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Center News

Wednesday, June 14, 2023
وفد من الجامعة ينهي زيارة ناجحة إلى مستشفيات عديدة في الأردن

زار وفد من الجامعة العربية الأمريكية بالتنسيق مع عطوفة الأستاذ الدكتور هاني النوافلة- رئيس مجلس التمريض الأردني عدة مستشفيات اردنية لبحث افاق التعاون والشراكة مع الجامعة في مجال تدريب طلبة برنامج الطب البشري وطلبة برامج البكالوريوس والماجستير في التمريض، هذا وقد ترأس الوفد الأستاذ الدكتور محمد اسيا – نائب الرئيس لشؤون الكليات الطبية وعضوية د. عماد أبو خضر- مساعد عميد كلية الدراسات العليا للشؤون الطبية، ود. ساجد غوادرة- مساعد عميد كلية التمريض لشؤون التدريب، قابل الوفد د.

في اليوم الثاني قام الوفد بزيارة مستشفى الأردن والاجتماع مع المدير الإداري- م. احمد خطاب، ومدير دائرة التدريب والتعليم أ.د. رياض سعيد، وتلاها زيارة المستشفى الاستشاري ولقاء المدير الطبي د. محمود أبو عبيلة وعمل جولة في أقسام المستشفى الحديثة.

هذا وقد أكد جميع مدراء المستشفيات استعدادهم لاستقبال طلبة كلية الطب البشري للتدريب السريري للسنوات الرابعة والخامسة والسادسة، وكذلك تدريب طلاب الجامعة في برامج البكالوريوس والماجستير في تخصصات التمريض، من خلال الاتفاقيات التي يجري العمل على إعدادها لتوقيعها بالقريب العاجل.

Monday, June 12, 2023
A Visit Aiming to Develop University Education and Scientific Research at AAUP Is Concluded by a Shenandoah University Delegation

A delegation from Shenandoah University concluded its visit to the Arab American University campuses in Jenin and Ramallah for four days. During this visit, workshops were held for members of the academic and administrative staff and students in nursing, allied medical sciences, engineering, information technology and some other majors.

This visit serves several purposes, most notably, strengthening the cooperative efforts of the two universities, strengthening the international partnership as well as resuming the agreements concluded between the two parties earlier when a delegation from the Arab American University visited Shenandoah University. This visit also aims to hold workshops aimed at developing university education and joint scientific research.

Monday, June 12, 2023
وفد من جامعة شيناندوه يختتم زيارته للجامعة العربية الأمريكية هدفها تطوير التعليم الجامعي والبحث العلمي

اختتم وفد من جامعة شيناندوه زيارته للجامعة العربية الأمريكية في حرميها جنين ورام الله، والتي استمرت لمدة أربعة أيام، تخللها تنظيم ورشات عمل لأعضاء الهيئتين الأكاديمية والإدارية والطلبة في تخصصات التمريض والعلوم الطبية المساندة والهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات وعدد من التخصصات العلمية.

وتأتي هذه الزيارة لعدة أهداف، أبرزها، تعزيز الجهود التعاونية للجامعتين، وتوثيق الشراكة الدولية، واستئناف الاتفاقيات التي أبرمت بين الطرفين، في وقت سابق عندما زار وفد من العربية الأمريكية لجامعة شيناندوه، بالإضافة إلى تنظيم ورشات عمل بهدف تطوير التعليم الجامعي والبحث العلمي المشترك

Thursday, June 8, 2023
The Heart Center at the University Holds a Training Course Entitled: "Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Basic Life Support"

The Arab American University, represented by the Faculty of Nursing and the Heart Center, held a voluntary training course entitled "Cardio-lung resuscitation and basic life support" for the local community and the institutions working in the new Askar Camp. In this course, cardiac center staff members participated and presented the necessary skills for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

This initiative comes as a continuation of the university and the heart center policy in spreading the culture of resuscitation of the heart and lungs and strengthening the partnership between local institutions and the Arab American University, especially in light of the bad security situation that the Nablus governorate and its camps are exposed to.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
AAUP and Shenandoah University Deliver a Joint Lecture on the Ethics and Values as One of the Pillars of Work within a Multidisciplinary Team

The Department of Occupational Therapy at the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences at the Arab American University, in cooperation with a specialist from the Department of Physical Therapy at Shenandoah University, delivered a lecture entitled "Ethics and Values as One of the Pillars of Work within a Multidisciplinary Team", targeting students of occupational therapy, prosthetics, speech and hearing, and bridging nursing.

Mohamed Salahat, a lecturer in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the Arab American University, and Dr. Mitchell Wiley from the Department of Physical Therapy at Shenandoah University delivered a lecture. This lecture comes within the ongoing partnership project between the two universities, within the COIL program, which aims to exchange experiences between academics and students from both universities.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
AAUP Holds a Training Workshop on Internal Auditing Following the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

The Quality Development Office at the Arab American University held a training workshop for members of the internal auditing team on the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system. Almost 20 internal auditors from various departments and faculties of the university participated in the training workshop.

Dr. Adli Saleh, Advisor to the Board of Directors for Planning, Development and Quality inaugurated the training workshop, stressing the need to consolidate the concept of total quality in the entire university environment, explaining the support of AAUP administration to develop quality in its comprehensive concept at the academic and administrative sides through the application of relevant best practices.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
Graduation of Students Participating in a Training Course Entitled "Social Perceptions of Addiction among Youth"

The General Police Directorate in Jenin Governorate, with the presence of the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Bashar Draghma, and the University Counseling Officer, Dr. Laila Herzallah, graduated a group of university students who participated in a course entitled: "Social Perceptions of Addiction among Youth."

The course included many topics, such as addiction, family protection and cybercrimes as well as educating young people and university students on the dangers of addiction that lead young people's lives to collapse in addition to destroying moral, social and patriotic values.

In conclusion, the university praises the role played by the Police Directorate in its various departments for the success of this course, and for its benefits in spreading awareness among the youth in the Palestinian society.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
AAUP Holds a Workshop on Ways of Using Electronic Information in Pharmacy Management

The Faculty of Pharmacy at the Arab American University held a workshop on using electronic information systems in the management of pharmacies, and how to use automatic dispensing machines in pharmacies. In this workshop, the University hosted Dr. Majdi Al-Shaarawy, General Manager of Novatech Medical Technology, with the presence of the Faculty’s academic staff and students.

The workshop aims to introduce the attendees to technological development and its importance in the pharmaceutical sector in improving the effectiveness of pharmacy work, patient safety, cost reduction, and medical malpractice.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
Businessman Yasser Mahmoud Abbas Visits AAUP Campus in Ramallah

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour, received the businessman, Mr. Yasser Mahmoud Abbas, in his office on the University campus in Ramallah. Mr. Yasser visited the University to get acquainted with it and its development plans.

The guest was received by Dr. Asfour, Eng. Anwar Al-Badawi, a member of the University Board of Directors and the Dean of the Faculty of Modern Sciences, Dr. Islam Amro.

For his part, Dr. Yousef Asfour welcomed the guest, and briefed him on the University's development plan and its achievements in the academic, scientific and technological fields. Dr. Asfour touched upon the endeavors and plans pursued by the University in the field of digital transformation, as it was recently announced that the work on the University's digital transformation plan had been completed.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
مركز القلب في الجامعة ينظم دورة تدريبية بعنوان: "إنعاش القلب والرئتين ودعم الحياه الأساسي"

نظمت الجامعة العربية الأمريكية ممثلة بكلية التمريض ومركز القلب  دورة تطوعية تدريبية بعنوان "إنعاش القلب والرئتين ودعم الحياه الأساسي" للمجتمع المحلي والمؤسسات العاملة في مخيم عسكر الجديد شارك بالنشاط عدد من كوادر مركز القلب بعرض المهارات اللازمة لإنعاش القلب.

وتأتي هذه المبادرة استكمالا لنهج الجامعة ومركز القلب في نشر ثقافة انعاش القلب والرئتين  وتعزيز الشراكة ما بين المؤسسات المحلية والجامعة العربية الأمريكية خاصةً في ظل الوضع الأمني السيء الذي تتعرض له محافظة نابلس ومخيماتها.

 وأشارت الدكتورة لبنى حرازنة عميدة كلية التمريض إلى أهمية مشاركة طلاب الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في تنمية وتوعية المجتمع المدني من خلال تنفيذ أيام طبية وورشات عمل توعوية للمواطنين.


Wednesday, June 14, 2023
وفد من الجامعة ينهي زيارة ناجحة إلى مستشفيات عديدة في الأردن

زار وفد من الجامعة العربية الأمريكية بالتنسيق مع عطوفة الأستاذ الدكتور هاني النوافلة- رئيس مجلس التمريض الأردني عدة مستشفيات اردنية لبحث افاق التعاون والشراكة مع الجامعة في مجال تدريب طلبة برنامج الطب البشري وطلبة برامج البكالوريوس والماجستير في التمريض، هذا وقد ترأس الوفد الأستاذ الدكتور محمد اسيا – نائب الرئيس لشؤون الكليات الطبية وعضوية د. عماد أبو خضر- مساعد عميد كلية الدراسات العليا للشؤون الطبية، ود. ساجد غوادرة- مساعد عميد كلية التمريض لشؤون التدريب، قابل الوفد د.

في اليوم الثاني قام الوفد بزيارة مستشفى الأردن والاجتماع مع المدير الإداري- م. احمد خطاب، ومدير دائرة التدريب والتعليم أ.د. رياض سعيد، وتلاها زيارة المستشفى الاستشاري ولقاء المدير الطبي د. محمود أبو عبيلة وعمل جولة في أقسام المستشفى الحديثة.

هذا وقد أكد جميع مدراء المستشفيات استعدادهم لاستقبال طلبة كلية الطب البشري للتدريب السريري للسنوات الرابعة والخامسة والسادسة، وكذلك تدريب طلاب الجامعة في برامج البكالوريوس والماجستير في تخصصات التمريض، من خلال الاتفاقيات التي يجري العمل على إعدادها لتوقيعها بالقريب العاجل.

Monday, June 12, 2023
A Visit Aiming to Develop University Education and Scientific Research at AAUP Is Concluded by a Shenandoah University Delegation

A delegation from Shenandoah University concluded its visit to the Arab American University campuses in Jenin and Ramallah for four days. During this visit, workshops were held for members of the academic and administrative staff and students in nursing, allied medical sciences, engineering, information technology and some other majors.

This visit serves several purposes, most notably, strengthening the cooperative efforts of the two universities, strengthening the international partnership as well as resuming the agreements concluded between the two parties earlier when a delegation from the Arab American University visited Shenandoah University. This visit also aims to hold workshops aimed at developing university education and joint scientific research.

Monday, June 12, 2023
وفد من جامعة شيناندوه يختتم زيارته للجامعة العربية الأمريكية هدفها تطوير التعليم الجامعي والبحث العلمي

اختتم وفد من جامعة شيناندوه زيارته للجامعة العربية الأمريكية في حرميها جنين ورام الله، والتي استمرت لمدة أربعة أيام، تخللها تنظيم ورشات عمل لأعضاء الهيئتين الأكاديمية والإدارية والطلبة في تخصصات التمريض والعلوم الطبية المساندة والهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات وعدد من التخصصات العلمية.

وتأتي هذه الزيارة لعدة أهداف، أبرزها، تعزيز الجهود التعاونية للجامعتين، وتوثيق الشراكة الدولية، واستئناف الاتفاقيات التي أبرمت بين الطرفين، في وقت سابق عندما زار وفد من العربية الأمريكية لجامعة شيناندوه، بالإضافة إلى تنظيم ورشات عمل بهدف تطوير التعليم الجامعي والبحث العلمي المشترك

Thursday, June 8, 2023
The Heart Center at the University Holds a Training Course Entitled: "Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Basic Life Support"

The Arab American University, represented by the Faculty of Nursing and the Heart Center, held a voluntary training course entitled "Cardio-lung resuscitation and basic life support" for the local community and the institutions working in the new Askar Camp. In this course, cardiac center staff members participated and presented the necessary skills for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

This initiative comes as a continuation of the university and the heart center policy in spreading the culture of resuscitation of the heart and lungs and strengthening the partnership between local institutions and the Arab American University, especially in light of the bad security situation that the Nablus governorate and its camps are exposed to.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
AAUP and Shenandoah University Deliver a Joint Lecture on the Ethics and Values as One of the Pillars of Work within a Multidisciplinary Team

The Department of Occupational Therapy at the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences at the Arab American University, in cooperation with a specialist from the Department of Physical Therapy at Shenandoah University, delivered a lecture entitled "Ethics and Values as One of the Pillars of Work within a Multidisciplinary Team", targeting students of occupational therapy, prosthetics, speech and hearing, and bridging nursing.

Mohamed Salahat, a lecturer in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the Arab American University, and Dr. Mitchell Wiley from the Department of Physical Therapy at Shenandoah University delivered a lecture. This lecture comes within the ongoing partnership project between the two universities, within the COIL program, which aims to exchange experiences between academics and students from both universities.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
AAUP Holds a Training Workshop on Internal Auditing Following the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

The Quality Development Office at the Arab American University held a training workshop for members of the internal auditing team on the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system. Almost 20 internal auditors from various departments and faculties of the university participated in the training workshop.

Dr. Adli Saleh, Advisor to the Board of Directors for Planning, Development and Quality inaugurated the training workshop, stressing the need to consolidate the concept of total quality in the entire university environment, explaining the support of AAUP administration to develop quality in its comprehensive concept at the academic and administrative sides through the application of relevant best practices.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
Graduation of Students Participating in a Training Course Entitled "Social Perceptions of Addiction among Youth"

The General Police Directorate in Jenin Governorate, with the presence of the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Bashar Draghma, and the University Counseling Officer, Dr. Laila Herzallah, graduated a group of university students who participated in a course entitled: "Social Perceptions of Addiction among Youth."

The course included many topics, such as addiction, family protection and cybercrimes as well as educating young people and university students on the dangers of addiction that lead young people's lives to collapse in addition to destroying moral, social and patriotic values.

In conclusion, the university praises the role played by the Police Directorate in its various departments for the success of this course, and for its benefits in spreading awareness among the youth in the Palestinian society.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
AAUP Holds a Workshop on Ways of Using Electronic Information in Pharmacy Management

The Faculty of Pharmacy at the Arab American University held a workshop on using electronic information systems in the management of pharmacies, and how to use automatic dispensing machines in pharmacies. In this workshop, the University hosted Dr. Majdi Al-Shaarawy, General Manager of Novatech Medical Technology, with the presence of the Faculty’s academic staff and students.

The workshop aims to introduce the attendees to technological development and its importance in the pharmaceutical sector in improving the effectiveness of pharmacy work, patient safety, cost reduction, and medical malpractice.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
Businessman Yasser Mahmoud Abbas Visits AAUP Campus in Ramallah

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour, received the businessman, Mr. Yasser Mahmoud Abbas, in his office on the University campus in Ramallah. Mr. Yasser visited the University to get acquainted with it and its development plans.

The guest was received by Dr. Asfour, Eng. Anwar Al-Badawi, a member of the University Board of Directors and the Dean of the Faculty of Modern Sciences, Dr. Islam Amro.

For his part, Dr. Yousef Asfour welcomed the guest, and briefed him on the University's development plan and its achievements in the academic, scientific and technological fields. Dr. Asfour touched upon the endeavors and plans pursued by the University in the field of digital transformation, as it was recently announced that the work on the University's digital transformation plan had been completed.

Thursday, June 8, 2023
مركز القلب في الجامعة ينظم دورة تدريبية بعنوان: "إنعاش القلب والرئتين ودعم الحياه الأساسي"

نظمت الجامعة العربية الأمريكية ممثلة بكلية التمريض ومركز القلب  دورة تطوعية تدريبية بعنوان "إنعاش القلب والرئتين ودعم الحياه الأساسي" للمجتمع المحلي والمؤسسات العاملة في مخيم عسكر الجديد شارك بالنشاط عدد من كوادر مركز القلب بعرض المهارات اللازمة لإنعاش القلب.

وتأتي هذه المبادرة استكمالا لنهج الجامعة ومركز القلب في نشر ثقافة انعاش القلب والرئتين  وتعزيز الشراكة ما بين المؤسسات المحلية والجامعة العربية الأمريكية خاصةً في ظل الوضع الأمني السيء الذي تتعرض له محافظة نابلس ومخيماتها.

 وأشارت الدكتورة لبنى حرازنة عميدة كلية التمريض إلى أهمية مشاركة طلاب الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في تنمية وتوعية المجتمع المدني من خلال تنفيذ أيام طبية وورشات عمل توعوية للمواطنين.
