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Hassib Sabbagh

Thursday, September 2, 2021
Hassib Al Sabbagh Center in AAUP Organizes a Training Course about Dental Clinics Management

Hassib Sabbagh Information Technology Center of Excellence in Arab American University organized a training course in Caesar Hotel- Ramallah, the course was about Dental Clinics Management, where they hosted the international trainer in the medical management Dr. Aref Al Abed.

The course was about the registration and licensing of the dental clinics, developing the personal skills of the dentists and how these skills impact how they treat patients, the financial management to the clinic and how to prepare accounting reports, the marketing strategies and how to build doctor/ clinic relations, the preparing of work plans to develop the clinic, time management and respecting appointments, and the purchases and expenses management.

Sunday, August 29, 2021
Part of the DocTech activities that were held at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences.

Hassib Al Sabbagh Center for Information Technology in Arab American University and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) started the activities of the DocTech Competition under joint collaboration with the faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences.

This local contest available for all students of Arab American University provides the opportunity to raise awareness in the local community of the importance of entrepreneurship and supporting the creative projects, as the participated teams competed to develop pioneering ideas for specialized smart phone applications in the medical and health sector.

Each participant team combines of at least two people and a maximum of four people, and winners will be rewarded cash prizes.

Sunday, March 28, 2021
Hassib Sabbagh IT Center in AAUP Concludes the Training Course under Collaboration with Otermans British Institution

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center for Excellence in Arab American University and under joint partnership with Otermans British Organization, Bethlehem Development Organization, CCC and the Pakistani Organization of Aljadid Manpower Services concluded a training funded course of “personal and occupational skills between youth in Palestine” that targeted the Palestinian graduates and pioneers from the Palestinian community.

The training was provided by a specialized staff from Otermans organization in London in addition to some other trainers from British Universities such as: University of Cambridge, University of Birmingham, Brunel University London, etc.

The training course focused on developing the practical skills in students in order to be able to prepare work reports in English, the right planning for projects, the modern ways in leading and working in teams, and prepare students to have their personal goals to get a position.


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