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Hassib Sabbagh

Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Part of the Honoring

Hassib Al-Sabbagh IT Center for Excellence at the University honored Raghad Saed Maslamani in 11th grade at Tubas Girls Secondary School, for qualifying to the second stage on the Palestinian level at the competition in Palestine Science and Technology exhibition 2019, annually organized by the Ministry of Education.

Raghad received third place in Tubas governorate her project " Window to Their Spectrum," which focuses on children with autism to find solutions to their behaviors. The project was hosted by Hassib Al Sabbagh Center.

The Center congratulated Raghad and her family on this achievement, wishing them excellence and achieving good results during the second phase of the competition.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

A team of students from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University was qualified for the second phase of the Palestinian start-up support program "PASS", in addition to Arab American University, many universities at the national level has participated as: Jerusalem University, Birzeit University, The idea of the project is to design a device that measures and analyzes ECG signals later, using data mining techniques to predict the patient's cardiac arrhythmias and to find a cure for them before complications occur.

The project, represented by the students Abdul Salam Mansour, Mukhlis Turkman and Sawahra, will receive a funding of an amount of US $ 7,000 for the development of the initial and final models of the system, as well as financial models and studies for the project, work plan and feasibility study. This comes within the framework of the program implemented by Leaders Foundation and the funding of the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the participation of Hassib Al-Sabbagh Center for Information Technology Excellence at the University.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Part of the Workshop

Hasib Al Sabbagh Center for Information Technology Excellence at Arab American University completed the second phase of a workshop titled "Building Block Chain Using Go Language", with the partnership of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university and the club "GDG Jenin", where the workshop targeted more than fifty students and graduates, while the first phase was hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

The workshop was hosted by Fadi Karakba, IT Officer at GBooking company that’s specialized in electronic solutions for organizing reservations in Russia. Where Mr. Fadi discussed many following topics: Basic prototype, Concept of miners the Proof-of-work, Transactions & Intro to server side development "using nodeJS and MongoDB.


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