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الخميس, مارس 7, 2024
AAUP Holds a Workshop on Effective Presentation Skills for Its Students

The Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Arab American University has held a workshop for its students on effective presentation skills, presented by life skills trainer Ahmed Al Sadda via Zoom platform.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Education, Dr. Jamal Hanaysheh, said “Effective presentations are important for a person throughout his life, and are a recipe for success in academic, professional and personal life. The University, through these activities, is keen to present graduates to society who possess knowledge and skills and put them on the path to creating their successes and building their country.”

الأربعاء, مارس 6, 2024
AAUP Holds a Training Workshop for Public Relations Employees in Local Authorities

The Faculty of Modern Media at the Arab American University in Ramallah has held a training workshop targeting employees of public relations departments in local authorities titled “Public Relations in Local Government Institutions: Towards Effective Communication with the Public.”

More than fifty representatives of public relations departments in municipalities and local councils from Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Hebron, Bethlehem, Nablus, Jenin, and Qalqilya participated in the workshop.

The meeting was inaugurated by Professor Dr. Mohammad Asia, Vice President for Ramallah Campus. He stressed the importance of strengthening the integrated relationship between the University and local authorities. Dr. Asia also stressed the vital role played by local authorities in serving the community and promoting positive communication.

الأربعاء, مارس 6, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Ayser To’mi in the Data Science and Business Analytics Program

Researcher Ayser Maysara To’mi, a student in the Master’s program in Data Science and Business Analytics, has defended his thesis titled: “A Machine Learning-Based Analysis of the Impact of University Specialization on the Unemployment Rate.”

This research presented two models for classifying data on graduates in general, and data on some specializations in particular, by employment status (employed, unemployed). This was through applying machine learning algorithms to data from the Labor Force Survey carried out by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

The researcher created a classification model using five different algorithms - Random Forest, DT, XGBoost, KNN, and AdaBoost for graduate data in general, and three algorithms were applied to classify the data according to university specialization.

الثلاثاء, مارس 5, 2024
AAUP Holds a Free Medical Day for Families from the Local Community

Today, the Arab American University hosted people from the neighboring villages and towns of Qabatiya, Zababda, Misliya, Raba and Jalqamous for a free medical day.

The free medical day for families included medical, advisory, and therapeutic services provided by brain, neurosurgery, and spine specialist Dr. Malik Zaben, orthopedic and joint surgery specialist, Dr. Imad Abu Al Rub, dental and maxillofacial surgery specialist, Dr. Mohammad Riyad Jaradat as well as Dr. Ahed Zakarneh.

الاثنين, مارس 4, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Fouad Rasheed in the International Law and Diplomacy Program

Researcher Fouad Mamoun Rasheed, a student in the Master’s program in International Law and Diplomacy, has defended his thesis titled: “The Role of Informal Factors in Strengthening Palestinian Diplomacy: Public Diplomacy (1993-2023).”

The study aimed to identify the role of informal factors in strengthening Palestinian diplomacy: public diplomacy between 1993 and 2023. The researcher sought to analyze how unofficial parties interacted with the Palestinian government and how this cooperation contributed to strengthening Palestinian diplomatic efforts.

الأحد, مارس 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis on the Effect of Honey on Breast Cancer Cells at the Arab American University

Researcher Hadeel Habis Hamarsheh, a student of Cellular and Molecular Bio Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has defended her thesis titled “The Effect of Honey Samples on Breast Cancer Cells.”

In her thesis, the researcher touched on the effect of honey samples depending on the type of blossoms. There were some effects on cell growth in the laboratory. Thus, these samples reduced cancer cell growth, inflammation, and oxidation, in addition to limiting the spread of cancer cells.

الخميس, مارس 7, 2024
الجامعة تنظم لطلبتها ورشة في مهارات العرض التقديمي الفعال

نظم قسم اللغة العربية والإعلام في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية لطلبته ورشة في مهارات العرض التقديمي الفعال "البرزنتيشن"، قدمها مدرب المهارات الحياتية أحمد السده من خلال برنامج "زوم".

وقال عميد كلية الآداب والتربية د. جمال حنايشة إن العروض التقديمية الفعالة مهمة للإنسان على مدار حياته، وهي وصفة للنجاح في الحياة الأكاديمية والمهنية والشخصية، والجامعة من خلال هذه الأنشطة حريصة على تقديم خريجين للمجتمع  يمتلكون العلم والمهارات، وتضعهم على طريق صناعة نجاحاتهم وبناء وطنهم.

بدوره أكد رئيس قسم اللغة العربية والإعلام أ. صدقي موسى على أن مهارات العرض تعتبر إحدى المهارات الأساسية للطلبة الجامعيين، والتي يغفل عنها بعض الطلبة ويتعاملون مع هذه المهارات بسطحية وعدم اهتمام.

الخميس, فبراير 29, 2024
Arab American University Participates in the Activities of the First Student Conference of the Association of Deans of Student Affairs at Al Ain University

The Arab American University participated in the activities of the first student conference of the Association of Deanships of Student Affairs at Al Ain University in the United Arab Emirates, under the title “Sustaining the Quality of University Life.” These activities were under the sponsorship of Her Highness Dr. Shamma Mohammed Al Nahyan in which a number of Arab universities participated.

The Arab American University was represented by Dr. Fadi Jumaa, Dean of Student Affairs and member of the Executive Committee of the Association of Deanships of Student Affairs, who also participated in managing scientific sessions in the conference. The activities were also attended by Professor Dr. Amr Salama, Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, Dr. Nour El Din Atatreh, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Al Ain University, and Dr. Ghaleb Al Rifai, President of Al Ain University, and Professor Dr.

الأربعاء, فبراير 28, 2024
AAUP and the Ministry of Agriculture Implement an Agricultural Activity in the Area Surrounding the University

The Office of the Assistant to the President for Community Affairs at the Arab American University, in cooperation with the Directorate of Agriculture in Jenin, implemented an agricultural activity of planting olive seedlings in the area between the towns of Zababdeh and Raba. The activity was under the slogan “Prosperity and Sustainability”. It was implemented by a group of volunteering students from the University.

The Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, confirmed that the University is always keen to enhance the culture of voluntary work among students. She added that the University aims to increase awareness of students’ role in assuming responsibility, promoting the values of teamwork, Palestinian identity, the culture of belonging to the land and preserving, beautifying and afforesting the environment. AAUP also seeks to have community partnership in serving the local community and helping farmers, she added.

الأربعاء, فبراير 28, 2024
An AAUP Delegation Visits Jenin and Al-Razi Hospitals to Enhance Cooperation

A delegation from the Faculty of Nursing at the Arab American University has visited the Jenin Governmental Hospital and Al-Razi Hospital in the city of Jenin, and held a meeting with the directors of the two hospitals and nursing. This visit took place in order to enhance cooperation and honor the hospitals in appreciation of their efforts and continued cooperation.

The delegation was met with the Director of Nursing at Jenin Governmental Hospital, Jreese Khader, the Director of Al-Razi Hospital, Dr. Fawaz Hammad, and the Director of Nursing at Al-Razi Hospital, Mohammad Sabbah.


الخميس, مارس 7, 2024
AAUP Holds a Workshop on Effective Presentation Skills for Its Students

The Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Arab American University has held a workshop for its students on effective presentation skills, presented by life skills trainer Ahmed Al Sadda via Zoom platform.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Education, Dr. Jamal Hanaysheh, said “Effective presentations are important for a person throughout his life, and are a recipe for success in academic, professional and personal life. The University, through these activities, is keen to present graduates to society who possess knowledge and skills and put them on the path to creating their successes and building their country.”

الأربعاء, مارس 6, 2024
AAUP Holds a Training Workshop for Public Relations Employees in Local Authorities

The Faculty of Modern Media at the Arab American University in Ramallah has held a training workshop targeting employees of public relations departments in local authorities titled “Public Relations in Local Government Institutions: Towards Effective Communication with the Public.”

More than fifty representatives of public relations departments in municipalities and local councils from Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Hebron, Bethlehem, Nablus, Jenin, and Qalqilya participated in the workshop.

The meeting was inaugurated by Professor Dr. Mohammad Asia, Vice President for Ramallah Campus. He stressed the importance of strengthening the integrated relationship between the University and local authorities. Dr. Asia also stressed the vital role played by local authorities in serving the community and promoting positive communication.

الأربعاء, مارس 6, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Ayser To’mi in the Data Science and Business Analytics Program

Researcher Ayser Maysara To’mi, a student in the Master’s program in Data Science and Business Analytics, has defended his thesis titled: “A Machine Learning-Based Analysis of the Impact of University Specialization on the Unemployment Rate.”

This research presented two models for classifying data on graduates in general, and data on some specializations in particular, by employment status (employed, unemployed). This was through applying machine learning algorithms to data from the Labor Force Survey carried out by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

The researcher created a classification model using five different algorithms - Random Forest, DT, XGBoost, KNN, and AdaBoost for graduate data in general, and three algorithms were applied to classify the data according to university specialization.

الثلاثاء, مارس 5, 2024
AAUP Holds a Free Medical Day for Families from the Local Community

Today, the Arab American University hosted people from the neighboring villages and towns of Qabatiya, Zababda, Misliya, Raba and Jalqamous for a free medical day.

The free medical day for families included medical, advisory, and therapeutic services provided by brain, neurosurgery, and spine specialist Dr. Malik Zaben, orthopedic and joint surgery specialist, Dr. Imad Abu Al Rub, dental and maxillofacial surgery specialist, Dr. Mohammad Riyad Jaradat as well as Dr. Ahed Zakarneh.

الاثنين, مارس 4, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Fouad Rasheed in the International Law and Diplomacy Program

Researcher Fouad Mamoun Rasheed, a student in the Master’s program in International Law and Diplomacy, has defended his thesis titled: “The Role of Informal Factors in Strengthening Palestinian Diplomacy: Public Diplomacy (1993-2023).”

The study aimed to identify the role of informal factors in strengthening Palestinian diplomacy: public diplomacy between 1993 and 2023. The researcher sought to analyze how unofficial parties interacted with the Palestinian government and how this cooperation contributed to strengthening Palestinian diplomatic efforts.

الأحد, مارس 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis on the Effect of Honey on Breast Cancer Cells at the Arab American University

Researcher Hadeel Habis Hamarsheh, a student of Cellular and Molecular Bio Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has defended her thesis titled “The Effect of Honey Samples on Breast Cancer Cells.”

In her thesis, the researcher touched on the effect of honey samples depending on the type of blossoms. There were some effects on cell growth in the laboratory. Thus, these samples reduced cancer cell growth, inflammation, and oxidation, in addition to limiting the spread of cancer cells.

الخميس, مارس 7, 2024
الجامعة تنظم لطلبتها ورشة في مهارات العرض التقديمي الفعال

نظم قسم اللغة العربية والإعلام في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية لطلبته ورشة في مهارات العرض التقديمي الفعال "البرزنتيشن"، قدمها مدرب المهارات الحياتية أحمد السده من خلال برنامج "زوم".

وقال عميد كلية الآداب والتربية د. جمال حنايشة إن العروض التقديمية الفعالة مهمة للإنسان على مدار حياته، وهي وصفة للنجاح في الحياة الأكاديمية والمهنية والشخصية، والجامعة من خلال هذه الأنشطة حريصة على تقديم خريجين للمجتمع  يمتلكون العلم والمهارات، وتضعهم على طريق صناعة نجاحاتهم وبناء وطنهم.

بدوره أكد رئيس قسم اللغة العربية والإعلام أ. صدقي موسى على أن مهارات العرض تعتبر إحدى المهارات الأساسية للطلبة الجامعيين، والتي يغفل عنها بعض الطلبة ويتعاملون مع هذه المهارات بسطحية وعدم اهتمام.

الخميس, فبراير 29, 2024
Arab American University Participates in the Activities of the First Student Conference of the Association of Deans of Student Affairs at Al Ain University

The Arab American University participated in the activities of the first student conference of the Association of Deanships of Student Affairs at Al Ain University in the United Arab Emirates, under the title “Sustaining the Quality of University Life.” These activities were under the sponsorship of Her Highness Dr. Shamma Mohammed Al Nahyan in which a number of Arab universities participated.

The Arab American University was represented by Dr. Fadi Jumaa, Dean of Student Affairs and member of the Executive Committee of the Association of Deanships of Student Affairs, who also participated in managing scientific sessions in the conference. The activities were also attended by Professor Dr. Amr Salama, Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, Dr. Nour El Din Atatreh, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Al Ain University, and Dr. Ghaleb Al Rifai, President of Al Ain University, and Professor Dr.

الأربعاء, فبراير 28, 2024
AAUP and the Ministry of Agriculture Implement an Agricultural Activity in the Area Surrounding the University

The Office of the Assistant to the President for Community Affairs at the Arab American University, in cooperation with the Directorate of Agriculture in Jenin, implemented an agricultural activity of planting olive seedlings in the area between the towns of Zababdeh and Raba. The activity was under the slogan “Prosperity and Sustainability”. It was implemented by a group of volunteering students from the University.

The Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, confirmed that the University is always keen to enhance the culture of voluntary work among students. She added that the University aims to increase awareness of students’ role in assuming responsibility, promoting the values of teamwork, Palestinian identity, the culture of belonging to the land and preserving, beautifying and afforesting the environment. AAUP also seeks to have community partnership in serving the local community and helping farmers, she added.

الأربعاء, فبراير 28, 2024
An AAUP Delegation Visits Jenin and Al-Razi Hospitals to Enhance Cooperation

A delegation from the Faculty of Nursing at the Arab American University has visited the Jenin Governmental Hospital and Al-Razi Hospital in the city of Jenin, and held a meeting with the directors of the two hospitals and nursing. This visit took place in order to enhance cooperation and honor the hospitals in appreciation of their efforts and continued cooperation.

The delegation was met with the Director of Nursing at Jenin Governmental Hospital, Jreese Khader, the Director of Al-Razi Hospital, Dr. Fawaz Hammad, and the Director of Nursing at Al-Razi Hospital, Mohammad Sabbah.
