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Sunday, August 21, 2022
The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Accredits the Computer Systems Engineering Program at the Arab American University

The Computer Systems Engineering program at the Faculty of Engineering at the Arab American University has obtained the international academic accreditation from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), an independent American body specialized in evaluating and assuring the quality of engineering, technology, and applied science programs worldwide.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Hazem Khanfar, stated that the Faculty submitted a self-report on the program on 1/7/2021. The evaluation process started on 10/1/2021. After this evaluation process, a specialized professional academic team from ABET visited the university.

Monday, January 24, 2022
AAUP Organizes the Final Ceremony for the Competition of the Best Idea of a Technological Application in the Medical Field "DocTech"

Hassib Sbbagh Center and IEEE- AAUP organized the final ceremony for the best technological application in the medical field DocTech under collaboration with Israa Programming Company and Spark for Consultation and Training.

The ceremony was under the auspices of Prof. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri- the University President and during the ceremony, the three teams which won the first places in the competition were announced knowing that 20 teams from AAUP participated in this competition. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Moayad Abu Saa- the VP for Academic Affairs representing the President, Eng. Muhannad Hijawi- the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hassib Sabbagh Center, Dr. Muna Dumaidi- representing IEEE- Palestine, Dr. Wisam Sbaihat- the Health Director of Jenin Governorate and Mr.

Sunday, January 23, 2022
AAUP Wins the First Three Places in IEEE Pioneers Region 8

After participating in “Pioneersregion 8” contest, Arab American University won the first three places. This contest was organized by IEEE – AAUP branch under collaboration with An Najah National University branch and Birzeit University branch in the Palestinian-Indian Technology Park in Birzeit University which was organized under sponsorship of Jawwal and the Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology.

Dr. Ishaq Seder- the Minister of Telecommunication and Information Technology, Eng. Adnan Samarah- the Chairman of the Supreme Council for Creativity and Excellence and Dr. Muath Sabha from Arab American University attended the final ceremony.

This competition is specialized in Business pioneer and startups and participants must prepare and provide startup ideas that revolve around solving an environmental, social, educational or health problem with the usage of technology and pioneering.


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