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Thursday, August 5, 2021
AAUP Launches the Activities of the Second Cycle of “STEAM Palestine”

Under joint collaboration between Arab American University and the Ministry of Education, AAUP announced the beginning of the second phase of “STEAM Palestine” program that focuses on encouraging the interest in Sciences, Math, Technology and Arts. This program targets the students and teachers of the schools in Jenin, Qabatya and Tubas.

The activities were announced about in an opening session moderated by Ms. Marina Da’ibis – the Public Relations Officer in AAUP and attended by Dr. Seba Shank- the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Mr. Hani Daraghmeh- the Director of the Art/Technical Department in the Directorate of Education in Jenin, Mr. Fadi Jumaa- the Public Relations Manager in AAUP, along with some staff and Faculty members of AAUP, representatives from the Directorate of Education in Jenin, Qabatya and Tubas, participated students and their supervising teachers. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021
AAUP and its Partners Lunch the Projects of "the Meteorological Station" and "the Smart Agriculture"

Arab American University and its partners the Palestinian Meteorological Authority, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Energy, the Environmental Quality Authority and the Water Authority celebrated the launching of the two projects of “the Meteorological Station” and “the Smart Agriculture” in Jenin Campus.

Prof. Mohammad Asia- the Deputy Head of the Center of Excellence for Climate Change and Environmental Technology and the VP for the Medical School Affairs in Arab American University said that “the launching of the two projects came as a result of the continuous support that the Board of Directors and especially the Chairman of the Board Dr. Yousef Asfour provided, and the efforts of the Center’s Board of Directors Headed by Prof. Waleed Deeb”.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Under collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Arab American University started its Virtual Sports Marathon Competition “Step and Information” on its social media. The Competition started in Hebron, Ramallah and Al Bireh and Tulkarem and tens of school and university students along with other people from the local community participated in this competition.

Dr. Saba’ Jarrar- the Dean of the Faculty of Sport Sciences in AAUP and the supervisor of this competition said that this competition is considered as a new and unique way for Arab American University to celebrate its 20th anniversary. This marathon reflects the importance of AAUP in this country in all fields and sends important messages such as the embodying of the culture of “walking for health”, where children are also involved, to consolidate this culture from childhood.     


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