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Monday, May 20, 2024
The American University of Shenandoah Hosts the Director of International Relations at the Arab American University, Dr. Lana Shehadeh

Dr. Lana Shehadeh, Director of International and Academic Relations at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has visited Shenandoah University in the US state of Virginia and met with the university’s president, Dr. Tracy Fitzsimmons.

The visit revolved around examining opportunities to expand academic and research cooperation at various levels between the two universities, as the university had previously signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening cooperative efforts and strengthening the international partnership between the two universities.

Sunday, May 12, 2024
The New School University Hosts the Arab American University Academician and Cartoonist Mohammad Sabaaneh

The New School University has hosted the cartoonist and academician at the Arab American University, Mr. Mohammad Sabaaneh, as part of the “Comics and Picture-Story Week” events held by the Faculty of Arts at The New School University, New York City.

The lecture, which took place via the Zoom platform, touched upon the role of comics in collective memory, as Mr. Sabaaneh presented several experiences from different parts of the world and compared them to his own experience through releasing the first Palestinian comic story published in the United States in 2021 and translated into Italian and French. The lecture also discussed the practices of the occupation within the framework of settler colonialism and how Sabaaneh documented these policies through visual arts.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Harvard University Hosts Dr. Dalal Iriqat, Associate Professor at the Arab American University

The Harvard University has hosted Dr. Dalal Iriqat, an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Graduate studies of the Arab American University, to give a significant lecture on the Palestinian case within the “Middle East Dialogues” series. By this, Dr Iriqat becomes the first Palestinian academician to be hosted at Harvard University since the beginning of the war crimes in Gaza.

The lecture was held with the presence and active participation of more than 150 figures from Harvard University, including students and professors. Dr. Iriqat presented the Palestinian narrative in its historical dimension, affirming her rejection for enclosing the October 7th.  She stressed the importance of her participation in the lecture given the great influence of the student community, especially at Harvard University, in making public and foreign policies in the United States of America and around the world.


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