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Sunday, June 25, 2023
AAUP Hosts a Delegation from the United Nations University

The Arab American University in Ramallah received a delegation from the United Nations University in Guimarães - Portugal, represented by Prof. Dr. Delfina Soares, Prof. Dr. Luis Barbosa, and Prof. Dr. Salim Zoghbi.

The delegation was received by Dr. Majdi Owda, holder of the UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development and Dean of the Faculty of Data Science, and Dr. Raed Shomali from the Department of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies. During the meeting, the two parties discussed the possibility of creating joint projects to develop and employ data science in various fields. They also discussed some of the challenges and obstacles facing some institutions in employing data science and devoting it to facilitate business and data access smoothly.

Sunday, June 25, 2023
AAUP Organizes a Visit for Computer Science Students to Jawwal Company

The Arab American University - Ramallah Campus organized an educational visit for undergraduate students in computer science to the headquarters of Jawwal Company, in coordination between the Faculty of Data Science and the Computer Science Club.

The visit provided the students with an opportunity to explore the work environment at Jawwal, learn about the company's current activities and projects, as well as interact with professionals in this field.

Discussion sessions and interactive workshops were held in the aim of exchanging knowledge and experiences between students and specialists in the company.

The Arab American University considers this visit as a valuable opportunity for students to develop their understanding of the practical applications of computer and data science.

Sunday, June 25, 2023
AAUP’s Closing Statement for the First International Conference on Digital Transformation

The First International Conference on Digital Transformation, with official local, regional and international participation and international experts, recommends the need for cooperation among all parties and sectors to advance progress and investment by promoting the use of modern technology in all walks of life and the need to develop policies and strategies which regulate the process of digital transformation.

Ramallah - Palestine - The First International Conference on Digital Transformation was successfully concluded being held under the auspices of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas on the AAUP campus in Ramallah on 20 and 21 June, 2023. The conference was organized by the Arab American University in partnership with the Palestinian government represented by the Ministry of Communications and Technology Information, with major support from the Bank of Palestine Group, Quds Bank, the National Bank, and Ooredoo.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023
AAUP Honors Distinguished Researchers and Faculty Members Who Received Academic Promotions

The founder Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour, the University President, Prof. Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, and the Dean of Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Awad, honored the distinguished researchers who published research papers in reputable scientific journals within the Scopus and Clarivate indexing.In addition, the teaching staff who have received academic promotions for the titles of professor and associate professor were honored.

This took place in a ceremony, under the auspices of the Founder Chairman of the University Board of Directors, Dr. Yousef Asfour, organized by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University Campus in Jenin, with the presence of the University Vice-Presidents, assistants, deans of faculties, heads of departments, directors of administrative offices, and members of the academic and administrative staff.

Sunday, June 18, 2023
Master Students of Nursing Accomplish a Successful Training in Jordan

The M.A students in the programs of Intensive Care Nursing, Neonatal Nursing, and Internal Surgery Nursing accomplished a successful training at the Islamic Hospital in Jordan in cooperation with the Jordanian Nursing Council. This training comes as an implementation of the terms of the agreement concluded by the Arab American University and the Jordanian Nursing Council for the sake of providing quality training for students of master's specializations in nursing in various wards of distinguished Jordanian hospitals.

The Vice President for Medical Faculties Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asia, that the training achieved its results through the quality training and the transfer of skills to the trainee students at highly experienced and efficient hospitals. It is planned to expand the training to include undergraduate students in medicine and nursing programs.

Sunday, June 18, 2023
AAUP Offers Bachelor's Degree Scholarships in Support of Jerusalemite Students

The Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Bara Asfour, with the presence of the General Manager of the Arab American University Company, Mr. Faleh Abu Arra, the Dean of the faculty of Graduate Studies, Dr. Nouar Qutob, the Dean of the faculty of Data Sciences, Dr. Majdi Owda, the Dean of the Faculty of Modern Sciences, Dr. Islam Amro, and Mr. Qais Obaid, received from The Communication Office, and Mr.

During the meeting, after praising the steadfastness of the Jerusalemite youth, the university announced allocation of 50% scholarships to obtain a bachelor’s degree for Jerusalem students in schools of the Directorate of Education in Jerusalem, the Directorate of Jerusalem Suburbs, endowment schools, and private schools in Jerusalem. These scholarships are offered for a set of distinct and unique specializations on the university campus in Ramallah.

Sunday, June 18, 2023
AAUP Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the French Université Grenoble Alpes

The Arab American University and the French Université Grenoble Alpes signed a memorandum of understanding that includes exchanging students and members of the academic staff between the two universities, modernizing of a number of academic programs, developing joint programs between the two universities as well as organizing visits and mutual research projects.

The memorandum of understanding was signed by the Vice President of the Arab American University for Academic Affairs, Dr. Muayad Abusaa, the lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology, Dr. Amjad Ratrout, the President of the French Université Grenoble Alpes, Prof. Dr. Yassin Liqans, and the Director of the Nanotechnology Research Center, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Bsessi.

Thursday, June 15, 2023
AAUP and the Association of Banks in Palestine Hold a Banking Day on "Digital Transformation"

The Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the Arab American University, in cooperation with the Association of Banks in Palestine, organized a banking day to discuss digital transformation and present the most important electronic services with the presence of representatives of Palestinian banks and a huge number of university students.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Muayad Abusaa, inaugurated the events of the banking day with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, and conveyed the greetings of the University President, Prof. Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri. Dr.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023
A Delegation of AAUP Concludes a Successful Visit to Jordanian Hospitals

A delegation from the Arab American University, in coordination with His Excellency Prof. Dr. Hani Al-Nawafleh, the chairman of the Jordanian Nursing Council, visited several Jordanian hospitals to discuss ways of cooperation and partnership with the University in the field of training medical students and students of bachelor's and master's programs in nursing. This delegation was headed by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asia - Vice President for Medical Faculties Affairs and accompanied by Dr. Imad Abu Khader - Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies for Medical Affairs, and Dr.

On the second day, the delegation visited the Jordan Hospital and met with the administrative director, Eng. Ahmed Khattab, director of the Training and Education Department, Prof. Dr. Riyad Saeed. The visit to the Jordan Hospital was followed by a visit to the Istishari Hospital to meet with the Medical director, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Abeela and visit the modern hospital wards.

Monday, June 12, 2023
A Visit Aiming to Develop University Education and Scientific Research at AAUP Is Concluded by a Shenandoah University Delegation

A delegation from Shenandoah University concluded its visit to the Arab American University campuses in Jenin and Ramallah for four days. During this visit, workshops were held for members of the academic and administrative staff and students in nursing, allied medical sciences, engineering, information technology and some other majors.

This visit serves several purposes, most notably, strengthening the cooperative efforts of the two universities, strengthening the international partnership as well as resuming the agreements concluded between the two parties earlier when a delegation from the Arab American University visited Shenandoah University. This visit also aims to hold workshops aimed at developing university education and joint scientific research.
