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الثلاثاء, فبراير 20, 2024
 مناقشة رسالة ماجستير للطالبة لارا خماش

ناقشت الباحثة لارا خماش الطالبة في برنامج الماجستير في الإعلام الرقمي المتكامل رسالتها الموسومة ب: "السرد البصري في أفلام المناصرة: حالات من فلسطين وحول العالم".

وتتعمق الدراسة في استكشاف سرد القصص السينمائية من زوايا مختلفة، كما تسلط الضوء على الدور الفريد الذي تلعبه الأفلام في تعزيز حقوق وتمثيل الفئات المهمشة في فلسطين وحول العالم من خلال العمل على تحليل خمسة أفلام. ويدرس البحث كيفية الاستفادة من الأفلام كوسيلة للتغيير من خلال التأثير في المشاهدين عن طريق التمثيلات المختلفة لهذه الفئات.

الاثنين, فبراير 19, 2024
AAUP Researchers Participate in the Annual Palestine Forum in Doha

As part of AAUP’s commitment to promoting scientific research and participating in international academic forums, representatives of the University participated in the annual Palestine Forum in its second session 2024, which was held in the Qatari capital, Doha.

The participation included two research papers, the first by Ms. Rola Shahwan, Director of the Library and Archives on the University’s Ramallah campus, and the second was a joint research between Dr. Ayman Yousef, Professor of Political Science at the University, and Mr. Mustafa Sheta, Director of the Freedom Theater and graduate of the Master’s Program in Conflict Resolution and Development, who is currently imprisoned by the occupation.

الأحد, فبراير 18, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Quality Management in Health Institutions Program by Khitam Dar Al-Deek

Researcher Khitam Dar Al-Deek, a student in the Master’s program in Quality Management in Health Institutions, defended her thesis titled: “Exploring the Role of Trust as a Mediating Factor between Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Health Care.”

The research aims to understand how trust in health service providers, especially doctors and nurses, acts as a mediator that affects the relationship between patient satisfaction and the joint quality of health care services among patients residing in the internal medicine ward in three governmental hospitals in the West Bank, Palestine.

الثلاثاء, فبراير 20, 2024
مركز القلب في الجامعة يشارك في منتدى الرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا بدبي

شارك مركز القلب في الجامعة العربية الامريكية في منتدى الرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا   2024 المنظم من قبل جمعية القلب الامريكية والذي عقد في دبي، ومثل الجامعة كلا من الدكتور عماد أبو خضر منسق المركز والأستاذ احمد حدرب مدير المركز والأستاذ فريد أبو الليل مدرب معتمد لدى جمعية القلب الأمريكية.

بدورهما أشار كلا من الدكتور أبو خضر والأستاذ حدرب ان هذا المنتدى يعزز التواصل الدولي لمركز القلب مع باقي المراكز العالمية ومواكبة التحديثات في المواد التعليمية واجهزه التدريب، موضحين ان حضور الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في مثل هذا المحفل الدولي يمثل ويدعم دورها عالمياً في مجال إنعاش القلب والرئتين ونشر هذه الثقافة.

الأحد, فبراير 18, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Innovation in Education Program by Student Rola Tafesh

Researcher Rula Tafesh, a student in the Master’s Program in Innovation in Education, defended her thesis titled: “The Effectiveness of an Educational Program Based on Educational Games in Improving Attention and Perception among Students with Learning Difficulties.”

The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of an educational program based on popular games in improving attention and perception among students with learning difficulties. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher used the experimental method with an experimental design. The researcher employed two instruments: the first was the part related to attention and perception, and the second was the program based on popular educational games. The program consisted of 10 sessions.

الأربعاء, فبراير 14, 2024
An Intensive Training Program for Bachelor of Financial Engineering Students at the Arab Bank Training Center

In confirmation of Arab American University's commitment to enhancing students' skills and experiences in their specialization and in partnership with the Arab Bank, fourteen students from the Bachelor of Financial Engineering in the Faculty of Data Science will begin an intensive training program at the Arab Bank's training center next week.

The program aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully integrate into the financial and banking labor market and to link the academic aspect with a set of practical and applied skills.

The program, which lasts for a month, includes two stages; in the first stage, students will participate in five intensive training courses covering a wide range of topics, including products and services of the macro, micro and medium businesses sector as well as products and services of the individual banking sector focusing on digital transformation.

الأربعاء, فبراير 14, 2024
The Arab American University Discusses Prospects for Enhancing Cooperation in the Human Rights Program with the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in Qatar

The Director of the Department of Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmad Ashgar met with Dr. Moataz Al-Fajiri, Director of the Human Rights Program at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in the State of Qatar.

The meeting focused on discussing ways of enhancing academic and research cooperation in areas related to academic programs and courses associated with human rights and recent international experiences within the framework of the quality of academic education, especially in the Administrative Law and Constitutional System Program and the Criminal Sciences Program at the Arab American University.

الثلاثاء, فبراير 13, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Applied Islamic Finance Program by Student Malak Shehadeh

Researcher Malak Shehadeh, a student in the Master’s program in Applied Islamic Finance, defended her thesis titled: “Sharia Supervision Governance in Islamic Banks as Perceived by the Banks’ Senior Management.”

The study aimed to identify the governance of Sharia supervision in Islamic banks as perceived by the banks’ senior management. This is to ensure that Islamic banks continue to adhere to honesty and legality in their activities and transactions, which achieves remarkable success for them in all profitability rates and in all fields.

الاثنين, فبراير 12, 2024
The Arab American University Implements a Program for Building Personal and Life Skills Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University, in cooperation with the British Otermans Institute, implemented a program for building personal and life skills using artificial intelligence techniques. This program targeted the University students and focused on refining life and personal skills through innovative learning methods, which gave it an exceptional and distinct character.

Engineer Mays Awad, Director General of the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence, explained that the program aimed to provide the students of the Arab American University with twenty-first century skills, with a prominent focus on investing in artificial intelligence techniques to improve the quality of education by providing innovative digital interactive sessions and realistic practical tests, including direct assessment for achievement and progress of the trainee students as well as following up on them.

الاثنين, فبراير 12, 2024
The Arab American University Hosts the Director General of the Turkish Golden Child Organization

The Vice President of the Arab American University - Ramallah Campus, Professor Dr. Mohammad Asia, and the Director of the Prosthetics and Orthotics Factory, Engineer Mustafa Irshaid, met with the representative of the Turkish delegation, the Director General of the Turkish Golden Child Organization, Mr. Ali Koyungu.

The meeting included an introductory tour of the largest and only prosthetics and orthotics factory in the Middle East, which is concerned with the field of manufacturing and providing high-quality limbs at the national and regional levels, due to the factory’s distinction in employing modern technology in this field, which contributes fundamentally to facilitating the daily life of patients who have lost one of their limbs.


الثلاثاء, فبراير 20, 2024
 مناقشة رسالة ماجستير للطالبة لارا خماش

ناقشت الباحثة لارا خماش الطالبة في برنامج الماجستير في الإعلام الرقمي المتكامل رسالتها الموسومة ب: "السرد البصري في أفلام المناصرة: حالات من فلسطين وحول العالم".

وتتعمق الدراسة في استكشاف سرد القصص السينمائية من زوايا مختلفة، كما تسلط الضوء على الدور الفريد الذي تلعبه الأفلام في تعزيز حقوق وتمثيل الفئات المهمشة في فلسطين وحول العالم من خلال العمل على تحليل خمسة أفلام. ويدرس البحث كيفية الاستفادة من الأفلام كوسيلة للتغيير من خلال التأثير في المشاهدين عن طريق التمثيلات المختلفة لهذه الفئات.

الاثنين, فبراير 19, 2024
AAUP Researchers Participate in the Annual Palestine Forum in Doha

As part of AAUP’s commitment to promoting scientific research and participating in international academic forums, representatives of the University participated in the annual Palestine Forum in its second session 2024, which was held in the Qatari capital, Doha.

The participation included two research papers, the first by Ms. Rola Shahwan, Director of the Library and Archives on the University’s Ramallah campus, and the second was a joint research between Dr. Ayman Yousef, Professor of Political Science at the University, and Mr. Mustafa Sheta, Director of the Freedom Theater and graduate of the Master’s Program in Conflict Resolution and Development, who is currently imprisoned by the occupation.

الأحد, فبراير 18, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Quality Management in Health Institutions Program by Khitam Dar Al-Deek

Researcher Khitam Dar Al-Deek, a student in the Master’s program in Quality Management in Health Institutions, defended her thesis titled: “Exploring the Role of Trust as a Mediating Factor between Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Health Care.”

The research aims to understand how trust in health service providers, especially doctors and nurses, acts as a mediator that affects the relationship between patient satisfaction and the joint quality of health care services among patients residing in the internal medicine ward in three governmental hospitals in the West Bank, Palestine.

الثلاثاء, فبراير 20, 2024
مركز القلب في الجامعة يشارك في منتدى الرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا بدبي

شارك مركز القلب في الجامعة العربية الامريكية في منتدى الرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا   2024 المنظم من قبل جمعية القلب الامريكية والذي عقد في دبي، ومثل الجامعة كلا من الدكتور عماد أبو خضر منسق المركز والأستاذ احمد حدرب مدير المركز والأستاذ فريد أبو الليل مدرب معتمد لدى جمعية القلب الأمريكية.

بدورهما أشار كلا من الدكتور أبو خضر والأستاذ حدرب ان هذا المنتدى يعزز التواصل الدولي لمركز القلب مع باقي المراكز العالمية ومواكبة التحديثات في المواد التعليمية واجهزه التدريب، موضحين ان حضور الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في مثل هذا المحفل الدولي يمثل ويدعم دورها عالمياً في مجال إنعاش القلب والرئتين ونشر هذه الثقافة.

الأحد, فبراير 18, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Innovation in Education Program by Student Rola Tafesh

Researcher Rula Tafesh, a student in the Master’s Program in Innovation in Education, defended her thesis titled: “The Effectiveness of an Educational Program Based on Educational Games in Improving Attention and Perception among Students with Learning Difficulties.”

The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of an educational program based on popular games in improving attention and perception among students with learning difficulties. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher used the experimental method with an experimental design. The researcher employed two instruments: the first was the part related to attention and perception, and the second was the program based on popular educational games. The program consisted of 10 sessions.

الأربعاء, فبراير 14, 2024
An Intensive Training Program for Bachelor of Financial Engineering Students at the Arab Bank Training Center

In confirmation of Arab American University's commitment to enhancing students' skills and experiences in their specialization and in partnership with the Arab Bank, fourteen students from the Bachelor of Financial Engineering in the Faculty of Data Science will begin an intensive training program at the Arab Bank's training center next week.

The program aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully integrate into the financial and banking labor market and to link the academic aspect with a set of practical and applied skills.

The program, which lasts for a month, includes two stages; in the first stage, students will participate in five intensive training courses covering a wide range of topics, including products and services of the macro, micro and medium businesses sector as well as products and services of the individual banking sector focusing on digital transformation.

الأربعاء, فبراير 14, 2024
The Arab American University Discusses Prospects for Enhancing Cooperation in the Human Rights Program with the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in Qatar

The Director of the Department of Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmad Ashgar met with Dr. Moataz Al-Fajiri, Director of the Human Rights Program at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in the State of Qatar.

The meeting focused on discussing ways of enhancing academic and research cooperation in areas related to academic programs and courses associated with human rights and recent international experiences within the framework of the quality of academic education, especially in the Administrative Law and Constitutional System Program and the Criminal Sciences Program at the Arab American University.

الثلاثاء, فبراير 13, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Applied Islamic Finance Program by Student Malak Shehadeh

Researcher Malak Shehadeh, a student in the Master’s program in Applied Islamic Finance, defended her thesis titled: “Sharia Supervision Governance in Islamic Banks as Perceived by the Banks’ Senior Management.”

The study aimed to identify the governance of Sharia supervision in Islamic banks as perceived by the banks’ senior management. This is to ensure that Islamic banks continue to adhere to honesty and legality in their activities and transactions, which achieves remarkable success for them in all profitability rates and in all fields.

الاثنين, فبراير 12, 2024
The Arab American University Implements a Program for Building Personal and Life Skills Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University, in cooperation with the British Otermans Institute, implemented a program for building personal and life skills using artificial intelligence techniques. This program targeted the University students and focused on refining life and personal skills through innovative learning methods, which gave it an exceptional and distinct character.

Engineer Mays Awad, Director General of the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence, explained that the program aimed to provide the students of the Arab American University with twenty-first century skills, with a prominent focus on investing in artificial intelligence techniques to improve the quality of education by providing innovative digital interactive sessions and realistic practical tests, including direct assessment for achievement and progress of the trainee students as well as following up on them.

الاثنين, فبراير 12, 2024
The Arab American University Hosts the Director General of the Turkish Golden Child Organization

The Vice President of the Arab American University - Ramallah Campus, Professor Dr. Mohammad Asia, and the Director of the Prosthetics and Orthotics Factory, Engineer Mustafa Irshaid, met with the representative of the Turkish delegation, the Director General of the Turkish Golden Child Organization, Mr. Ali Koyungu.

The meeting included an introductory tour of the largest and only prosthetics and orthotics factory in the Middle East, which is concerned with the field of manufacturing and providing high-quality limbs at the national and regional levels, due to the factory’s distinction in employing modern technology in this field, which contributes fundamentally to facilitating the daily life of patients who have lost one of their limbs.
