. Dalal Iriqat- the VP for International Relations, Eng. Bara Asfour- the Assistant to the President and Mr. Fadi Jumaa- the Public Relations Manager.

The ceremony was opened by Dr, Muayad Abusaa in a speech on behalf of the President of the University where he congratulated the female employees on the International Women Day and emphasized that the Palestinian women are half the society and they are main partners in struggle and work. He added that third the staff of the University of administrative staff and academics are women and some are in higher administrative positions as well. He finally wished for them the best and more progress in their lives.

Monday, October 4, 2021
AAUP Honors two Employees and a Graduate who Resuscitate Cardiac Cases for People in an Accident

They got training in the Heart Center in AAUP

Arab American University honored two of its staff and one graduate who did a humanitarian action by saving lives of people who were in an accident as they resuscitate cardiac. The staff members and the graduate took intensive training in the Heart Center in AAUP and knew what to do when they were by chance in the same place where the accident was.

Prof. Mohammad Asia- the VP for Medical Schools Affairs attended the honoring along with Dr. Lubna Harazneh- the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Dr. Imad Khader- the Heart Center Manager in AAUP and Mr. Fadi Jumaa- the PR Manager, and the honoring was for Mr. Ayman Inaya and Mr. Farid Abulail- staff members in the Faculty of Nursing and trainers in the Heart Center in AAUP, and the graduate from the Faculty of Nursing, Ra’fat Sharab.


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