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Tuesday, June 25, 2024
The President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas “Abu Mazen,” Confirms his Support and Congratulates Dr. Asfour on Assuming the Presidency of AAUP

His Excellency the President of the State of Palestine, Mr. President Mahmoud Abbas “Abu Mazen,” received a delegation from the Arab American University, which included the founding Chairman of its Board of Directors, Dr. Yousef Asfour, and the Acting President of the University, Dr. Bara Asfour, with the presence of a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Dr. Ziad Abu Amro.

At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency welcomed his guests and congratulated Dr. Bara Asfour on assuming the position of Acting President of the Arab American University. His Excellency affirmed the provision of support and assistance to Dr. Asfour, pointing to the importance of education in the State of Palestine and his constant support for this sector.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
A Workshop to be Held on Total Quality Management for Students of the Faculty of Business at the Arab American University

The Department of Business Administration at the Faculty of Business at the Arab American University has held a workshop for the Department’s students on the most important modern practical applications in the field of total quality management, in which Mr. Mohammad Mahameed, Director of the Quality Department at Ibn Sina Hospital and a certified expert by the American National Health Care Quality Association, was hosted.

Dr. Raed Irqat, lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, inaugurated the workshop with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of cooperation with private sector institutions, with the aim of enhancing knowledge, building the skills required for graduates, and integrating them into the Palestinian labor market.

Thursday, June 13, 2024
The Arab American University and the Palestine Monetary Authority Hold a Lecture on Financial Technology

The Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Arab American University in Ramallah and the Palestine Monetary Authority have held a lecture for the Faculty students on financial technology and mechanisms for benefiting from technological solutions to support entrepreneurs and those with innovative ideas.

The lecture was presented by the Head of the Financial Technology Department at the Palestine Monetary Authority, Mr. Samer Afaneh, and was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Dr. Majdi Owda, and as well as many Faculty lecturers and students.

Thursday, June 13, 2024
Students of Virtual Reality Arts Explore Visual Culture through Field Visits to Art Exhibitions

Students of the Bachelor of Arts in Virtual Reality Program at the Faculty of Modern Sciences at the Arab American University in Ramallah have had an educational field tour within the “Visual Communication” course under the supervision of Dr. Moeen Hasona.

The tour included a visit to the Palestinian Museum in Birzeit, where the students watched the “This is Not an Exhibition” exhibition, which displays various works of art, video art, and paintings by artists from Gaza. The students had an opportunity to discuss their ideas with the artist Raafat Asaad, who shared with them his experiences and artistic works within his exhibition “Residential Square.”

Thursday, June 13, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Dentistry Hosts Egyptian Researcher Dr. Mustafa Hamed

The Faculty of Dentistry at the Arab American University has hosted the Egyptian international researcher and lecturer, Dr. Mustafa Hamed, a specialist in the field of pediatric dentistry, via Zoom, in a scientific lecture on pediatric dentistry entitled Oral Drugs Prescription in Pediatric Dentistry.

Head of the Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Mohammad Thabet, said that the lecture targeted students for the “fourth and fifth” clinical years, thanking Dr. Mustafa Hamed for his efforts in disseminating knowledge based on scientific evidence.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Jenin Governorate Police Director Meets with the AAUP President, Dr. Bara Asfour

The President of the Arab American University, Dr. Bara Asfour, has received the Director of the Jenin Governorate Police, Brigadier General Azzam Jbara, and his accompanying delegation, who visited the University with the aim of strengthening cooperation between the two sides with the presence of Brigadier Mansour Khuzamiyah, a member of the University’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Fadi Jumaa, Dean of Student Affairs, and public relations employees Ms. Samah. Dawahda, and Mr. Raed Abu Baker.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Bara Asfour welcomed the attendees and thanked them for their visit to the University, stressing that the University will remain distinguished in various fields to meet the ambitions of young people who wish to receive modern education. Dr. Asfour praised the role of the police and the efforts they are paying to provide safety and security, especially in the University area, explaining that the presence of a police station in the area contributes greatly to the success of the educational process.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
The Arab American University Receives a Delegation from the Municipality of Sinjil

The President of the Arab American University, Dr. Bara Asfour, received a delegation from the municipality of Sinjil, headed by the Mayor, Dr. Moataz Abd Alrahman, who visited the University with the aim of strengthening cooperation and learning about new developments in the University’s achievements at the academic and research levels.

The President of the University received the delegation, with the presence of his advisor for public relations affairs and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fadi Jumaa. Dr.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
The Arab American University Honors Distinguished Researchers who Published Research Articles in Clarivate and Scopus Indexed Journals and Conferences in 2023

The Deanship of Scientific Research at the Arab American University has held a meeting to honor researchers from the academic staff at the University, who published their research papers in journals and conferences classified within the Clarivate and Scopus databases in 2023. This honoring was conducted under the patronage of the founding Chairman of the University’s Board of Directors, Dr. Yousef Asfour. The meeting comes on the occasion of the University’s Journal’s wining as the best Arab journal.

This ceremony took place with the presence of the President of the Arab American University, Dr. Bara Asfour, the former President of the University, Professor Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, the Dean of Scientific Research, Professor Dr. Mohammad Awad, distinguished researchers, and a number of members of the academic and administrative staffs.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
AAUP Concludes the First Aid Course for Students of the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences

The Arab American University, in partnership with Medical Relief, had concluded the “First Aid Course,” in the presence of the University’s Assistant President for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, the Dean of the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Dr. Mohammad Amro, the Director of Medical Relief, Dr. Jamil Hamad, and Mr. Mohammad Abu Al Haija, the Training Courses Officer.

The graduation ceremony was inaugurated with a welcoming speech by the Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, in which she stressed to the students the necessity of participating in these courses, based on national, social and humanitarian responsibility and in light of the current conditions that our Palestinian people are going through. The course included the basics of first aid and proper dealing with injuries and accidents, whether inside or outside the country, the University or outside it. Dr.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
The AAUP President Visits the Governor of Jenin to Enhance Cooperation

The President of the Arab American University, Dr. Bara Asfour, and his accompanying delegation visited the Governor of Jenin, Mr. Kamal Abu AlRob. This visit aimed to enhance ways of cooperation between the two sides. The accompanying delegation included the Vice President of the University, Ramallah Campus, Professor Dr. Mohammad Asia, and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fadi Jumaa.

Governor Abu AlRob extended congratulations to Dr. Bara Asfour on assuming the presidency of the University, praising the academic level that the University has achieved at the national level, and that it has become a scientific and cultural lever that has a clear imprint in building generations. He pointed out that the University constitutes a strong pillar for the renaissance of Jenin Governorate in all fields. He appreciated the role of the founding president of the University’s board of directors, Dr.
