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Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Arab American University organized a workshop between the Nursing Department at Faculty of the Allied Medical Sciences and the Nursing trainers at the Palestinian Hospitals.
The workshop goals to introduce the trainers to the modern educational strategies that the university follows, in addition to the laboratory and educational equipment that exist at the nursing section and that enable students to graduate with high efficiency and good experience.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Chaired by Dr. Yousef Asfour and with the presence of all the members, the Board of Directors held a meeting in Amman.
Dr. Asfour welcomed the members and expressed his appreciation to them and to all the shareholders for their efforts and continuous support to the University at the academic and scientific levels. He expressed his hope that this support will help place the university among the World’s best.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The University revived the Annual Palestinian Environment Day that comes at the 5th of March by planting tens of Carob, Pine, Almond and Olive trees at the campus. This activity was in collaboration with the Environmental Education Centre / the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Lands.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The University announces that it has started to receive the researches participating in Engineer Zuhair Hejjawi Award for Scientific Research 2014/2015 for the Palestinian Universities.
The scientific research council that is supervising the award asserted that: “The award this year will include five fields which are: Engineering, Information Technology, Environment, Water and Renewable Energy Sciences, basic sciences such as Physics, Chemistry and Applied Mathematics, the Medical and vital techniques and the agricultural Sciences.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The American Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched the Women in Science Hall of Fame award in 2010, in order to honor women, from the Middle East and North Africa whom possess outstanding research and scientific achievements.
Therefore, the Arab American University (AAUJ) was selected for such an award, in which the university’s President, Professor Mahmmoud AbuMwais and the American Vice-Consul; Mrs. Dourthy Shi, honored Dr. Rula Jadallah, the Assistant Professor within the Biology Department, as the winner of the 2015 award for “Women in Science.”

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Professor Mahmoud AbuMwais and the Assistant to the president for the Financial and Administrational Affairs Mr. Faleh AbuArrah honoured the older employee at the university Nabeela Assaf the Assistant to the Dean of the Admission and Registration, and Rabeeha Saadeya the eldest employee at the administrational affairs department, and this honouring was as appreciation for their role at the university at the women’s day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Sport Sciences speciality witnesses a great demand from students of both females and males especially females from the west bank and the lands of 1948, as for the first semester of the Academic year 2014/2015 the number of students was 66 of which 44 males and 22 females as the head of the department Dr. Waleed Khanfar said.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Arab American University organizes training workshops to the Media and the Arabic Department students about how to manage debates. These workshops were organized by the Graduate Affairs department with cooperation with the German Institution Douche Felaih that aimed to train 50 students distributed on two training groups.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The university president Professor Mahmoud AbuMwais welcomed a delegation who visited the university from Al-Aqsa Institution for Waqf and Heritage “the Headquarter at Um Al-Fahem” who visited the university to give the administration an appreciation gift of a volume titled “The Holy Places Encyclopaedia in Palestine” for the role of awareness and education that the university is doing.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Applied Mathematics student at the Graduate Studies Faculty at the University, the researcher Hayel Hasan AlShraida, has discussed his research under the name of (Leonard Jones molecules using Monte Carlo’s  simulation method with the best maximum allowed displacement) in order to enable him to get his Master degree.
The researcher has found the best displacement allowed at a molecules system that is applied to Leonard Jones model. The student has discovered a mathematical relation that makes this displacement as conjugation at specific density and temperature.
