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Sunday, August 6, 2023
AAUP Holds a Workshop on Self-Care and Developing Psychological Intervention Skills

The Psychological and Social Counseling Office at the Deanship of Student Affairs at the Arab American University has held a workshop entitled "Self-Care and Developing Psychological Intervention Skills". The workshop targeted the members of the psychological support team working in the field during the invasion of Jenin camp, in cooperation with the Palestinian Counseling Center and the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA). The training was conducted by Salah Malaysha and Sanaa Belidi.

In her turn, the social counselor at the University, Dr. Laila Herzallah, confirmed that the University is always proactive in social responsibility with the services it provides in the field of psychological care, praising the efforts paid by the workers in the field and what they witnessed during the war and the invasion.

Thursday, August 3, 2023
AAUP Wins the Project of Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions

The Arab American University - Palestine has made a new achievement in addition to its previous ones in terms of international projects funded by the Erasmus program of the European Union. The University won the funding provided by the European Union in the amount of 868 thousand Euros, which will be allocated for the implementation of its project entitled: "Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions" "Reforming the Governance of Ph.D. Programs at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions- PhDGov

The Arab American University submitted a project proposal to the European Erasmus Program at the beginning of this year. The project passed all stages of evaluation successfully and outperformed dozens of proposals submitted by many other Palestinian higher education institutions to finally win the funding. Al-Quds University, Birzeit University, An-Najah National University, Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie, in addition to the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education, participate in the project led by the Arab American University.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Student Fadia Ibrahim Defends Her Ph.D. Dissertation in Business

Researcher Fadia Ibrahim, a Ph.D. student in the joint business program with Indiana University of Pennsylvania, defended her dissertation entitled: "School Principals' Practices in Technological Leadership and its Impact on the Technology Integration by Teachers."

The study aimed to investigate the impact of school principals' practices in technological leadership on teachers' integration of technology into classrooms, considering the variables of professional development, gender, experience, and professional diploma in school leadership. Data was collected by conducting a cross-sectional survey of a sample of 319 principals and 895 teachers from Palestinian public schools.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Defense of a Master's Thesis by Thaer Darabi' in Data Science and Business Analysis

Researcher Thaer Darabi', a student in the master's program of data science and business analysis, defended his thesis entitled: "Using Competitive Generative Networks in Retrieving Images Based on Manual Graphics."

The thesis presented a research in the field of manual graphics-based image retrieval (SBIR) to find similar images from big databases by entering sketches into a model composed of a generative unit and a retrieval unit. This model aims to develop the ability to view and retrieve images from big databases, and to solve the problem of linking manual drawings to groups of images that are seen during training and that fail to generalize to groups that are not visible.

Sunday, July 30, 2023
Students of International Graduate Studies Have a Field Tour to Villages North of Ramallah

The Conflict Studies Research Center organized a field tour for the students of the International Postgraduate Program to the villages north of Ramallah.

During the tour, the students of the American University of The New School, who participated in the program, learned about the nature of the administrative division of the different parts of the West Bank. The tour allowed the students to move around in several areas with the help of community organizations due to the nature of these areas and the restrictions imposed on them.

Sunday, July 30, 2023
Students of International Graduate Studies Have a Field Tour to Jerusalem

The Conflict Studies Research Center organized a field tour to the city of Jerusalem for the students of the Arab American University and the students of The New School University, as part of the activities of the "International Postgraduate Studies" program for the summer of 2023.

The tour included an exploration of the contested geopolitical structures in Jerusalem, a visit to the Old City to understand the social and historical context and learn about the impact of the Jewish settlement on the Old City and on the Muslim and Christian Neighborhoods.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Since its inception, the Arab American University has been sponsoring and developing scientific research. The Arab American University offers three research awards each year to encourage researchers, whether they are faculty members or students. The scientific research awards are:

The winners of the scientific research awards for 2023


First: The Arab American University Award for Excellence in Scientific Research


Sunday, July 23, 2023
The AAUP Founder Chairman of the Board of Directors Looks over the Progress in the Construction Project of the Police Station Near the University Campus in Jenin

The founder Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, Dr. Yousef Asfour, visited the University in Jenin, to look over the progress of the construction project for a police station near the university.

Dr. Asfour was accompanied on his tour by the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Bara Asfour, the Vice President for Medical faculties Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asia, and the General Manager of the University Company, Mr. Faleh Abu Arrah.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Qudra Network from the Occupied Palestinian Territory Visits the Arab American University to Discuss the Prospects of Cooperation

The President of the Arab American University, Prof. Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, received a delegation from Qudra Network from the Occupied Palestinian Territory, with the aim of discussing prospects of cooperation and networking between the two parties.

The guest delegation included Reem Younes and Walid Al-Afifi, members of the network’s board of directors and founders of the network, Ahmed Muhanna, general manager of the network, and Mai Masalha, director of programs and networking. Besides the university president, Dr. Muayad Abusaa, vice president for academic affairs, the dean of student affairs, Dr. Bashar Draghma, the director of Public Relations, Dr. Fadi Jumaa, and Public Relations Officer, Ms. Samah Dawehdi were at the reception.

Monday, July 17, 2023
Defense of an M.A Thesis by Student Ahmed Abu Aisha in Cyber-Criminology and Digital Evidence Analysis

Student Ahmed Abu Aisha, a researcher in the Master's Program in Cyber-Criminology and Digital Evidence Analysis, defended his thesis entitled: "Digital Forensic Analysis Framework for Early Detection and Response to Insider Information Security Incidents in the Financial Sectors Environment."

This thesis presents a framework for the digital investigations used in the early detection and response to internal security threats and cyber security incidents that may arise in the institutions of global financial sector. Based on the grounded theory methodology as one of the most important tools of qualitative practical research and qualitative data collection, the proposed framework model was developed through reviewing the literature and comprehensive searches for a set of models for frameworks of digital investigations and response to security incidents and their improvement.
