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Sunday, March 17, 2019

The President of Arab American University Prof. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, welcomed the Deputy Director of General Intelligence Major General Azzam Zakarneh, who visited the university and gave a lecture to its students about the importance of student awareness to be updated with the latest technology and its challenges.

The Assistant President for Community Affairs Dr. Iyad Dalbeh, Dr. Jamal Hanishih, Mr. Ekamil, and the President of Student Council, and the coordinator of Al-Shabibih Movement and the Mufti Mohammad Salah Abu Saed also welcomed the Major General Azzam Zakarneh.

Monday, March 11, 2019
The university hosts Palestinian universities on the guidance day for “Al-Injaz” high school students

The University in cooperation with the Ministry of Education & Higher Education, a Guidance day for “Al-Injaz” high school students, with the participation of 20 high educational institutions of Universities and colleges, and more than 3000 students from different schools from the directorates of education in Jenin, Tubas and Qabatiya.

The Guidance Day which was held at the sports hall in the university, was part of a meeting series organized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in eight Palestinian governorates. The aim of this day is to introduce high school students to the specializations available in educational institutions and to help them choose the university and the appropriate specialization that suits their needs and the market needs.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University hosted the 13th National Championship for Educational Robotics in Palestine, "First Lego" organized by Fiker institution entitle "Space", in which 30 teams of students participated from the Directorates of Education in the northern West Bank

The First Lego World Robotics Competition is a global scientific competition held in more than 88 countries in the world, and all teams deal with the same title and operate on the same standards. It is also one of the most exciting and fast-paced competitions. It is a combination of education and creativity, on the other hand it is designed for the age group of 9 years and up to 16 years old of school students, each team consists of "2 - 10" students in addition to the coach and supervisor.


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