fbpx Selling Damaged Furniture - Quotations are accepted in sealed envelopes only - Auction#3\2023-2024 | ARAB AMERICAN UNIVERSITY
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Selling Damaged Furniture - Quotations are accepted in sealed envelopes only

Arab American University calls specialized companies to participate in the Auction mentioned below:
Selling Damaged Furniture - Quotations are accepted in sealed envelopes only
Tender/Quotation #: 
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Monday, June 3, 2024 - 14:15

Those who want’s to participate in the mentioned Auction must head to the Supplies and Procurement Department at the Arab American University campus, Jenin for a copy of the Auction according to the following conditions:
  1. University is not obliged to accept the highest prices and without providing a reason.
  2. University has the right to divide the auction into several bidders as the university deems appropriate without providing a reason.
  3. The bidder signs this form and writes the name and auction number on the sealed envelope.

For further information please contact the Office of Procurement and Purchasing at 042418888 – ext. 1491 or by e-mail pnpataaup.edu .