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Sunday, June 2, 2024
AAUP’s Academician and Cartoonist Mohammad Sabaaneh Participates in the Prishtina Comics Festival in Kosovo and Delivers Lectures at the University of the Arts in London and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark

Cartoonist and academician at the Faculty of Modern Sciences at the Arab American University in Ramallah, Mr. Mohammad Sabaaneh, participated in the Prishtina Comics Festival, which was held in Kosovo.

During his participation, Mr. Sabaaneh has launched the Albanian version of his book, “Power Born of Dream” published in the United States, making it available in five languages. The book includes scenes from the lives of Palestinians under systematic occupation, and in 2022 it won the award for the best translated book on the Palestinian case.

During his attendance at the festival, Sabaaneh participated in an exhibition by a group of international comic artists, where he displayed a collection of his artwork.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
AAUP Library and Archives Director - Ramallah Campus, Ms. Rola Shahwan, Participates in the Arab Film Festival in Berlin

Ms. Rola Shahwan, Director of the Library and Archives at the Arab American University - Ramallah Campus, has participated in the events of the fifteenth Arab Film Festival in Berlin, Germany last week. This year's festival was devoted to displaying and discussing Palestinian films related to the Palestinian conflict, whether old films revived and displayed, or new ones.

The festival had a distinctive representation of the Palestinian narrative on German cinemas and presented a Palestinian perspective to Arab and German audiences.

Monday, January 13, 2020
The conclusion of Shashat 11th festival entitled “Let’s Watch a Movie” that was holding the motto of “I am Palestinian” as 20 films were presented with AAUP students attendance.

The Deanship of Student Affairs in AAUP and Shashat Institution celebrated the conclusion of Shashat 11th festival entitled “Let’s Watch a Movie” that was under the motto “I am Palestinian”. 20 films were screened during the festival with the attendance of AAUP students.

“Let’s Watch a Movie” festival is a cultural and community related project that started three years ago and is funded by the European Union, the Switzerland institution CFD and Poland Representative in Palestine.


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