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Sunday, November 21, 2021
AAUP in Visit to Lithuania

After a generous invitation from the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Dalal Iriqat- the VP for International Relations has concluded her visit to the Republic of Lithuania where she participated in a conference and held some important meetings.

Dr. Iriqat participated in the two-day conference entitled “the Future of Democracy” that was organized in Lithuania’s capital Vilnius and discussed the international status of the authoritarian regimes, the road to democracy, the relation of democracy to globalization, media, technology and the modern tools to fight corruption and the enhance of the popular participation through enabling the role of the civil society in formulating public policies in international systems.

Thursday, November 18, 2021
IEEE and the Multimedia Club Organize a Fair with the Participation of the Distinguish Projects from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

The IEEEAAUP and under collaboration with the Multimedia Club of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology had organized a fair which included some communities that were recognized internationally.

These communities include: IEEE WIE – the Women in Engineering Community, IEEE PES- the Power, Energy and Capacity Community, in addition to the announcement of the IEEE CS- the Computer Sciences Community that will be opened soon. Moreover, the fair presented the special Arduino course projects that were organized by students of the Faculty, in addition to an activity that was organized by the Multimedia Club of the Faculty of Engineering and IT.


Thursday, November 18, 2021
The American ABET Board Discusses the Accreditation of Computer Systems Engineering in AAUP

ABET- the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology has started the assessment process through ZOOM to the accreditation of the Computer Systems Engineering Program according to international standards.

Dr. Hazim Khanfar- the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology presented to the committee a detailed presentation where he talked about the establishment of the University and the Faculty, and how it developed through the years, the infrastructure and the facilities that Arab American University provides to its students, faculty members and the local community.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021
AAUP Hosts the Badminton Championship for the School Students of the Northern Governorates

Arab American University has hosted the badminton championship “Singles and Doubles” in the sport hall, for the school students of the northern governorates “males and females” that was organized by the Student Activities Department in the Ministry of Education.

Mr. Aahed Abu Rub- the representative of the Ministry of Education and the Head of the Student Activities Department in the Directorate of Education in Jenin said that seven governorates in the north of the West Bank have participated in the championship that was organized for two days, as they have competed for the first and second place for singles and doubles.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021
AAUP Participates in a Seminar in Egypt Entitled "The Sports' Preventive and Curative Role to Face the Diseases of the Age"

Dr. Saba’ Jarrar- the Lecturer in the Faculty of Sport Sciences represented Arab American University in a symposium that was organized by the Arab Sport Culture Association in Helwan University in Egypt, entitled “The Sports’ Preventive and Curative Role in Facing the Diseases of the Age”

Dr. Jarrar represented her scientific paper that focused on some aspects including the preventive curative role in facing the diseases of the age especially related to the occasion of the pink month and the sports’ role in achieving sustainable development. She emphasized on the importance of changing the regular daily lifestyle by reorganizing and regulating the physical activity and diet especially for women. In addition Dr. Jarrar talked about the role of sports in supporting the efficiency of the immune system and how it works.

Sunday, November 14, 2021
H.E President of Palestine Mr. Mahmoud Abbas Receives the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of AAUP Dr. Yousef Asfour

H.E Mr. Mahmoud Abbas the President of the State of Palestine welcomed Dr. Yousef Asfour- the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of Arab American University in his presidential office in Ramallah.

Dr. Asfour explained to H.E the current situations in Arab American University and its future plans of developments that will serve the Palestinian academic journey.

President Abbas praised the efforts of Arab American University and its role in developing the academic and education section in Palestine.

Mr. Ziad Abu Amro- the Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization also attended the meeting.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
AAUP Organizes a Workshop about the Empowerment of Women and Local Development

Under joint collaboration between Arab American University, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Deanship of Student Affairs in Arab American University organized a training workshop about Empowering women to participate in the Student Council Elections in universities.

The audience stressed the importance for women to participate in the elections in order to develop the student’s women movement in universities.

Speakers in this workshop explained that these activities are part of the series of project World 3 that is planned in 13 universities to encourage students to participate in the extracurricular activities and enable them to compete in the elections of the student union council.

Monday, November 8, 2021
Hassib Sabbagh Center in AAUP and Under Collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering and IT and IEEE Organize a Workshop Entitled “Investable Ideas” Related to DocTech Competition

Hassib Sabbagh Center has organized the first training meeting for the university students who are participating in the DocTech competition to introduce them on the importance of investing ideas to create pioneering and creative projects. The workshop was presented by Dr. Samah Abuoun- the Director of the Paltel Group Foundation, under collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Eng. Ahmad Fouad- the Manager of Hassib Sabbagh Center  welcomed the guests and talked about the importance of choosing the best pioneer idea at the beginning of each project and the importance of the team work and the variety of specializations and fields in the same group which reflects on the quality of the performance of the project.

Monday, November 8, 2021
The Continuing Education Center in AAUP Announces the Renewal of the Accreditation of Courses Certificates for Educational Project Management

With the presence of Mr. Wasef Mualla- the Director General of Arab Economic Integration Foundation in Palestine, Dr. Khalid Atyeh- the Director of the Continuing Education Center in Arab American University represented the center to sign a contract with SWAC Association represented by Eng. Mohammad Hassoun to renew the accreditation of courses certificates to the educational project management. 

Dr. Atyeh- the Director of the Continuing Education Center in Arab American University explained that this renewal comes after the success that the center witnessed in the courses that held previously, and said that those courses prepare participants to obtain internationally certified training certificates that are certified by more than 14 global bodies, and that such courses target university students, school students and the local community in general.

Thursday, November 4, 2021
The Representative Office of the Republic of Hungary Visits AAUP

Dr. Dalal Iriqat- the VP for International Relations was in the reception of Dr. Csaba Rada- the Representative of the Republic of Hungary and his Deputy Mr. Ronald who visited Arab American University.

Dr. Iriqat talked about the different programs and projects of the university, its establishment and the different facilities and buildings in both campuses in Jenin and Ramallah.

Dr. Iriqat and Dr. Rada shared thoughts on cooperation in the field of higher education with Universities in Hungary and discussed the importance of the academic mobility between students and professors through Erasmus +.
