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AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Faculty of Arts and Education at the Arab American University has held an educational symposium on the environment and biodiversity, in cooperation with the Environmental Education Center, targeting the department’s students. The symposium was hosted by the Environmental Quality Authority and the Marj Ibn Amer Women’s Forum.

The symposium was held with the presence of the head of the Arabic Language and Media Department at the University, Mr. Sudqi Mousa, the journalist specializing in environmental affairs, Mr. Abdalbasit Khalaf, and representatives of the Environmental Quality Authority, engineers Nour Al-Din Shtayyeh and Dana Abu Tabikh.

في بداية الندوة، رحب الأستاذ صدقي موسى بالحضور، وأكد على أهمية الندوة التي تستهدف طلبة قسم اللغة العربية والإعلام وطلبة العلاقات العامة، مشيرا إلى أن الإعلام البيئي لا يقل أهمية عن الإعلام السياسي والاقتصادي وغير ذلك، لأن هذا الإعلام يركز على القضايا التي تؤثر على المجتمع الفلسطيني، وبالتالي هذه الندوات تساهم في زيادة الوعي لدى الطلبة في مجال البيئة.

At the beginning of the symposium, Mr. Sudqi Mousa welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of the symposium, which targets students of the Arabic Language and Media Department and students of public relations. He pointed out that environmental media is no less important than political and economic media, etc., because this media focuses on issues that affect the Palestinian society. Therefore, such symposiums contribute to increasing students’ awareness in the field of the environment.

For his part, journalist Abdalbasit Khalaf said that the symposium was held on the occasion of World Biodiversity Day, in addition to promoting the concept of the environment and the mechanism for preserving it among students in particular and the Palestinian community in general, indicating his pride in the partnership with the Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Arab American University.

In turn, engineer Dana Abu Tabikh from the Environmental Quality Authority in Jenin provided a general overview of the authority and the mechanism by which it implements it through environmental laws in order to preserve the Palestinian environment. She touched on the role of the Environmental Quality Authority, whether in monitoring, raising awareness, or providing the necessary licenses.

For his part, Engineer Nour El-Din Shtayyeh from the Environmental Quality Authority presented a scientific paper on biodiversity in Palestine, its uses, and the mechanism for preserving this space, which is considered food and medicine.

Members of the Marj Ibn Amer Feminist Forum presented their experiences in the mechanism of preserving the Palestinian environment through pioneering projects they carried out through the forum.

AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity
AAUP Holds an Educational Symposium on the Environment and Biodiversity