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Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Maysoon Abu Asaad in the Educational Administration Program

Monday, July 1, 2024

Researcher Maysoon Suleiman Abu Asaad, a student in the Ph.D. program in Educational Administration, has defended her thesis titled: “A suggested training program based on twenty-first century skills to develop a culture of change among public secondary school teachers in Nazareth in the light of Kotter’s model of change”.

The study aimed to build a proposed training program based on twenty-first century skills to develop a culture of change among public secondary school teachers in Nazareth in light of the Kotter model. The study used both descriptive and constructivist approaches, and used a questionnaire to collect data after ensuring its validity and reliability. It was applied to a random stratified cluster sample consisting of (158) male and female teachers, with a withdrawal rate of 44%.

The study found that the degree of public secondary school teachers’ possession of twenty-first century skills was very high, and the media culture skill was the least possessed. The study also found that the degree of teachers’ possession of the culture of change was very high, and the lowest degree was in the field of creating a sense of the necessity of change and its importance. The results of the study showed that there were no differences in the degree to which teachers possessed the skills of the twenty-first century and the culture of change according to gender. However, there were differences in the degree to which teachers possessed the skill of information culture, and the degree to which they possessed the culture of spreading the vision of change, removing obstacles to the process of change, and achieving short-term change goals according to academic qualification in favor of those holding a master’s degree or higher. There are differences in the degree to which teachers possess the skills of critical thinking, problem solving, leadership and responsibility, and the degree to which they possess a culture of promoting successes according to years of experience. The study recommended the necessity of adopting the proposed training program to raise the degree of possession of twenty-first century skills to develop a culture of change among school teachers.

The dissertation was supervised by Dr. Ghassan Sarhan. The committee of examiners included Dr. Khaled Qarwani, Dr. Ali Jobran, and Dr. Mohammad Salha.