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University Admission Policy


AAUP is committed to providing equal access to high-quality education and ensuring a fair and transparent admissions process. This policy outlines the University’s principles and standards for university admissions, which are designed to identify and select highly motivated and qualified applicants who demonstrate the potential to thrive academically and contribute positively to our university community.

Policy Statement

AAUP is dedicated to the following principles and standards for university admissions:

  1. Fair and Transparent Process:
    • AAUP maintains a fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory admissions process that adheres to applicable laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines.
    • AAUP provides clear and accessible information about admission requirements, procedures, deadlines, and selection criteria to prospective applicants.
  2. Merit-Based Selection:
    • AAUP evaluates applicants based on their academic achievements, intellectual potential, personal qualities, and other relevant criteria established by each program or faculty.
    • AAUP considers a holistic view of each applicant, considering their academic record, standardized test scores (if applicable), essays, recommendations, and other factors.
  3. Equal Opportunity and Access:
    • AAUP promotes equal opportunity and strives to eliminate barriers that may prevent individuals from diverse backgrounds from applying to the university.
    • AAUP provides support services to applicants with disabilities to ensure equal access and participation in the admissions process.
  4. Inclusive Admissions Criteria:
    • AAUP recognizes the value of diversity and the benefits it brings to the university community.
    • AAUP’s admissions criteria consider various dimensions of diversity, including but not limited to, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, and geographic origin.
  5. Timely and Clear Communication:
    • AAUP communicates admission decisions promptly, providing applicants with clear instructions and guidance regarding acceptance, enrollment, and other necessary steps.
    • AAUP maintains effective channels of communication to address inquiries, provide updates, and assist applicants throughout the admissions process.
  6. Continuous Improvement:
    • AAUP regularly reviews and evaluates its admissions policies, practices, and criteria to ensure their alignment with its educational mission, goals, and evolving best practices.
    • AAUP actively seeks feedback from applicants, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders to improve the admissions process and enhance its fairness and effectiveness.

Implementation and Compliance

To ensure the successful implementation of this University Admission Policy, AAUP will:

  1. Designate responsible individuals or offices to oversee the implementation, communication, and monitoring of this policy.
  2. Develop and regularly update comprehensive guidelines and procedures that align with this policy to ensure consistency and fairness in the admissions process.
  3. Provide training and support to admissions staff and committees to ensure they understand and apply the admissions criteria consistently and impartially.
  4. Establish mechanisms for reviewing and revising admission criteria, considering the changing educational landscape, societal needs, and legal requirements.
  5. Maintain regular communication with applicants, providing them with updates, information, and support throughout the admissions process.


The following measures (indicators) can be used to assess the utilization of this policy:

  1. Application Quality: Average scores or qualifications of admitted students compared to established admission criteria.
  2. Diversity and Inclusion: Percentage increase in the representation of diverse student backgrounds within admitted cohorts.
  3. Retention Rates: Percentage of admitted students who successfully progress to the next academic year.
  4. Student Success: Percentage of admitted students achieving satisfactory academic progress and degree completion.
  5. Feedback and Improvements: Number of policy revisions based on feedback and evolving educational standards.

Policy Ownership and Stakeholder(s)

Policy Owner

Deanship of Admission and Registration

Other stakeholder(s)

VP for Academic Affairs