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Sunday, July 4, 2021
AAUP students who participated in the program

Organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Woman Affairs

Arab American University participated in the “Young Leaderships in the Higher Education Organizations” program that was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Woman Affairs and that aimed to prepare youth women leaderships who are able to lead official and non-official organizations in the future.

The two-day program that was organized in Nablus city targeted female students from the different Palestinian universities and was funded by the Cyprus Consulate.  

Dr. Amal Hamad – the Minister of Women Affairs attended the opening of the first day of the program along with Dr. Muhib Abulouha- the Secretary of the Higher Education Council representing the Minister of Higher Education, representatives from the ministries, the deans of the faculties and students including AAUP students.

Thursday, July 1, 2021
"The Arab American University" Wins the 2nd Place for the Short Films Competition

Arab American University won the 2nd place in the Short Films Competition that was organized by the Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation “PYALARA” under partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization “UNESCO” and other Palestinian universities.

Studnets: Ala Salameh, Aysar Maloul, Mustafa Zu’bi, Lelyan Attili, Wafa’ Abu Arrah, Sura AbuRub, Niciole Kamal, Omar Manasra and Qamar Manasra, represented Arab American University in this competition, and their project was supervised by Mr. Sudqi Mousa- the lecturer in the Arabic Language and Media Department.

وضمت لجنة التحكيم عضوية كل من: هانيا البيطار المديرة العامة لـ"بيالارا"، وهالة طنوس مديرة التواصل في "اليونسكو"، ود. أحمد مغاري عميد كلية الإعلام في جامعة الأقصى. 

Monday, June 28, 2021
Two Students from the Arabic Language and Media Department Organize a Photo Fair

As part of their graduation project, Sabreen Sawafta and Dina Sulieman students in the Arabic Language and Media Department in the Faculty of Arts in AAUP organized a photo fair.

Students Sawafta and Sulieman said that their graduation project that was supervised by Mr. Sudqi Mousa- the lecturer in the Arabic Language and Media Department is about taking pictures of the old places in Jenin and Nablus and how these places were used for different projects.


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