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Sunday, August 12, 2018
Jülich Research Center, Germany

A team of researchers from the University made a scientific visit to the Jülich Research Center in Germany and met the research teamwork from the Center, and was introduced to their unique researches in applied physics, neuroscience, and computer science fields and to enhance future cooperation.

The research team included both the Dean of Scientific Research Dr. Mahmoud Manasra, the Dean of the Faculty of Science Dr. Moayad Abu Saa. The lecturer in the Faculty of Science Dr. Firas Al-Batah, lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Dr. Mohammad Mari, in addition to a group of students candidated to complete their higher studies in the Masters and Ph.D.

Sunday, March 25, 2018
Part of the lecture

The Arab American University Ramallah campus hosted the German expert Christoph Dinkelaker in Media, social networking websites and Middle Eastern Studies in a lecture for students of the Comparative Peace Processes and Peacebuilding course in the Master of Conflict Resolution and Development Program.

The course instructor Prof. Dr. Ayman Yousef, Professor of Political Science and Conflict Resolution at the University, welcomed the German expert. Pointing to the importance of direct face-encounters with national and international expertise, as they have a positive impact on the students' rationality of thinking, broaden their horizons in knowledge and scientific research.

Saturday, March 10, 2018
University VP for Training Affairs Dr. Nizam Diab welcoming the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD representative in Palestine Christena Shtalbook

The Arab American University and German Academic Exchange Service DAAD held a lecture to introduce the foundations offered scholarships for graduate studies at German and Jordanian university, attended by the University VP for Training Affairs Dr. Nizam Diab, a number of the administrative and faculty members and university students.

Dr. Diab started the lecture by stressing on the relationship between the university and the DAAD Foundation in the area of offered scholarships to university students and its teaching and administrative staff to complete their postgraduate studies in German and Jordanian universities. Noting that the university, its employees and students benefit annually from these scholarships in many distinguished strategic disciplines, as well as research visits.


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