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Tuesday, July 18, 2023
شبكة قدرة من الداخل الفلسطيني تزور الجامعة العربية الأمريكية لبحث إمكانية التعاون

استقبل رئيس الجامعة العربية الأمريكية الأستاذ الدكتور علي زيدان أبو زهري، وفدا من شبكة قدرة من الداخل الفلسطيني، بهدف بحث إمكانية التعاون والتشبيك بين الطرفين. 

ضم الوفد الضيف كلا من، ريم يونس ووليد العفيفي عضوا مجلس الإدارة للشبكة ومؤسسا الشبكة، وأحمد مهنا مدير عام الشبكة، ومي مصالحة مدير البرامج والتشبيك، وكان إلى جانب رئيس الجامعة في الاستقبال، نائب رئيس الجامعة للشؤون الأكاديمية الدكتور مؤيد أبو صاع، وعميد شؤون الطلبة الدكتور بشار دراغمة، ومدير العلاقات العامة الدكتور فادي جمعة، وموظفة العلاقات العامة الأستاذة سماح داوهدي.

Monday, July 17, 2023
Defense of an M.A Thesis by Student Ahmed Abu Aisha in Cyber-Criminology and Digital Evidence Analysis

Student Ahmed Abu Aisha, a researcher in the Master's Program in Cyber-Criminology and Digital Evidence Analysis, defended his thesis entitled: "Digital Forensic Analysis Framework for Early Detection and Response to Insider Information Security Incidents in the Financial Sectors Environment."

This thesis presents a framework for the digital investigations used in the early detection and response to internal security threats and cyber security incidents that may arise in the institutions of global financial sector. Based on the grounded theory methodology as one of the most important tools of qualitative practical research and qualitative data collection, the proposed framework model was developed through reviewing the literature and comprehensive searches for a set of models for frameworks of digital investigations and response to security incidents and their improvement.

Monday, July 17, 2023
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير للطالب أحمد أبو عيشة في في علم الجريمة الإلكترونية وتحليل الأدلة الرقمية

ناقش الطالب أحمد أبو عيشة الباحث في برنامج الماجستير في علم الجريمة الإلكترونية وتحليل الأدلة الرقمية رسالته الموسومة ب: "إطار عمل التحليل الجنائي الرقمي للكشف المبكر عن حوادث أمن المعلومات الداخلية والاستجابة لها في بيئة القطاعات المالية".

تقدم هذه الرسالة إطار لعمل التحقيقات الرقمية المستخدمة في الكشف والاستجابة المبكرين للتهديدات الأمنية الداخلية وحوادث الأمن السيبراني التي قد تنشا من داخل مؤسسات القطاع المالي العالمي. حيث تم وبالاستناد إلى منهجية النظرية المتجذرة (Grounded Theory) كإحدى اهم أدوات البحث العملي النوعي وجمع البيانات النوعية، تطوير نموذج الإطار المقترح من خلال مراجعة الأدبيات وعمليات البحث الشامل لمجموعة من نماذج اطر عمل التحقيقات الرقمية والاستجابة للحوادث الأمنية وتحسينها.

Monday, July 10, 2023
Two AAUP Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine Receive an Award for the Best Master's Research in Anatomy in the United Kingdom

The two researchers, Dr. Othman Al Daher and Dr. Asaad Rabie, from the Department of Anatomy and Embryology at the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University, received the best research award from the University of Dundee in the United Kingdom, as their research papers were classified as the best thesis for a master's degree in anatomy.

Othman and Asaad are two physicians who hold master’s degrees from the CAHID Center for Anatomy, which is highly ranked in anatomy in the United Kingdom. They are currently working as lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University, and they were recently rewarded by the University of Dundee on the occasion of their merit for the best thesis for obtaining a master’s degree in anatomy.

Monday, July 10, 2023
The AAUP Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center Announces the Launch of the First Group of the International Summer School Program

The Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center at the Arab American University in Ramallah, in cooperation with The New School University in New York, USA, is launching the first session of the "International Graduate Studies" program for the summer 2023, starting from July 2 to August 18, with the participation of a group of students of different nationalities and specializations.

Many courses will be offered in the legal, political, social and cultural fields, with the participation of professors from the country and abroad, as well as graduate students from many countries of the world.

It is noteworthy that the international graduate program provides foreign students with an opportunity to study in Palestine and register for courses whose credit hours are accredited for the students at their universities. In addition, the program aims to enhance interaction between Palestinian and international students.

Monday, July 10, 2023
AAUP Participates in the International GreenMetric Ranking Workshop in Portugal

The Arab American University in Palestine participated in the events of the ninth international workshop on the International University Classification GreenMetric (IWGM 2023), which was held from 15 to 17 June 2023 at the campus of the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. The university was represented in this event by Dr. Sami Sader, Assistant Vice President for Planning, Development and Quality Affairs.

The event, which is organized annually, was held under the title: "Innovation, Impacts and Future Directions of Sustainable Universities". The workshop included the presentation of best practices applied by a number of international universities in the areas of sustainability in higher education institutions. 70 universities from 30 countries around the world participated in the event.

Sunday, July 9, 2023
The Speech of His Excellency the Minister of Communications, Dr. Yitzhak Sidr, at the First International Conference on Digital Transformation: Empowering the Digital Future

May the peace, blessings, and mercy of Allah be upon you

Prof. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, President of the Arab American University

His Excellency Minister Ahmed Assaf, General Supervisor of the official media

President's representative,

Mr. Stefan Embled, Director of the Palestine Branch of the World Bank

His Excellency Eng. Mohammed Bin Omar - Director General of the Arab Organization for Communication and Information Technologies

Excuse me at the outset to express my happiness participating in the opening ceremony of this international conference. I would like to thank the organizers of the event for the kind invitation and for the important organization at this crucial technical stage.

Sunday, July 9, 2023
Speech of the General Supervisor of Official Media, Minister Dr. Ahmed Assaf, at the First International Conference on Digital Transformation

Gentlemen, honorable guests, may Allah bless your morning

Mr. Representative of the President, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and President of the University


At the outset, I must extend my sincere thanks to the organizers of this important conference, which is related to the better future that we wish for our people.

Since the Corona pandemic, the shift towards digitalization has become a preoccupation for all countries and institutions, and global spending on digital transformation is expected to double over the next 5 years, from about 500 billion in 2020 to more than 1,000 billion in 2025.

Thursday, July 6, 2023
The Speech of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mowais, at the First International Conference on Digital Transformation

His Excellency President Abu Mazen, the sponsor of the conference, may Allah protect him, and his representative Dr. Ziyad Abu Amr.

Honorable Dr. Yousef Asfour, and his deputy, Honorable Engineer Zuhair Hijjawi,

My brothers, distinguished ministers, members of the platform of honor,

Gentlemen, each as per their love for Palestine, and all of you are the beloved of Palestine.

Honorable audience, in higher education, there are three directions for digital education:

First: the use of artificial intelligence (AI) such as CHAT GPT and machine learning, and here these technologies are already being used to personalize learning experiences, adapt content to individual learning styles, and provide real-time feedback to both teachers and students. AI and machine learning can also help in automating administrative tasks and data analysis, which saves teachers valuable time to focus on teaching.

Thursday, July 6, 2023
Speech of the Representative of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas at the First International Conference on Digital Transformation

I am honored to stand before you today as a representative of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen, President of the State of Palestine, may Allah protect him, under whose auspices this important and strategic conference is being held. I am honored to address this distinguished audience at the first international digital transformation conference, whether they are participating in this hall, through social networks, on satellite channels.

Sisters, brothers, and distinguished attendees,


Tuesday, July 18, 2023
شبكة قدرة من الداخل الفلسطيني تزور الجامعة العربية الأمريكية لبحث إمكانية التعاون

استقبل رئيس الجامعة العربية الأمريكية الأستاذ الدكتور علي زيدان أبو زهري، وفدا من شبكة قدرة من الداخل الفلسطيني، بهدف بحث إمكانية التعاون والتشبيك بين الطرفين. 

ضم الوفد الضيف كلا من، ريم يونس ووليد العفيفي عضوا مجلس الإدارة للشبكة ومؤسسا الشبكة، وأحمد مهنا مدير عام الشبكة، ومي مصالحة مدير البرامج والتشبيك، وكان إلى جانب رئيس الجامعة في الاستقبال، نائب رئيس الجامعة للشؤون الأكاديمية الدكتور مؤيد أبو صاع، وعميد شؤون الطلبة الدكتور بشار دراغمة، ومدير العلاقات العامة الدكتور فادي جمعة، وموظفة العلاقات العامة الأستاذة سماح داوهدي.

Monday, July 17, 2023
Defense of an M.A Thesis by Student Ahmed Abu Aisha in Cyber-Criminology and Digital Evidence Analysis

Student Ahmed Abu Aisha, a researcher in the Master's Program in Cyber-Criminology and Digital Evidence Analysis, defended his thesis entitled: "Digital Forensic Analysis Framework for Early Detection and Response to Insider Information Security Incidents in the Financial Sectors Environment."

This thesis presents a framework for the digital investigations used in the early detection and response to internal security threats and cyber security incidents that may arise in the institutions of global financial sector. Based on the grounded theory methodology as one of the most important tools of qualitative practical research and qualitative data collection, the proposed framework model was developed through reviewing the literature and comprehensive searches for a set of models for frameworks of digital investigations and response to security incidents and their improvement.

Monday, July 17, 2023
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير للطالب أحمد أبو عيشة في في علم الجريمة الإلكترونية وتحليل الأدلة الرقمية

ناقش الطالب أحمد أبو عيشة الباحث في برنامج الماجستير في علم الجريمة الإلكترونية وتحليل الأدلة الرقمية رسالته الموسومة ب: "إطار عمل التحليل الجنائي الرقمي للكشف المبكر عن حوادث أمن المعلومات الداخلية والاستجابة لها في بيئة القطاعات المالية".

تقدم هذه الرسالة إطار لعمل التحقيقات الرقمية المستخدمة في الكشف والاستجابة المبكرين للتهديدات الأمنية الداخلية وحوادث الأمن السيبراني التي قد تنشا من داخل مؤسسات القطاع المالي العالمي. حيث تم وبالاستناد إلى منهجية النظرية المتجذرة (Grounded Theory) كإحدى اهم أدوات البحث العملي النوعي وجمع البيانات النوعية، تطوير نموذج الإطار المقترح من خلال مراجعة الأدبيات وعمليات البحث الشامل لمجموعة من نماذج اطر عمل التحقيقات الرقمية والاستجابة للحوادث الأمنية وتحسينها.

Monday, July 10, 2023
Two AAUP Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine Receive an Award for the Best Master's Research in Anatomy in the United Kingdom

The two researchers, Dr. Othman Al Daher and Dr. Asaad Rabie, from the Department of Anatomy and Embryology at the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University, received the best research award from the University of Dundee in the United Kingdom, as their research papers were classified as the best thesis for a master's degree in anatomy.

Othman and Asaad are two physicians who hold master’s degrees from the CAHID Center for Anatomy, which is highly ranked in anatomy in the United Kingdom. They are currently working as lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University, and they were recently rewarded by the University of Dundee on the occasion of their merit for the best thesis for obtaining a master’s degree in anatomy.

Monday, July 10, 2023
The AAUP Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center Announces the Launch of the First Group of the International Summer School Program

The Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center at the Arab American University in Ramallah, in cooperation with The New School University in New York, USA, is launching the first session of the "International Graduate Studies" program for the summer 2023, starting from July 2 to August 18, with the participation of a group of students of different nationalities and specializations.

Many courses will be offered in the legal, political, social and cultural fields, with the participation of professors from the country and abroad, as well as graduate students from many countries of the world.

It is noteworthy that the international graduate program provides foreign students with an opportunity to study in Palestine and register for courses whose credit hours are accredited for the students at their universities. In addition, the program aims to enhance interaction between Palestinian and international students.

Monday, July 10, 2023
AAUP Participates in the International GreenMetric Ranking Workshop in Portugal

The Arab American University in Palestine participated in the events of the ninth international workshop on the International University Classification GreenMetric (IWGM 2023), which was held from 15 to 17 June 2023 at the campus of the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. The university was represented in this event by Dr. Sami Sader, Assistant Vice President for Planning, Development and Quality Affairs.

The event, which is organized annually, was held under the title: "Innovation, Impacts and Future Directions of Sustainable Universities". The workshop included the presentation of best practices applied by a number of international universities in the areas of sustainability in higher education institutions. 70 universities from 30 countries around the world participated in the event.

Sunday, July 9, 2023
The Speech of His Excellency the Minister of Communications, Dr. Yitzhak Sidr, at the First International Conference on Digital Transformation: Empowering the Digital Future

May the peace, blessings, and mercy of Allah be upon you

Prof. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, President of the Arab American University

His Excellency Minister Ahmed Assaf, General Supervisor of the official media

President's representative,

Mr. Stefan Embled, Director of the Palestine Branch of the World Bank

His Excellency Eng. Mohammed Bin Omar - Director General of the Arab Organization for Communication and Information Technologies

Excuse me at the outset to express my happiness participating in the opening ceremony of this international conference. I would like to thank the organizers of the event for the kind invitation and for the important organization at this crucial technical stage.

Sunday, July 9, 2023
Speech of the General Supervisor of Official Media, Minister Dr. Ahmed Assaf, at the First International Conference on Digital Transformation

Gentlemen, honorable guests, may Allah bless your morning

Mr. Representative of the President, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and President of the University


At the outset, I must extend my sincere thanks to the organizers of this important conference, which is related to the better future that we wish for our people.

Since the Corona pandemic, the shift towards digitalization has become a preoccupation for all countries and institutions, and global spending on digital transformation is expected to double over the next 5 years, from about 500 billion in 2020 to more than 1,000 billion in 2025.

Thursday, July 6, 2023
The Speech of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mowais, at the First International Conference on Digital Transformation

His Excellency President Abu Mazen, the sponsor of the conference, may Allah protect him, and his representative Dr. Ziyad Abu Amr.

Honorable Dr. Yousef Asfour, and his deputy, Honorable Engineer Zuhair Hijjawi,

My brothers, distinguished ministers, members of the platform of honor,

Gentlemen, each as per their love for Palestine, and all of you are the beloved of Palestine.

Honorable audience, in higher education, there are three directions for digital education:

First: the use of artificial intelligence (AI) such as CHAT GPT and machine learning, and here these technologies are already being used to personalize learning experiences, adapt content to individual learning styles, and provide real-time feedback to both teachers and students. AI and machine learning can also help in automating administrative tasks and data analysis, which saves teachers valuable time to focus on teaching.

Thursday, July 6, 2023
Speech of the Representative of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas at the First International Conference on Digital Transformation

I am honored to stand before you today as a representative of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen, President of the State of Palestine, may Allah protect him, under whose auspices this important and strategic conference is being held. I am honored to address this distinguished audience at the first international digital transformation conference, whether they are participating in this hall, through social networks, on satellite channels.

Sisters, brothers, and distinguished attendees,
