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Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Defense of A Doctoral Dissertation by Fatima Ghannam in the Program of Educational Administration

The Ph.D. researcher in the Educational Administration program, Fatima Ishtayeh Ghannam, defended her thesis which is entitled: "The Relationship between Organizational Loyalty and the Change Leadership among Palestinian School Principals: the Skill of Decision-Making as a Mediating Variable - A Proposed Model."

The study aimed at revealing the relationship between organizational loyalty and the leadership of change among all Palestinian school principals in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate, employing the descriptive-correlational approach.

Thursday, March 23, 2023
AAUP Offers the First Ph.D. Program of Its Kind in Palestine in “Public Relations, Communication, and Media”

Ramallah: The Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University launched the first Ph.D. program of its kind in Palestine in Public Relations, Communication, and Media in partnership with the Ecole de journalism (ESJ) in Paris.

The program, which will be offered in the academic year 2023/2024, targets holders of an M.A. degree in all humanitarian disciplines, in addition to those working in the field of Media and Public Relations.

The applicant for the Ph.D. program in Public Relations, Communication, and Media is required to have an M.A. degree with at least a "very good" standing or its equivalent, a B.A. degree with at least a "good" standing or its equivalent according to the regular study system, and to pass a personal interview and an English language exam.

Monday, February 21, 2022
A Seminar for PhD Students about Merging Technology with Education

The Faculty of Graduate Studies in Arab American University- Ramallah organized a seminar for its 2nd year PhD students in Educational Administration; the seminar was about “the reality of merging technology with education”.

Dr. Hiba Abu Ziad- the Faculty Member in AAUP supervised this seminar along with Dr. Shahinaz Najjar- the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dr. Mohammad Umran- the Head of the Educational Administration Department and Dr. Naser Saafin- a Faculty Member in AAUP.

The seminar aimed to train students on the scientific research techniques and to encourage them to participate in international conferences.


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