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The Arab American University and the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom Sign an Agreement to Enhance Medical Cooperation

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Arab American University and the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom have signed a cooperation agreement with the aim of enhancing medical cooperation between the two universities in an important step and as a continuation of the University’s endeavor to enhance scientific and academic cooperation with leading institutions inside and outside Palestine. This agreement aims also at training medical students from the Arab American University on University of Glasgow’s campus in the UK.

The agreement was signed by Professor Mohammad Asia, Vice President of the Arab American University, and on behalf of the University of Glasgow, Mrs. Rachel Sandison, Vice Chancellor of the University for External Cooperation and Deputy Dean of External Relations. The signing took place in the United Kingdom with the presence of Dr. Malik Zaben, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Baraa Asfour, Vice President for Financial and Administrative Affairs, and Professor Matthew Waters, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing at the University of Glasgow.

Professor Mohammad Asia stated that this agreement comes within the University’s endeavor to build associations with a number of universities in the United Kingdom to contribute to the development of scientific and medical cooperation. "The Arab American University is interested in providing significant opportunities for medical students to gain valuable clinical experiences and practical training that helps them develop their medical skills through direct communication with a distinctive medical environment", he added.

In turn, Mrs. Rachel Sandison expressed the importance of this agreement and said: “This cooperation will create important opportunities to provide specialized academic teaching and training in addition to the exchange of students between the two universities.” “As an international university, Glasgow has a diverse network of global partnerships that provide opportunities for our students, colleagues and partners to enrich their educational, teaching and research experiences”, she added.

Dr. Malik Zaben, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University, said: “This agreement provides opportunities for the exchange of professors and students and cooperation in research and many other areas of common interest.” He also pointed out that the training will enable students to learn about the latest practices and techniques in the field of medicine, which will enhance the quality of education as well as scientific and medical qualification.

Dr. Bara Asfour stressed that the Arab American University is very interested in strengthening relations with important universities and institutions at the local and international levels, and that this agreement comes as a culmination of its ongoing efforts in this field. "We are proud to partner with one of the most important universities in the United Kingdom, and we seek to extend this agreement to include additional aspects in the near future", Dr. Asfour added.

For his part, Professor Matthew Watters said: “The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Glasgow is proud of this partnership with the Arab American University in Palestine to enrich the educational experiences of students at the two academic institutions.”

"In the first phase of this cooperation, Glasgow is hosting a group of students to attend a medical summer school that will provide them with the experience of medical education in the United Kingdom and clinical practice. We look forward to hosting them and to further developing our partnership in the future", he added.