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Sunday, July 11, 2021
AAUP Announces the Beginning of the Procedures to Get the ADEE Leader for the Faculty of Dentistry

Under collaboration with Mak International

In a ceremony organized by the Faculty of Dentistry, the Quality Department in AAUP and Mak International, Arab American University announced the beginning of the procedures to get the ADEE Leader- The Dental Excellence Program.

Representing the University President Prof. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, Dr. Mo’ayad AbuSaa- the VP for Academic Affairs attended the ceremony along with Prof. Mohammad Asia- the VP for the Medical Schools Affairs, Dr. Ameed Abu Ali- the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Eng. Yasmeen AbuBaker- the CEO of Mak International, Dr. Nibal Sabri- the ADEE Leader Advisor, Eng. Mays Awad- the Quality Department Manager in AAUP, the staff of the Faculty of Dentistry and AAUP staff and Faculty members.  

Wednesday, January 27, 2021
AAUP Hosts the Medical Council Certification Exam, the Palestinian Board in Dentistry

Under joint collaboration between the Faculty of Dentistry in Arab American University and the Palestinian Medical Council, the laboratories and clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry in AAUP hosted the Palestinian Board Certificate Exam (the oral and clinical part in Prosthodontics) for November, under the supervision of a scientific committee headed by Dr. Ziad Abu Arrah and includes both Dr. Ibrahim Nashashibi and Dr. Naji Anadi as members.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019
AAUP Dentistry Students Organizes Awareness and Examination Field Trips for over 300 Students in the Jordan Valley Schools

As part of the social responsibility that Arab American University greatly encourages, the Dentistry Students at the university organized awareness and examination field trips for over 300 school students in the Jordan Valley. Some of the school students needed further treatment and were transferred to continue their free treatment in the clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry.


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