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Sunday, June 9, 2024
The Faculty of Information Technology at the Arab American University Participates in the Events of the Jenin Technical Forum

The Faculty of Information Technology at the Arab American University has participated in the Jenin Technical Forum with the aim of raising technological awareness and providing opportunities for workers in this sector. This is in addition to building a communication network aimed at linking workers in this sector and helping Jenin to advance technologically and open new horizons for all those interested in the IT sector.

The Faculty was represented at the event by its Dean, Dr. Mohammad Marie, the Head of the Computer Science and Networks Departments, Mr. Raafat Amarneh, and a group of academics and students from the Faculty.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024
AAUP Holds an Environmental Agriculture Event and Inaugurates a National Product Marketing Exhibition

The Arab American University, in cooperation with the Caritas Jerusalem Foundation, has held an environmental agriculture event and the opening of a marketing exhibition for national rural products, in partnership with Caritas International Belgium, the Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority, and the Jenin Governorate Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and with funding from the Belgian Development Cooperation and Caritas France.

The event comes on the occasion of World Environment Day, as part of the Social Cohesion Program for Rural Communities, with the aim of enhancing resilience, social cohesion and economic empowerment of rural communities by focusing on youth and women.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
The Arab American University and Sharek Forum Hold an Event to Award Certificates of Excellence

The Deanship of Student Affairs at the Arab American University has handed over certificates to the University students who participated in the Excellence Program and graduated from its current session.

It is noteworthy that the Tamayoz Program is an initiative of the Sharek Youth Forum in partnership with Palestinian universities. It seeks to qualify university students for the labor market through programs and events specifically designed to hone their various life skills at the personal, professional and social levels.


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