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Thursday, May 11, 2023
Dr. Yousef Asfour - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab American University

The Board of Directors of the Arab American University decided, in its session held today, Wednesday, May 23, to continue its work on the comprehensive digital transformation plan, as a continuation of the efforts being made to reach an integrated digital university.

This decision falls within the vision of the university's board of directors, board of trustees, and its supreme administration to provide quality educational and administrative services to all parties benefiting from the university's services in a way that responds to the global trends towards promoting digital transformation in the work environment at all levels.

Sunday, April 30, 2023
Defense A Ph.D. Dissertation by Huda Salameh in Educational Administration

Huda Salameh, a researcher in the Educational Administration program, defended her dissertation entitled: "A proposed Vision for the Development of Emotional Administrative Practices among the Employees of the Palestinian Ministry of Education" to obtain the Ph.D. in Educational Administration.

The study aimed to develop a vision for the development of administrative practices that stir emotions among the employees of the Palestinian Ministry of Education. It also aimed to determine the nature of the differences in the averages of their responses to the total score on the questionnaire about the reality of emotional administrative practices.

Sunday, April 30, 2023
Mr. Mohammad Sabaaneh Participates in a Conference at the University of Exeter, UK, Entitled "Transformation of Solidarity"

The instructor in the Department of Architecture and Design and the Palestinian artist, Mohammad Sabaaneh, participated in the conference that was held in the British city of Exeter with the participation of a group of British and international academics, the most prominent of whom was Professor Ilan Pappé, the head of the conference.

Mr. Sabaaneh's participation was entitled "Palestinian Visual Art and its Role in Political and Social Change". In this participation, he presented the most important Palestinian experiences in this field, using visual arts as of the Nakba to the Palestinian Revolution, ending with his personal experience, reflecting on academic theories and experiences worldwide.

This came in an academic conference held by the Center for Arab Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter, entitled "The Transformation of Solidarity".

Friday, April 28, 2023
AAUP Hosts the Japanese Professor Hidaki Shinoda the Director of the Peace-Building Center in Hiroshima

The Arab American University in Ramallah hosted the Japanese expert Professor Hidaki Shinoda - Director of the Peace-building Center in Hiroshima, and Professor at the Graduate School of International Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in Japan.

Professor Shinoda stated that the aim behind visiting Palestinian universities is to meet students and researchers and shed light on the Japanese experience in development and reconstruction after its rise from the ashes of World War II and the mass destruction of weapons. During the lecture, which was attended by a number of graduate and undergraduate students and academics, Professor Shinoda reviewed Japan's experience in reconstruction, the nature of the internal challenges and the external pressures it faced.

Friday, April 28, 2023
Defense of A Ph.D. Dissertation by Bushra Al-Badawi in Educational Administration

Bushra Al-Badawi, a Ph.D. candidate in Educational Administration, defended her dissertation entitled: "An Analytical Study of the Palestinian Inclusive Education Policy and its Applications: Towards Developing a Proposed Concept in the Light of International and Local Standards."

The study aimed to attest the implementation of the inclusive education policy in the Palestinian governorates, in addition to examining the applied educational policy for inclusive education in Palestine as well as the international standards for inclusive education. The researcher sought to develop a proposed model for inclusive education in the Palestinian society to be applied in Palestinian schools to raise awareness of the needs of inclusive education in Palestine.

Friday, April 28, 2023
M.A. Thesis Predicting Electrical Loads Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Mubarak Abu Mohsen, a researcher in the Master's program in Data Science and Business analysis, published a research paper titled "Predicting Electrical Loads Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Energy System in Palestine" in the Q1-rated journal (Energies).

The student has previously defended his thesis, which is the first in its field in Palestine, where it aimed to build an accurate, reliable model for predicting electrical loads using deep learning algorithms (LSTM, GRU and RNN), based on factual data obtained from the Tubas Electricity Company.

Thursday, April 27, 2023
AAUP and the Ministry of Health Sign an Agreement of Cooperation for Training Medical Students

The President of the Arab American University, Prof. Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, and the Palestinian Minister of Health, Dr. Mai Al Kaila, signed an agreement of joint cooperation between the Ministry and the University to train students of medicine at the university in the facilities of the Ministry of Health.

This agreement aims to train AAUP’s medical students in the clinical stage at the level of the fourth, fifth and sixth years, in the Ministry's facilities (Jenin Public Hospital, Tubas Turkish Public Hospital, Tulkarm Public Hospital).

The Arab American University is building two floors in the Martyr Dr. Khalil Suleiman Public Hospital in Jenin to provide training for students of medical specializations.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Defense of A PhD Dissertation by Ghassan Thouqan in Educational Administration

Student Ghassan Thouqan defended his Ph.D dissertation entitled: "Organizational Justice as a Mediating Factor between Transformational Leadership and the Quality of Administrative Decisions among the Directors of Academic Departments in Palestinian Universities and a Proposed Development Strategy" to obtain the Ph.D. in Educational Administration.

The study aimed to identify the verity of organizational justice, transformational leadership, and the quality of administrative decisions among the directors of academic departments in Palestinian universities from the perspectives of faculty members as well as the role of organizational justice as a mediating factor between transformational leadership and the quality of administrative decisions. Moreover, the study aimed to identify the impact of several variables on organizational justice, transformational leadership, and the quality of administrative decisions.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Researcher Bara Asfour Defends His Ph.D. Dissertation in Business

Researcher Bara Asfour, a student in the program of Ph.D. in Business, joint with Indiana University of Pennsylvania, defended his dissertation entitled: "The Relationship between Administrative Commitment, Psychological Empowerment, and Job Performance among Employees of Higher Education Institutions in Palestine (the West Bank)."

The research aimed at evaluating the relationship among the three fields of study: administrative commitment, psychological empowerment, and job performance at Palestinian universities in the West Bank. The data of the study was collected from a sample of 665 academics from a number of public and private universities using a questionnaire consisted of a measurement of administrative commitment, and an instrument for psychological empowerment and individual work performance.

Saturday, April 15, 2023
the First Global Conference on Digital Transformation

The Arab American University is completing its preparations to hold the first global conference on digital transformation in mid-June, under the auspices of His Excellency the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas "Abu Mazen", may Allah protect him.

Prof. Dr. Waleed Deeb, the Academic Adviser to the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, stated that the conference will be distinguished by the topics it presents, the partnerships that are being worked on, the national and international mobilization that is being arranged, in addition to the recommendations that we look forward to coming up with, which will have a constructive impact on the digital transformation process.
