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Center News

Sunday, February 4, 2024
Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University Holds a Workshop on Introducing and Maintaining Office Equipment

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University, in cooperation with Copy 1 Office Equipment Company, held a workshop titled “Introducing and Maintaining Office Equipment,” targeting the center’s volunteer team, the “Innovation Pioneers Team” and a number of AAUP students from various faculties, where the training was conducted by the expert Hazem Sawalha.

The Director General of the Hassib Sabagh IT Center of Excellence, Engineer Mays Awwad, explained that the aim of the course is to provide the trainees with experience and knowledge of office equipment and basic skills in the profession of computer printer maintenance as well as how to use the devices and tools necessary for maintenance and repair. This helps the trainees during their transition to the labor market. She pointed out that such courses contribute to refining their personality along with their specializations stressing that many courses will be organized by the center.

Thursday, February 1, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Criminal Science Program by Student Yasser Hammad

Student Yasser Hammad, a researcher in the Master’s Program in Criminal Science - Department of Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, defended his thesis titled: “Economic Crime and the Individualization of Punishment.”

The study’s problem statement lies mainly in the legal texts related to the individualization of punishment for economic crimes, whether contained in the Penal Code or in other laws, where the court is granted discretionary power. The difference between the two edges is often large, so that the judge’s discretionary power expands to face various circumstances surrounding the economic crime and its perpetrator.

Thursday, February 1, 2024
Hassib Sabbagh Information Technology Center of Excellence at the Arab American University and Caritas Foundation – Jerusalem Sign a Memorandum of Understanding for Scientific and Technical Cooperation

Member of the Board of Directors of the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence, Mr. Joseph Haddad, on behalf of the Chairman of the Center’s Board of Directors and Secretary General of Caritas Jerusalem, Antoun Asfar, signed a memorandum of understanding for scientific and technical cooperation between the two parties with the presence of the Center’s Director General, Eng. Mays Awwad.

The two parties discussed ways of cooperation and joint work to cover environmental agriculture activities using advanced visual and audio technology, as it will contribute to spreading the principle of safe agriculture and adaptation to climate change for the sake of achieving sustainable food security in Jenin Governorate.

Thursday, February 1, 2024
AAUP First-Year Medical Students Present Medical Issues from a Physical and Medical Perspective

A group of first-year medical students at the Arab American University - Ramallah Campus presented various medical problems from a physical and medical perspective, as part of the medical physics course with Dr. Sufyan Shehadeh, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Modern Sciences.

The event took place in the presence of Dr. Feras Abujaber, Assistant to the Academic Vice President for the Ramallah Campus, Dr. Sondos Shalabi, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medicine on Ramallah Campus, Dr. Thabat Al-Khatib, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Modern Sciences, and Lecturer in the Physics Department, Ms. Walaa Ghannam in addition to a number of students. .

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Defense of A Master’s Thesis in the Data Science and Business Analytics Program by Researcher Yara Zayed

Yara Zayed, a student in the Data Science and Business Analytics master’s program has defended her thesis titled: “A System for Detecting Lung Cancer Using Medical Image Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms.”

Through her study, the researcher presented two distinct models to facilitate the diagnosis of lung cancer using demographic data and medical images. This is done through the use of Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms.

Monday, February 5, 2024
الجامعة تعقد اجتماعاً مع ممثلي مديريات التربية والتعليم لتنظيم زيارات تعريفية لطلبة الثانوية العامة

عقدت دائرة العلاقات العامة في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية اجتماعا مع رؤساء أقسام الإرشاد في مديريات التربية والتعليم في جنين وقباطية وطوباس، تباحثوا خلاله حول آلية تنظيم أيام ارشادية لطلبة الثانوية العامة لعام 2024 في المدارس التابعة للمديريات، وإرشادهم حول كيفية اختيار التخصص.

وضم المشاركون في الاجتماع، كلا من، موظفة الأنشطة في دائرة العلاقات العامة الأستاذة سماح دواهدة، وموظف الإعلام في العلاقات العامة الأستاذ رائد أبو بكر، ورئيس قسم الارشاد في مديرية التربية والتعليم بجنين الأستاذ صالح نعامنة، ورئيس قسم الإرشاد في مديرية التربية والتعليم بطوباس الأستاذ أحمد البزور، ورئيس قسم الإرشاد في مديرية التربية والتعليم بقباطية الأستاذة أريج نعيرات.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Workshop on Network Systems and Information Security

The Office of the Assistant to the President for Information Technology Affairs and the Department of Computer Networks and Information Security at the Faculty of Information Technology held a specialized workshop entitled “Introduction to Network Systems and Information Security in use at the University - the Mechanisms and Techniques Employed in this Field.” The workshop was attended by a group of students via Zoom platform.

The workshop aimed to shed light on the most prominent relevant systems in use at the University. The workshop was opened by the Assistant to the University President for Information Technology Affairs, Professor Bahgat Ayasi, and the Director of the Networks and Maintenance Department, Engineer Mohammad Hannoon. They provided an explanation of the nature of the current systems, whether at the level of physical components or Software, information about networks and information security systems at the University.

Monday, February 5, 2024
كلية علم البيانات تنظم محاضرة لطلبتها مع الأستاذ مراد الجدبة مدير عام الإدارة العامة للأوراق المالية في هيئة سوق رأس المال

نظمت كلية علم البيانات بالجامعة العربية الأمريكية في رام الله محاضرة بعنوان " السوق المالي الفلسطيني: استكشاف الآفاق في المشتقات المالية وتداول العملات الأجنبية"، قدّمها الأستاذ مراد الجدبة مدير عام الإدارة العامة للأوراق المالية في هيئة سوق رأس المال في إطار تعزيز فهم الطلاب للسوق المالي الفلسطيني.

وقد تمحورت المحاضرة حول موضوعات متعددة، أهمها الوضع الحالي للسوق المالي الفلسطيني، وجدوى إدخال المشتقات في بورصة فلسطين الى جانب القيود المرتبطة بها.

وكانت المحاضرة فعالة وملهمة لطلبة كلية علم البيانات، إذ ساهمت في تعزيز فهمهم للسوق المالي الفلسطيني، واستكشاف آفاق جديدة في السوق بالإضافة إلى تعزيز فهمهم للمشتقات المالية وتداول العملات الأجنبية.

وتتطلع كلية علم البيانات إلى تطوير مهارات طلبتها وتمكينهم من اكتساب الخبرات اللازمة لسوق العمل، من خلال عقد المحاضرات وتنظيم ورش العمل والزيارات الميدانية.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
An AAUP Delegation Visits Al-Quds Pharmaceutical Company to Discuss Ways of Cooperation

A delegation from the Arab American University has visited Al-Quds Pharmaceutical Company to discuss ways of scientific and practical cooperation between the two parties within the framework of community partnerships.

The delegation was received by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Quds Pharmaceutical Company, Mohammad Masrouji. The University delegation included the University’s Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, the Dean of the faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Hatem Hijaz, and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ramallah Campus, Dr. Feras Abujaber.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Quds Pharmaceutical Company, Mohammad Masrouji, presented an overview of the company, manufacturing methods and procedures followed.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
The Arab American University, ALECSO and the Palestinian National Commission for Education and Culture Sign a Partnership Agreement for Digital Transformation within Arab Universities

The founder Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University in Palestine, Dr. Yousef Asfour, the Director General of ALECSO, Professor Dr. Mohammad Wild Omar, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and the Chairman of the Executive Council of ISESCO, Dr. Dawwas Dawwas, signed a partnership agreement to unify and enhance digital transformation efforts in Arab universities.

This came on the margins of the activities of the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) Forum for Business and Partnerships, which the organization held in its first edition in Tunisia. The State of Palestine participated in the presence of various academic and scientific Arab institutions and universities.


Sunday, February 4, 2024
Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University Holds a Workshop on Introducing and Maintaining Office Equipment

Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University, in cooperation with Copy 1 Office Equipment Company, held a workshop titled “Introducing and Maintaining Office Equipment,” targeting the center’s volunteer team, the “Innovation Pioneers Team” and a number of AAUP students from various faculties, where the training was conducted by the expert Hazem Sawalha.

The Director General of the Hassib Sabagh IT Center of Excellence, Engineer Mays Awwad, explained that the aim of the course is to provide the trainees with experience and knowledge of office equipment and basic skills in the profession of computer printer maintenance as well as how to use the devices and tools necessary for maintenance and repair. This helps the trainees during their transition to the labor market. She pointed out that such courses contribute to refining their personality along with their specializations stressing that many courses will be organized by the center.

Thursday, February 1, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Criminal Science Program by Student Yasser Hammad

Student Yasser Hammad, a researcher in the Master’s Program in Criminal Science - Department of Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, defended his thesis titled: “Economic Crime and the Individualization of Punishment.”

The study’s problem statement lies mainly in the legal texts related to the individualization of punishment for economic crimes, whether contained in the Penal Code or in other laws, where the court is granted discretionary power. The difference between the two edges is often large, so that the judge’s discretionary power expands to face various circumstances surrounding the economic crime and its perpetrator.

Thursday, February 1, 2024
Hassib Sabbagh Information Technology Center of Excellence at the Arab American University and Caritas Foundation – Jerusalem Sign a Memorandum of Understanding for Scientific and Technical Cooperation

Member of the Board of Directors of the Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence, Mr. Joseph Haddad, on behalf of the Chairman of the Center’s Board of Directors and Secretary General of Caritas Jerusalem, Antoun Asfar, signed a memorandum of understanding for scientific and technical cooperation between the two parties with the presence of the Center’s Director General, Eng. Mays Awwad.

The two parties discussed ways of cooperation and joint work to cover environmental agriculture activities using advanced visual and audio technology, as it will contribute to spreading the principle of safe agriculture and adaptation to climate change for the sake of achieving sustainable food security in Jenin Governorate.

Thursday, February 1, 2024
AAUP First-Year Medical Students Present Medical Issues from a Physical and Medical Perspective

A group of first-year medical students at the Arab American University - Ramallah Campus presented various medical problems from a physical and medical perspective, as part of the medical physics course with Dr. Sufyan Shehadeh, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Modern Sciences.

The event took place in the presence of Dr. Feras Abujaber, Assistant to the Academic Vice President for the Ramallah Campus, Dr. Sondos Shalabi, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medicine on Ramallah Campus, Dr. Thabat Al-Khatib, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Modern Sciences, and Lecturer in the Physics Department, Ms. Walaa Ghannam in addition to a number of students. .

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Defense of A Master’s Thesis in the Data Science and Business Analytics Program by Researcher Yara Zayed

Yara Zayed, a student in the Data Science and Business Analytics master’s program has defended her thesis titled: “A System for Detecting Lung Cancer Using Medical Image Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms.”

Through her study, the researcher presented two distinct models to facilitate the diagnosis of lung cancer using demographic data and medical images. This is done through the use of Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms.

Monday, February 5, 2024
الجامعة تعقد اجتماعاً مع ممثلي مديريات التربية والتعليم لتنظيم زيارات تعريفية لطلبة الثانوية العامة

عقدت دائرة العلاقات العامة في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية اجتماعا مع رؤساء أقسام الإرشاد في مديريات التربية والتعليم في جنين وقباطية وطوباس، تباحثوا خلاله حول آلية تنظيم أيام ارشادية لطلبة الثانوية العامة لعام 2024 في المدارس التابعة للمديريات، وإرشادهم حول كيفية اختيار التخصص.

وضم المشاركون في الاجتماع، كلا من، موظفة الأنشطة في دائرة العلاقات العامة الأستاذة سماح دواهدة، وموظف الإعلام في العلاقات العامة الأستاذ رائد أبو بكر، ورئيس قسم الارشاد في مديرية التربية والتعليم بجنين الأستاذ صالح نعامنة، ورئيس قسم الإرشاد في مديرية التربية والتعليم بطوباس الأستاذ أحمد البزور، ورئيس قسم الإرشاد في مديرية التربية والتعليم بقباطية الأستاذة أريج نعيرات.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Workshop on Network Systems and Information Security

The Office of the Assistant to the President for Information Technology Affairs and the Department of Computer Networks and Information Security at the Faculty of Information Technology held a specialized workshop entitled “Introduction to Network Systems and Information Security in use at the University - the Mechanisms and Techniques Employed in this Field.” The workshop was attended by a group of students via Zoom platform.

The workshop aimed to shed light on the most prominent relevant systems in use at the University. The workshop was opened by the Assistant to the University President for Information Technology Affairs, Professor Bahgat Ayasi, and the Director of the Networks and Maintenance Department, Engineer Mohammad Hannoon. They provided an explanation of the nature of the current systems, whether at the level of physical components or Software, information about networks and information security systems at the University.

Monday, February 5, 2024
كلية علم البيانات تنظم محاضرة لطلبتها مع الأستاذ مراد الجدبة مدير عام الإدارة العامة للأوراق المالية في هيئة سوق رأس المال

نظمت كلية علم البيانات بالجامعة العربية الأمريكية في رام الله محاضرة بعنوان " السوق المالي الفلسطيني: استكشاف الآفاق في المشتقات المالية وتداول العملات الأجنبية"، قدّمها الأستاذ مراد الجدبة مدير عام الإدارة العامة للأوراق المالية في هيئة سوق رأس المال في إطار تعزيز فهم الطلاب للسوق المالي الفلسطيني.

وقد تمحورت المحاضرة حول موضوعات متعددة، أهمها الوضع الحالي للسوق المالي الفلسطيني، وجدوى إدخال المشتقات في بورصة فلسطين الى جانب القيود المرتبطة بها.

وكانت المحاضرة فعالة وملهمة لطلبة كلية علم البيانات، إذ ساهمت في تعزيز فهمهم للسوق المالي الفلسطيني، واستكشاف آفاق جديدة في السوق بالإضافة إلى تعزيز فهمهم للمشتقات المالية وتداول العملات الأجنبية.

وتتطلع كلية علم البيانات إلى تطوير مهارات طلبتها وتمكينهم من اكتساب الخبرات اللازمة لسوق العمل، من خلال عقد المحاضرات وتنظيم ورش العمل والزيارات الميدانية.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
An AAUP Delegation Visits Al-Quds Pharmaceutical Company to Discuss Ways of Cooperation

A delegation from the Arab American University has visited Al-Quds Pharmaceutical Company to discuss ways of scientific and practical cooperation between the two parties within the framework of community partnerships.

The delegation was received by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Quds Pharmaceutical Company, Mohammad Masrouji. The University delegation included the University’s Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, the Dean of the faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Hatem Hijaz, and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ramallah Campus, Dr. Feras Abujaber.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Quds Pharmaceutical Company, Mohammad Masrouji, presented an overview of the company, manufacturing methods and procedures followed.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
The Arab American University, ALECSO and the Palestinian National Commission for Education and Culture Sign a Partnership Agreement for Digital Transformation within Arab Universities

The founder Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University in Palestine, Dr. Yousef Asfour, the Director General of ALECSO, Professor Dr. Mohammad Wild Omar, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and the Chairman of the Executive Council of ISESCO, Dr. Dawwas Dawwas, signed a partnership agreement to unify and enhance digital transformation efforts in Arab universities.

This came on the margins of the activities of the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) Forum for Business and Partnerships, which the organization held in its first edition in Tunisia. The State of Palestine participated in the presence of various academic and scientific Arab institutions and universities.
