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الثلاثاء, مايو 28, 2024
The AAUP Faculties of Engineering and Information Technology Participate in the Eleventh Research and Innovation Competition

The Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Systems Engineering, and the Faculty of Information Technology, Department of Computer Science, represented the Arab American University and participated in the 11th Undergraduate Research and Innovation Competition (11th URIC) in the United Arab Emirates at Abu Dhabi University.

The first team from the Computer Systems Engineering Department consisted of students Rashid Abu Khader and Ibrahim Shawahneh under the supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Obaid with their graduation project titled: Platform for Connecting Investors with Startups and Senior Project Students: Enhancing Collaboration through Chatbots and Recommendation System. The second team consisted from the Department of Computer Science represented by students Aseel Al-Khatib under the supervision of Dr.

الاثنين, مايو 27, 2024
The Library and Archives Department at the Arab American University in Ramallah Holds a Training Course within the Project of Promoting and Disseminating the Palestinian Novel

The Library and Archives Department on the University’s Ramallah campus has held a training course in cooperation with the Palestine Wiki Society within the project of promoting and disseminating the Palestinian novel.

This training course, in which a group of bachelor’s students have participated, aimed to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of editing on the Wikipedia platform in Arabic. The training sessions focused on developing editing skills, scientific research as well as writing on the Wikipedia platform.

الاثنين, مايو 27, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Nursing Participates in the First International Nursing Conference

The Arab American University’s Faculty of Nursing has participated in the first international nursing conference titled “Trends in Nursing,” which was held at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan in Amman, under the sponsorship of Her Highness Princess Mona.

Academicians from the Faculty of Nursing at the Arab American University Palestine participated in the conference, presenting rich scientific research articles and studies, in addition to the participation of a number of students from the doctoral program in nursing, and graduates of the master's programs in nursing, whose research articles will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

الأربعاء, مايو 29, 2024
مجموعة من طلبة الطب البشري ينهون تدريباً عملياً في مستشفى Hclinic التخصصي

أنهت مجموعة من طلبة السنة الثانية في تخصص الطب البشري في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية برام الله تدريباً عملياً استمر على مدار أسبوعين في مستشفى Hclinic التخصصي.

وجاء التدريب ضمن مساق الجهاز القلبي الوعائي حيث خاض الطلبة أول تجربة تدريب سريري شملت مهارات فحص ضغط الدم ونبضات القلب، التعرف على الاضطرابات القلبية، مهارات أساسية في قراءة تخطيط القلب (ECG)، وحالات قلبية مثل آلام الصدر وصعوبة التنفس، وغيرها. كما شمل التدريب تعريف الطلبة أقسام المستشفى وآلية عملها والإجراءات الإدارية المتبعة في النظام الطبي.

الأربعاء, مايو 29, 2024
مناقشة أطروحة في برنامج دكتوراة في التمريض للطالب محمد طه قطيط

ناقش الباحث محمد طه قطيط الطالب في برنامج الدكتوراة في التمريض أطروحته الموسومة ب: " فعالية برنامج تدريبي في إدارة الوقت على جودة الرعاية التي يقدمها الممرضين العاملين في وحدات العناية المكثفة في المستشفيات الحكومية في الضفة الغربية".    

"Effectiveness of Time Management Training Program on Patient Quality of Care Performed by Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units in West Bank Government Hospital".

هدفت الدراسة إلى تحديد مدى فاعلية البرنامج التعليمي لإدارة وقت التمريض في وحدة العناية المكثفة وأثره على جودة الرعاية التمريضية المقدمة للمرضى في المستشفيات الحكومية الفلسطينية.

تم استخدام التصميم شبه التجريبي. واختيار عينة مكونة من 190 ممرضًا وممرضة، وكانت الأداة الثانية مرجعية للمراقبة للتحقق من جودة الرعاية للمرضى في وحدة العناية المكثفة وكان التدخل عبارة عن برنامج تعليمي حول إدارة الوقت مع التوضيحات والتخطيط وتحديد الأولويات وتحديد الأهداف والالتزام بالوقت أو إضاعته.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Abd Al Hameed Dardas in the Neonatal Nursing Program

Researcher Abd Al Hameed Hassan Dardas, a student in the master’s program in Neonatal Nursing, has defended his thesis titled “Assessment of Nursing Health Care Provided for Preterm Neonates Complaining from Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Southern West Bank.”

This descriptive study was conducted in neonatal intensive care units in all hospitals in the southern West Bank, namely Hebron Governmental Hospital, Al-Ahli Hospital, Al-Mizan Hospital, Red Crescent Specialized Hospital for Children, Yatta Governmental Hospital, Caritas Hospital, Saint Joseph Hospital (French), and Beit Jala Governmental Hospital. The sample included all male and female nurses working in the intensive care units in hospitals in the southern West Bank.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Loai Muawyah Zaben in the Nursing Program

Researcher Loai Muawyah Zaben, a student in the Ph.D. program in Nursing, has defended his dissertation titled "The Relationship between Job Stress and the Perception of Patient Safety Culture among Hospital Nurses in Palestine: Insights from a Large Mixed-Method Study."

This research examined the extent to which work stress affects patient safety culture in Palestinian hospitals, with the aim of improving health care outcomes and supporting health care workers. The study used a mixed and sequential interpretive approach, where the researcher collected data through self-filled questionnaires.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
Holder of the UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development, Dr. Majdi Owda is Hosted as a Guest Speaker at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom

The University of Essex in the United Kingdom has hosted Dr. Majdi Owda, Dean of the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Arab American University and holder of the “UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development,” to deliver a lecture titled: Open Science for Sustainable Development: An International Perspective .

Dr. Owda's lecture touched upon the importance of open science in sustainable development. Thus, he provided an international perspective on the collaborative efforts needed to address global challenges. He also discussed the main areas of open science and relevant actors.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
An AAUP Academician Participates in a Scientific Symposium on “Journalism During War” in Morocco

The Arab American University has participated in a scientific symposium on the reality of the work of journalism and journalists at times of crises and wars in Morocco.

The scientific symposium was organized by the “Bayt Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency” in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, on the sidelines of the distribution of awards for the second session of the “Al-Quds Al-Sharif Award for Journalistic Excellence in Development Media,” which went under the name of the late Moroccan journalist Mohamed Al Agdhaf Al Dah.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
A New Book Added to the Global Library as Part of a Series of Books Authored by Arab American University Academicians

Dr. Hussein AlAhmad, an academician at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has launched a new book titled “Consolidating Tyranny: The Political Echo in Arab Satellite News Media,” within the framework of academic books that address Arab conflicts and the media’s impact on them. 

In his book, Dr. AlAhmad presents a critical vision of how Arab satellite media, funded by the governments of rich countries that aspire to play a political role, influences the formation of the political scene, especially in non-democratic environments such as the Palestinian context and the Arab societies that suffer from internal conflicts.


الثلاثاء, مايو 28, 2024
The AAUP Faculties of Engineering and Information Technology Participate in the Eleventh Research and Innovation Competition

The Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Systems Engineering, and the Faculty of Information Technology, Department of Computer Science, represented the Arab American University and participated in the 11th Undergraduate Research and Innovation Competition (11th URIC) in the United Arab Emirates at Abu Dhabi University.

The first team from the Computer Systems Engineering Department consisted of students Rashid Abu Khader and Ibrahim Shawahneh under the supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Obaid with their graduation project titled: Platform for Connecting Investors with Startups and Senior Project Students: Enhancing Collaboration through Chatbots and Recommendation System. The second team consisted from the Department of Computer Science represented by students Aseel Al-Khatib under the supervision of Dr.

الاثنين, مايو 27, 2024
The Library and Archives Department at the Arab American University in Ramallah Holds a Training Course within the Project of Promoting and Disseminating the Palestinian Novel

The Library and Archives Department on the University’s Ramallah campus has held a training course in cooperation with the Palestine Wiki Society within the project of promoting and disseminating the Palestinian novel.

This training course, in which a group of bachelor’s students have participated, aimed to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of editing on the Wikipedia platform in Arabic. The training sessions focused on developing editing skills, scientific research as well as writing on the Wikipedia platform.

الاثنين, مايو 27, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Nursing Participates in the First International Nursing Conference

The Arab American University’s Faculty of Nursing has participated in the first international nursing conference titled “Trends in Nursing,” which was held at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan in Amman, under the sponsorship of Her Highness Princess Mona.

Academicians from the Faculty of Nursing at the Arab American University Palestine participated in the conference, presenting rich scientific research articles and studies, in addition to the participation of a number of students from the doctoral program in nursing, and graduates of the master's programs in nursing, whose research articles will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

الأربعاء, مايو 29, 2024
مجموعة من طلبة الطب البشري ينهون تدريباً عملياً في مستشفى Hclinic التخصصي

أنهت مجموعة من طلبة السنة الثانية في تخصص الطب البشري في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية برام الله تدريباً عملياً استمر على مدار أسبوعين في مستشفى Hclinic التخصصي.

وجاء التدريب ضمن مساق الجهاز القلبي الوعائي حيث خاض الطلبة أول تجربة تدريب سريري شملت مهارات فحص ضغط الدم ونبضات القلب، التعرف على الاضطرابات القلبية، مهارات أساسية في قراءة تخطيط القلب (ECG)، وحالات قلبية مثل آلام الصدر وصعوبة التنفس، وغيرها. كما شمل التدريب تعريف الطلبة أقسام المستشفى وآلية عملها والإجراءات الإدارية المتبعة في النظام الطبي.

الأربعاء, مايو 29, 2024
مناقشة أطروحة في برنامج دكتوراة في التمريض للطالب محمد طه قطيط

ناقش الباحث محمد طه قطيط الطالب في برنامج الدكتوراة في التمريض أطروحته الموسومة ب: " فعالية برنامج تدريبي في إدارة الوقت على جودة الرعاية التي يقدمها الممرضين العاملين في وحدات العناية المكثفة في المستشفيات الحكومية في الضفة الغربية".    

"Effectiveness of Time Management Training Program on Patient Quality of Care Performed by Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units in West Bank Government Hospital".

هدفت الدراسة إلى تحديد مدى فاعلية البرنامج التعليمي لإدارة وقت التمريض في وحدة العناية المكثفة وأثره على جودة الرعاية التمريضية المقدمة للمرضى في المستشفيات الحكومية الفلسطينية.

تم استخدام التصميم شبه التجريبي. واختيار عينة مكونة من 190 ممرضًا وممرضة، وكانت الأداة الثانية مرجعية للمراقبة للتحقق من جودة الرعاية للمرضى في وحدة العناية المكثفة وكان التدخل عبارة عن برنامج تعليمي حول إدارة الوقت مع التوضيحات والتخطيط وتحديد الأولويات وتحديد الأهداف والالتزام بالوقت أو إضاعته.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Abd Al Hameed Dardas in the Neonatal Nursing Program

Researcher Abd Al Hameed Hassan Dardas, a student in the master’s program in Neonatal Nursing, has defended his thesis titled “Assessment of Nursing Health Care Provided for Preterm Neonates Complaining from Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Southern West Bank.”

This descriptive study was conducted in neonatal intensive care units in all hospitals in the southern West Bank, namely Hebron Governmental Hospital, Al-Ahli Hospital, Al-Mizan Hospital, Red Crescent Specialized Hospital for Children, Yatta Governmental Hospital, Caritas Hospital, Saint Joseph Hospital (French), and Beit Jala Governmental Hospital. The sample included all male and female nurses working in the intensive care units in hospitals in the southern West Bank.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Loai Muawyah Zaben in the Nursing Program

Researcher Loai Muawyah Zaben, a student in the Ph.D. program in Nursing, has defended his dissertation titled "The Relationship between Job Stress and the Perception of Patient Safety Culture among Hospital Nurses in Palestine: Insights from a Large Mixed-Method Study."

This research examined the extent to which work stress affects patient safety culture in Palestinian hospitals, with the aim of improving health care outcomes and supporting health care workers. The study used a mixed and sequential interpretive approach, where the researcher collected data through self-filled questionnaires.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
Holder of the UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development, Dr. Majdi Owda is Hosted as a Guest Speaker at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom

The University of Essex in the United Kingdom has hosted Dr. Majdi Owda, Dean of the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Arab American University and holder of the “UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development,” to deliver a lecture titled: Open Science for Sustainable Development: An International Perspective .

Dr. Owda's lecture touched upon the importance of open science in sustainable development. Thus, he provided an international perspective on the collaborative efforts needed to address global challenges. He also discussed the main areas of open science and relevant actors.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
An AAUP Academician Participates in a Scientific Symposium on “Journalism During War” in Morocco

The Arab American University has participated in a scientific symposium on the reality of the work of journalism and journalists at times of crises and wars in Morocco.

The scientific symposium was organized by the “Bayt Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency” in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, on the sidelines of the distribution of awards for the second session of the “Al-Quds Al-Sharif Award for Journalistic Excellence in Development Media,” which went under the name of the late Moroccan journalist Mohamed Al Agdhaf Al Dah.

الأحد, مايو 26, 2024
A New Book Added to the Global Library as Part of a Series of Books Authored by Arab American University Academicians

Dr. Hussein AlAhmad, an academician at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has launched a new book titled “Consolidating Tyranny: The Political Echo in Arab Satellite News Media,” within the framework of academic books that address Arab conflicts and the media’s impact on them. 

In his book, Dr. AlAhmad presents a critical vision of how Arab satellite media, funded by the governments of rich countries that aspire to play a political role, influences the formation of the political scene, especially in non-democratic environments such as the Palestinian context and the Arab societies that suffer from internal conflicts.
