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The university hosted Indian experts to give lectures to students of the Faculty of IT and Engineering and the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Arab American University hosted some Indian experts to give two scientific lectures to students of the Faculty of IT and Engineering and the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences under the organization of the office of V.P for Community Affairs.


The first lecture for the expert Golden Raymon under the name” Software quality in Business context، Importance of measurement، V-Model and Quality Management System، Software Testing & Corporate Management Perspective” for the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences students.
The second lecture was by Kaushal Sharma under the name “What are the current Trends and Technologies to make mobile application more user friendly، cloud based، location based، secure، M-commerce، banking، Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile App Integration” for Faculty of IT and Engineering students.
Dr. Nizam Diab asserted on the importance of these lectures especially that Indian experts are giving them. The university discussed means of continuous collaboration with the Centre of Developing Calculations to train students and graduates.