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Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Farah Abdullatif, a student in the Master in Data Sciences and Business Analytics Defends her Thesis

Under joint supervision with Julich Institute (Forschungszentrum Jülich) in Germany

Student Farah Mohammad Abdullatif, who is a student in the Master in Data Sciences and Business Analytics in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, defended her thesis entitled:

“AConvolutional Neural Network Framework for the Identification ofIndividual Neuronal Biomarkers based on Functional Brain Connectivityusing Magnetoencephalography

Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The president assistant at AAUP Eng. Bara Asfour welcomed a delegation from Bielefeld city – Germany

The president assistant of administration and financial affairs at AAUP Eng. Bara Asfour welcomed a delegation from Bielefeld city – Germany, with a delegation from Zabadah municipality who have visited the university in order to discuss ways of cooperation in scientific and cultural fields, and academic exchange between the university and Bielefeld University in Germany.

During the visit, Eng. Asfour gave a briefing about the university its objectives, vision and philosophy. Along with the academic programs in doctoral, master and bachelor degrees. As he mentioned the university's scientific and academic partnerships with many American and European universities, which aim to exchange experiences, and to offer joint academic programs that meet the Palestinian market, and the global market with the latest scientific and technological developments.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Discussing ways of collaboration between the University and the German Cultural Attaché

The VP of International Relations Dr. Dalal Erekat from AAUP discussed ways of enhancing research and academic collaborations with research centers and German Universities, during her meeting with the cultural Attaché in the office of the Representative of Germany, the Counselor Mr. Ulrich Kane,

Dr. Erekat the VP of International Relations gave a brief overview of the university and its academic programs and specializations offered in PhD, MA and BA degrees. She also discussed partnerships between the university and regional and international institutions, including Germany. Furthermore, she added that the university is looking forward to expand partnerships and cooperation at the Arab and international levels.


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