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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Professor Mahmoud Abu Mwais, the Arab American University President and Mr. Faleh Abu Arrah, the Assistant to the President for Administrative and Financial Affairs honored a group of employees of the University from the Public relations department, the engineering and maintenance department and the administrative affairs department. This honoring ceremony was recognition of their efforts, sincerity and good belonging to the University and for contributing in transferring a great picture of the University.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The President of the Arab American University Professor Mahmoud Abu Mwais denounced the assaults that the Israeli occupation forces did the previous two days on the University’s campus. Abu Mwais said: “The violation of the sanctity of the Arab American University and all other universities is a clear violation of all international laws and norms that care in maintaining the education centers’ sanctity”.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Arab American University has finished its preparations to the 11th graduate ceremony that will take place at the 25, 26 of June 2014, under the patronage of the President of Palestine Mr. Mahmoud Abbas “Abu Mazen”.
The Assistant to the President for the Administrative and Financial Affairs, Mr. Faleh Abu Arrah said:”The University has finished the preparations for the graduation ceremony and it will be a Palestinian ceremony that will reflect the genuineness of the university and the academic distinguish locally and internationally.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Arab American University started weeding it court with artificial grass according to the FIFA specifications, and this was a preparation to the opening of the first stage of the sport village that contains a soccer stadium, a multi-purpose gym, an Olympic swimming pool and many different open courts.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hussien Younis, Mohammad Abu Zaid and Walaa Foqais are computer engineer students at the AAUJ who managed to innovate a system to follow up vehicles that the users of this system can be provided with information on vehicles such as its speed, place, temperature and fuel levels. This project was developed under the supervision of Dr. Osama Salameh an instructor at the Computer engineer department of the engineer and computer science faculty.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mwais inspected the progress of the final exams at the university for the 2nd semester 2013/2014. He took a tour to the exam halls to view the readiness of the students and instructors to the exams.
Prof. Abu Mwais listened to the students’ views on the exams’ levels comparing to the lectures and studies they took during the semester, and made sure to provide comfortable ways and the best atmosphere to take exams.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Professor MAhmoud Abu Mwais, the president of the Arab American University congratulated brigadier Ibrahim Ramadan for the trust he earned by the President Mahmoud Abbas to be the mayor of Jenin, and wished him the best of luck and success in providing the best for Jenin city.

Monday, June 2, 2014

The first International Conference
Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding in Palestine:   Challenges and Future Perspectives
Arab American University, Jenin (AAUJ) – Palestine
1 – 2 June 2014
Registration: 9:00-10:00

Opening Session: 10:10:30

Monday, May 19, 2014

On June 1, 2014, the Arab American University- Jenin (AAUJ) will host a two-day international conference on ‘Conflict Transformation and Peace-Building in Palestine: Challenges and Future Trends’ with broad local and international participation. Dr. Mufid Qassoum, AAUJ Vice-president for International Relations, stated that the conference seeks to make the Arab American University an internationally recognized platform for academic and scientific research, enabling it to reach the international public opinion and decision makers with key messages regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The faculty, staff, and administration at the Arab American University express their deep sadness and regret at the passing of our very much liked and respected colleague Dan Fuller. Our thoughts and great condolences go out to his family in Britain as well as everybody who knew him.
