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Thursday, June 13, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Dentistry Hosts Egyptian Researcher Dr. Mustafa Hamed

The Faculty of Dentistry at the Arab American University has hosted the Egyptian international researcher and lecturer, Dr. Mustafa Hamed, a specialist in the field of pediatric dentistry, via Zoom, in a scientific lecture on pediatric dentistry entitled Oral Drugs Prescription in Pediatric Dentistry.

Head of the Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Mohammad Thabet, said that the lecture targeted students for the “fourth and fifth” clinical years, thanking Dr. Mustafa Hamed for his efforts in disseminating knowledge based on scientific evidence.

Sunday, June 2, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Medical Day in the Apartheid Wall Adjacent Villages

The Arab American University has held a free medical day in the villages adjacent to the apartheid wall, targeting the villages of Al-Kholjan, Um Dar, Zabda, and Tura.

The University delegation included Dr. Ahed Zakarneh, a general physician, Dr. Imad Abu Al-Rub, a surgeon orthopedist, and a delegation from the Faculties of Dentistry and Allied Medical Sciences, represented by Dr. Nidaa Fashafsheh, and Ms. Kifaya Abu Aziza, a psychological and social specialist. The University delegation also included students from the Faculty of Nursing. The medical delegation was accompanied by the President’s Assistant for Community Affairs, Dr.

Sunday, September 3, 2023
The European Association ADEE Honors AAUP’S Faculty of Dentistry

The European Association of Dentistry (ADEE) honored the Faculty of Dentistry at the Arab American University during the annual meeting of the European Dental Education Association (ADEE) for obtaining the European accreditation ADEE Leader, as the first dental faculty in Palestine to obtain a prestigious international accreditation.

AAUP was represented in this global forum by Professor Dr. Mohammed Asia, Vice President for Medical Faculties Affairs, Dr. Mohammed Jaradat, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, and Dr. Nibal Sabry, Educational Development Advisor at the faculty. At the forum, Professor Pal Parkful presented a plaque of appreciation to the Faculty of Dentistry, appreciating the great efforts made to obtain the European accreditation.


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