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The Arab American University Launches a Tourism Itinerary Titled “Get to Know Your Country”

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Arab American University has organized a tourist itinerary titled “Get to Know Your Country,” in cooperation with the Police Directorate in Jenin Governorate.

The tour began with a visit to the Police Directorate in the Jenin Governorate, with the presence of the Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, the Director of the Police Directorate in the Governorate, Brigadier General Azzam Jbara, the Director of Public Relations in the Police Directorate, Major Aws Atyani, and a group of University students.

The meeting included a discussion of many societal issues and phenomena, and the Police Directorate praised the strengthening of partnership and cooperation with the Arab American University, its organization of these tourist itineraries, and the role of this in enhancing ways to preserve the nation’s capabilities, especially historical and religious tourist sites in the hearts of students.

The Tourism Police and the Ministry of Tourism accompanied the delegation on its tour, which began with a visit to the Bala’ma Tunnel and the old town in the city of Jenin, the Sibat area, and then the Burqin Church as well as the palaces of Jarrar and Abdul Hadi in the town of Arraba. The tour was concluded with planting many forest trees provided by the University in the town and in the surrounding areas of historical places. .

Dr. Herzallah stressed that these tours come as part of the University’s efforts to engage students in the message of steadfastness on this land, and to strengthen partnerships with local community institutions to introduce tourist and religious places and enhance belonging to them.

The Arab American University Launches a Tourism Itinerary Titled “Get to Know Your Country”
The Arab American University Launches a Tourism Itinerary Titled “Get to Know Your Country”
The Arab American University Launches a Tourism Itinerary Titled “Get to Know Your Country”
The Arab American University Launches a Tourism Itinerary Titled “Get to Know Your Country”
The Arab American University Launches a Tourism Itinerary Titled “Get to Know Your Country”
The Arab American University Launches a Tourism Itinerary Titled “Get to Know Your Country”
The Arab American University Launches a Tourism Itinerary Titled “Get to Know Your Country”