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Monday, April 1, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Lilian Atili in the Integrated Digital Media Program

Researcher Lilian Romel Atili, a student in the Master’s program in Integrated Digital Media, has defended her thesis titled “Representations of Women in the Palestinian Contemporary Cinema.”

This study explores the representation of Palestinian women in contemporary Palestinian films, by analyzing how these films depict women’s roles, images, social roles, and their contribution to the narrative. This study employs a theoretical framework consisting of the Bechdel test, Todorov's narrative, and Stuart Hall's representations. The researcher analyzed ten Palestinian films that won awards and were nominated at major film festivals.

Sunday, April 7, 2024
مناقشة رسالة ماجستير في برنامج تمريض البالغين للطالب حسان مصلح

ناقش الباحث حسان حكمت مصلح الطالب في برنامج الماجستير في تمريض البالغين رسالته الموسومة ب:

"Association between Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) among Students in a Palestinian University: A Cross-Sectional Study".


تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على مرض القولون العصبي والاكتئاب والقلق والتوتر والارتباط بينهما لدى طلبة الجامعة الفلسطينيين. استخدم الباحث تصميمًا تحليليًا كميًا مقطعيًا، لعينة من 372 طالباً جامعياً من 13 كلية في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في فلسطين وتم ملء استبيان ذاتي يحتوي على معايير (روما 4) لتشخيص القولون العصبي، وأداة مقياس الاكتئاب والقلق والتوت.

Sunday, April 7, 2024
مناقشة رسالة ماجستير في برنامج التخطيط الاستراتيجي وتجنيد الأموال للطالبة بتول حمد

ناقشت الباحثة بتول أحمد حمد الطالبة في برنامج الماجستير في التخطيط الاستراتيجي وتجنيد الأموال رسالتها الموسومة ب: " تعزيز ممارسات المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات وأثرها على التنمية المستدامة في القطاع المصرفي في فلسطين".

"Enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility Practices and Their Impact on Sustainable Development in The Banking Sector in Palestine".

هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم درجة تطبيق المسؤولية الاجتماعية في القطاع المصرفي في فلسطين، وأثرها على التنمية المستدامة. تم اتباع المنهج الكمي للإجابة على أسئلة الدراسة واختبار الفرضيات لتلخيص أبعاد تعزيز ممارسات المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات وأثرها على التنمية المستدامة في القطاع المصرفي في فلسطين؛ حيث اعتمدت الباحثة على أداة الاستبيان، وتم توزيع الاستبانات على 275 من الموظفين العاملين في المقرات الرئيسية لتسعة بنوك في فلسطين (الضفة الغربية) مجتمع الدراسة.

Monday, April 1, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Rania Jaser in the Leadership Program

Researcher Rania Imad Jaser, a student in the Master’s Program in Leadership has defended her thesis titled "The Role of CSR of Palestinian Private Sector in mitigating the impact of COVID-19".

The statement of the study’s problem revolved around answering a main question about the extent to which the private sector has adopted corporate social responsibility and the extent of its impact on mitigating the consequences of the Corona pandemic.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Researcher Ibtisam Riyad Younis, a student in the master’s program in neonatal nursing, has defended her thesis titled "Effect of Intensive Phototherapy in Decreasing Need for Blood Exchange in Neonatal Jaundice in Palestine".

The present study aims to evaluate the relationship between the use of intensive phototherapy and reducing the need for blood exchange in neonatal jaundice in the West Bank, Palestine. A retrospective descriptive and quantitative study design was conducted in tertiary care hospitals (governmental and private) in northern West Bank that have neonatal intensive care units (NICU) and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia with intensive phototherapy and blood exchange.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Researcher Haneen Noman Jaradat, a student in the Master’s Program in Physics, has defended her thesis titled "Relaxation Dynamics in Quantum-dot Laser Subjected to External Effect (Optical Feedback)".

This research explores quantum-dot lasers that use quantum dots as active materials. Quantum-dot lasers operate based on tight confinement of charge carriers in quantum-dots, where a wide range of applications in medical imaging, sensing, quantum information processing and optical communications are found. Due to its vital role in disease treatment and optical imaging, in addition to its high capacity in data processing, new approaches are being used to improve its performance.

Monday, April 1, 2024
The Arab American University Congratulates Dr. Samah Abu Aoun Hamad, a Member of the University’s Board of Trustees, on Appointment as Minister of Social Development

The Arab American University family, represented by the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Yousef Asfour, the members of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Magdi Al-Khaldi, the members of the Board of Trustees, the President of the University, Professor Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, the University’s Council of Deans, members of the academic and administrative staff, and the University’s students pass warmest congratulations to Dr. Samah Abu Aoun Hamad on her appointment as Minister of Social Development.

Dr. Samah Abu Aoun obtained the Ph.D.in Business Administration from the University of Northampton in Britain, where her research focused on technological entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa and venture capitalists’ assessment of the human capital factors of startup companies. Dr. Abu Aoun obtained the Master’s degree in Business Administration from the British University of Liverpool, and a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Technology in Baghdad.

Monday, April 1, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Ramadan Iftar at the Nursing for Seniors Home Association in Jenin

The Arab American University has held a Ramadan Iftar banquet in honor of the Nursing for Seniors Home Association with the presence of Dr. Laila Herzallah, Assistant to AAUP President for Community Affairs, representing the University, Mr. Osama Al Silawi, Director of the Association, a number of members of the administrative staff, employees of the Association, as well as a number of volunteering students.

During the Iftar banquet, Dr. Herzallah praised the role of the association’s management, which she described as great, in caring for the hosted elderly people, noting the progress the association has achieved over its recent years despite the difficult circumstances that the governorate is going through. Dr.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
كلية الطب في الجامعة تعلن عن انطلاق التحضيرات للدورة الصيفية الثانية في جامعتي أوكسفورد وداندي في بريطانيا

أعلنت كلية الطب في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية عن انطلاق التحضيرات الخاصة بالدورة الصيفية الثانية في جامعتي أوكسفورد وداندي في المملكة المتحدة.

وأوضح عميد كلية الطب الدكتور مالك الزبن أن الطاقم الأكاديمي والإداري يستقبلون الطلبات من قبل الطلبة المهتمين بالدورة، وترشيح عدد منهم للمشاركة من خلال لجنة أكاديمية مختصة وضمن مقاييس عالمية، وقد تم اختيار ٤٥ طالبا وطالبة لحضور هذه الدورة في بريطانيا. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Ahlam Abdullah in the Contemporary Public Relations Program

Researcher Ahlam Ibrahim Abdullah, a student in the Master’s program in Contemporary Public Relations, has defended her thesis titled “Religious Diplomacy: Framing Israeli Propaganda for the Abraham Accords via Social Media Platforms.”

This study aimed to identify how Israel frames the Abraham Accords religiously through its digital propaganda directed to the Arab public, on the “People of the Book” platforms on YouTube and “Israel in the Gulf” on Twitter. The reason for choosing two platforms that differ in identity and content is the importance of researching the framing mechanisms and appeals that Israel employs to address the Arab public through its direct and indirect propaganda.


Monday, April 1, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Lilian Atili in the Integrated Digital Media Program

Researcher Lilian Romel Atili, a student in the Master’s program in Integrated Digital Media, has defended her thesis titled “Representations of Women in the Palestinian Contemporary Cinema.”

This study explores the representation of Palestinian women in contemporary Palestinian films, by analyzing how these films depict women’s roles, images, social roles, and their contribution to the narrative. This study employs a theoretical framework consisting of the Bechdel test, Todorov's narrative, and Stuart Hall's representations. The researcher analyzed ten Palestinian films that won awards and were nominated at major film festivals.

Sunday, April 7, 2024
مناقشة رسالة ماجستير في برنامج تمريض البالغين للطالب حسان مصلح

ناقش الباحث حسان حكمت مصلح الطالب في برنامج الماجستير في تمريض البالغين رسالته الموسومة ب:

"Association between Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) among Students in a Palestinian University: A Cross-Sectional Study".


تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على مرض القولون العصبي والاكتئاب والقلق والتوتر والارتباط بينهما لدى طلبة الجامعة الفلسطينيين. استخدم الباحث تصميمًا تحليليًا كميًا مقطعيًا، لعينة من 372 طالباً جامعياً من 13 كلية في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في فلسطين وتم ملء استبيان ذاتي يحتوي على معايير (روما 4) لتشخيص القولون العصبي، وأداة مقياس الاكتئاب والقلق والتوت.

Sunday, April 7, 2024
مناقشة رسالة ماجستير في برنامج التخطيط الاستراتيجي وتجنيد الأموال للطالبة بتول حمد

ناقشت الباحثة بتول أحمد حمد الطالبة في برنامج الماجستير في التخطيط الاستراتيجي وتجنيد الأموال رسالتها الموسومة ب: " تعزيز ممارسات المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات وأثرها على التنمية المستدامة في القطاع المصرفي في فلسطين".

"Enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility Practices and Their Impact on Sustainable Development in The Banking Sector in Palestine".

هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم درجة تطبيق المسؤولية الاجتماعية في القطاع المصرفي في فلسطين، وأثرها على التنمية المستدامة. تم اتباع المنهج الكمي للإجابة على أسئلة الدراسة واختبار الفرضيات لتلخيص أبعاد تعزيز ممارسات المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات وأثرها على التنمية المستدامة في القطاع المصرفي في فلسطين؛ حيث اعتمدت الباحثة على أداة الاستبيان، وتم توزيع الاستبانات على 275 من الموظفين العاملين في المقرات الرئيسية لتسعة بنوك في فلسطين (الضفة الغربية) مجتمع الدراسة.

Monday, April 1, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Rania Jaser in the Leadership Program

Researcher Rania Imad Jaser, a student in the Master’s Program in Leadership has defended her thesis titled "The Role of CSR of Palestinian Private Sector in mitigating the impact of COVID-19".

The statement of the study’s problem revolved around answering a main question about the extent to which the private sector has adopted corporate social responsibility and the extent of its impact on mitigating the consequences of the Corona pandemic.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Researcher Ibtisam Riyad Younis, a student in the master’s program in neonatal nursing, has defended her thesis titled "Effect of Intensive Phototherapy in Decreasing Need for Blood Exchange in Neonatal Jaundice in Palestine".

The present study aims to evaluate the relationship between the use of intensive phototherapy and reducing the need for blood exchange in neonatal jaundice in the West Bank, Palestine. A retrospective descriptive and quantitative study design was conducted in tertiary care hospitals (governmental and private) in northern West Bank that have neonatal intensive care units (NICU) and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia with intensive phototherapy and blood exchange.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Researcher Haneen Noman Jaradat, a student in the Master’s Program in Physics, has defended her thesis titled "Relaxation Dynamics in Quantum-dot Laser Subjected to External Effect (Optical Feedback)".

This research explores quantum-dot lasers that use quantum dots as active materials. Quantum-dot lasers operate based on tight confinement of charge carriers in quantum-dots, where a wide range of applications in medical imaging, sensing, quantum information processing and optical communications are found. Due to its vital role in disease treatment and optical imaging, in addition to its high capacity in data processing, new approaches are being used to improve its performance.

Monday, April 1, 2024
The Arab American University Congratulates Dr. Samah Abu Aoun Hamad, a Member of the University’s Board of Trustees, on Appointment as Minister of Social Development

The Arab American University family, represented by the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Yousef Asfour, the members of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Magdi Al-Khaldi, the members of the Board of Trustees, the President of the University, Professor Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, the University’s Council of Deans, members of the academic and administrative staff, and the University’s students pass warmest congratulations to Dr. Samah Abu Aoun Hamad on her appointment as Minister of Social Development.

Dr. Samah Abu Aoun obtained the Ph.D.in Business Administration from the University of Northampton in Britain, where her research focused on technological entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa and venture capitalists’ assessment of the human capital factors of startup companies. Dr. Abu Aoun obtained the Master’s degree in Business Administration from the British University of Liverpool, and a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Technology in Baghdad.

Monday, April 1, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Ramadan Iftar at the Nursing for Seniors Home Association in Jenin

The Arab American University has held a Ramadan Iftar banquet in honor of the Nursing for Seniors Home Association with the presence of Dr. Laila Herzallah, Assistant to AAUP President for Community Affairs, representing the University, Mr. Osama Al Silawi, Director of the Association, a number of members of the administrative staff, employees of the Association, as well as a number of volunteering students.

During the Iftar banquet, Dr. Herzallah praised the role of the association’s management, which she described as great, in caring for the hosted elderly people, noting the progress the association has achieved over its recent years despite the difficult circumstances that the governorate is going through. Dr.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
كلية الطب في الجامعة تعلن عن انطلاق التحضيرات للدورة الصيفية الثانية في جامعتي أوكسفورد وداندي في بريطانيا

أعلنت كلية الطب في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية عن انطلاق التحضيرات الخاصة بالدورة الصيفية الثانية في جامعتي أوكسفورد وداندي في المملكة المتحدة.

وأوضح عميد كلية الطب الدكتور مالك الزبن أن الطاقم الأكاديمي والإداري يستقبلون الطلبات من قبل الطلبة المهتمين بالدورة، وترشيح عدد منهم للمشاركة من خلال لجنة أكاديمية مختصة وضمن مقاييس عالمية، وقد تم اختيار ٤٥ طالبا وطالبة لحضور هذه الدورة في بريطانيا. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Ahlam Abdullah in the Contemporary Public Relations Program

Researcher Ahlam Ibrahim Abdullah, a student in the Master’s program in Contemporary Public Relations, has defended her thesis titled “Religious Diplomacy: Framing Israeli Propaganda for the Abraham Accords via Social Media Platforms.”

This study aimed to identify how Israel frames the Abraham Accords religiously through its digital propaganda directed to the Arab public, on the “People of the Book” platforms on YouTube and “Israel in the Gulf” on Twitter. The reason for choosing two platforms that differ in identity and content is the importance of researching the framing mechanisms and appeals that Israel employs to address the Arab public through its direct and indirect propaganda.
