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Center News

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Medicine Announces Launching Preparations for the Second Summer Session at the Universities of Oxford and Dundee in Britain

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University has announced the launch of preparations for the second summer session at the Universities of Oxford and Dundee in the United Kingdom.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Malik Zaben, explained that the academic and administrative staffs receive applications from students interested in the course and nominate a number of them to participate through a specialized academic committee and within international standards. Forty five male and female students have been selected to attend this course in Britain.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Abd Al Ghani Takrouri in the Strategic Planning and Fundraising Program

Researcher Abd Al Ghani Hafez Takrouri, a student in the Master’s program in Strategic Planning and Fundraising has defended his thesis titled "Strategic Planning and Financial Sustainability in the Palestinian NGOs: The Enabling Role of Regulatory Framework".

This study investigates the dynamic interaction between strategic planning statements and sustainability practices in the context of Palestinian NGOs. The research focuses on the unique social and political landscape of Palestine, and explores how strategic planning processes within these NGOs can be improved to integrate and advance sustainability goals, through an in-depth examination of case studies, interviews and the relevant literature.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Ayat Najjar in the Cyber security Program

Researcher Ayat Awad Najjar, a student in the Master’s Program in Cyber Security has defended her thesis titled "Detecting Written Documents by ChatGPT for the Cybersecurity Domain Using Machine Learning".

This research focuses on creating a robust model for detecting texts produced by large language models popular in the field of natural language processing, based on the assumption that machine learning technology can detect machine learning technology. The first study explores the field of cyber security and highlights the potential risks associated with using AI-generated texts in malicious ways.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Researcher Ni’ma Mohammad Khalil, a student in the Master’s Program in Cyber Security, has defended her thesis titled "Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Environment Using Machine Learning".

The researcher created different types of denial-of-service attacks and applied modified algorithms to the data after calculating statistical features based on time difference between payloads passing through the encrypted channel, and tested multiple types of traditional and deep learning algorithms. This is to examine their efficiency in distinguishing four types of attacks and improve detection accuracy. Inter arrival time was calculated, which is the time difference between each two successive loads.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Deeb Horani in the Integrated Digital Media Program

Researcher Deeb Rasmi Horani, a student in the Master’s Program in Integrated Digital Media, has defended his thesis titled “The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club Association’s Employment of Digital Media Tools in Managing Media Relations for Advocacy Purposes.”

This study deals with the use of new media by civil society organizations to achieve their communication goals with the local press. It aims to identify the reality of the use of digital media tools by the Palestinian Prisoner Club Association, and the trends in how journalists deal with new media in communicating with the club. This study used the gratifications theory and the concept of advocacy.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Raneem Abu Ain in the Strategic Planning and Fundraising Program

Researcher Raneem Mahmoud Abu Ain, a student in the Master’s Program in Strategic Planning and Fundraising has defended her thesis titled "The Importance of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Reasonability for Company Growth: Evidence from Palestinian Listed Firms".

This study aimed to determine the impact of work ethics and social responsibility on growth in Palestinian banks. This study used the descriptive analytical method by distributing 370 questionnaires to employees in Palestinian banks.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Hamdi Abu Helow in the Cyber Security Program

Researcher Hamdi Yasser Abu Helow, a student in the Master’s Program in Cyber Security, has defended his thesis titled “Detection and Prediction of Ransomware Based on Network Behavior Using Machine Learning”.

The use of the Internet has become a daily thing that a person can easily practice through several means, such as desktop and laptop computers, mobile phones, as well as many home devices. This widespread use has led to a significant increase in various electronic attacks, perhaps the most famous and dangerous of which are ransomware viruses. The danger of these viruses lies in the targets they seek to attack, as they are not limited to ordinary people, but rather they attack hospitals, private and government institutions, companies, educational institutions, and many other targets.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Fayrouz Maslamani in the Educational Psychology Program

Researcher Fayrouz Ahmad Maslamani, a student in the master’s program in educational psychology, has defended her thesis titled “Tendency to Fun and its Relationship to Addiction to Social Networking Sites and the Extent of its Impact on Academic Achievement among a Sample of University Students in the Northern West Bank.”

The study aimed to identify the tendency to fun and its relationship to addiction to social networking sites and the extent of its impact on academic achievement among a sample of university students in the northern West Bank. The researcher followed the descriptive, correlational approach and applied it to a sample of (300) male and female students from universities in the northern West Bank, distributed among the Arab American University, An-Najah National University, and Palestine Technical University – Karoorie.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
The Arab American University and Hclinic Specialty Hospital Sign a Cooperation Agreement to Train Medical Students

The Arab American University and the Hclinic Specialty Hospital signed a joint cooperation agreement to train students of the Faculty of Medicine enrolled at the University on its Ramallah and Jenin campuses. The University was represented by the Vice President of the Ramallah Campus, Professor Mohammad Asia, and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Malik Zaben, while the hospital was represented by its Medical Director, Dr. Jihad Mishal, and the Director of Personnel Affairs, Hadeel Sawafta.

The terms of the agreement revolve around providing a high level of training to medical students in the clinical stage and before by the most skilled specialist doctors at Hclinic Specialty Hospital in the departments of internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, obstetrics, and specialized departments of orthopedics, neurology, cardiology, emergency, anesthesia, and diagnostic radiology.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024
The AAUP Department of Optometry Obtains the World Council of Optometry (WCO) Membership

The Arab American University has recently obtained membership in the World Council of Optometry (WCO) in an important step towards strengthening its global presence and contribution to the field of optometry.

This achievement reflects the University’s continued commitment to promoting active participation in developing skills and standards of education and scientific research for the optometry profession at the local and international levels. This membership also represents international recognition that reflects the quality of the University’s educational and research programs.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Medicine Announces Launching Preparations for the Second Summer Session at the Universities of Oxford and Dundee in Britain

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University has announced the launch of preparations for the second summer session at the Universities of Oxford and Dundee in the United Kingdom.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Malik Zaben, explained that the academic and administrative staffs receive applications from students interested in the course and nominate a number of them to participate through a specialized academic committee and within international standards. Forty five male and female students have been selected to attend this course in Britain.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Abd Al Ghani Takrouri in the Strategic Planning and Fundraising Program

Researcher Abd Al Ghani Hafez Takrouri, a student in the Master’s program in Strategic Planning and Fundraising has defended his thesis titled "Strategic Planning and Financial Sustainability in the Palestinian NGOs: The Enabling Role of Regulatory Framework".

This study investigates the dynamic interaction between strategic planning statements and sustainability practices in the context of Palestinian NGOs. The research focuses on the unique social and political landscape of Palestine, and explores how strategic planning processes within these NGOs can be improved to integrate and advance sustainability goals, through an in-depth examination of case studies, interviews and the relevant literature.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Ayat Najjar in the Cyber security Program

Researcher Ayat Awad Najjar, a student in the Master’s Program in Cyber Security has defended her thesis titled "Detecting Written Documents by ChatGPT for the Cybersecurity Domain Using Machine Learning".

This research focuses on creating a robust model for detecting texts produced by large language models popular in the field of natural language processing, based on the assumption that machine learning technology can detect machine learning technology. The first study explores the field of cyber security and highlights the potential risks associated with using AI-generated texts in malicious ways.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Researcher Ni’ma Mohammad Khalil, a student in the Master’s Program in Cyber Security, has defended her thesis titled "Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Environment Using Machine Learning".

The researcher created different types of denial-of-service attacks and applied modified algorithms to the data after calculating statistical features based on time difference between payloads passing through the encrypted channel, and tested multiple types of traditional and deep learning algorithms. This is to examine their efficiency in distinguishing four types of attacks and improve detection accuracy. Inter arrival time was calculated, which is the time difference between each two successive loads.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Deeb Horani in the Integrated Digital Media Program

Researcher Deeb Rasmi Horani, a student in the Master’s Program in Integrated Digital Media, has defended his thesis titled “The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club Association’s Employment of Digital Media Tools in Managing Media Relations for Advocacy Purposes.”

This study deals with the use of new media by civil society organizations to achieve their communication goals with the local press. It aims to identify the reality of the use of digital media tools by the Palestinian Prisoner Club Association, and the trends in how journalists deal with new media in communicating with the club. This study used the gratifications theory and the concept of advocacy.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Raneem Abu Ain in the Strategic Planning and Fundraising Program

Researcher Raneem Mahmoud Abu Ain, a student in the Master’s Program in Strategic Planning and Fundraising has defended her thesis titled "The Importance of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Reasonability for Company Growth: Evidence from Palestinian Listed Firms".

This study aimed to determine the impact of work ethics and social responsibility on growth in Palestinian banks. This study used the descriptive analytical method by distributing 370 questionnaires to employees in Palestinian banks.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Hamdi Abu Helow in the Cyber Security Program

Researcher Hamdi Yasser Abu Helow, a student in the Master’s Program in Cyber Security, has defended his thesis titled “Detection and Prediction of Ransomware Based on Network Behavior Using Machine Learning”.

The use of the Internet has become a daily thing that a person can easily practice through several means, such as desktop and laptop computers, mobile phones, as well as many home devices. This widespread use has led to a significant increase in various electronic attacks, perhaps the most famous and dangerous of which are ransomware viruses. The danger of these viruses lies in the targets they seek to attack, as they are not limited to ordinary people, but rather they attack hospitals, private and government institutions, companies, educational institutions, and many other targets.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Fayrouz Maslamani in the Educational Psychology Program

Researcher Fayrouz Ahmad Maslamani, a student in the master’s program in educational psychology, has defended her thesis titled “Tendency to Fun and its Relationship to Addiction to Social Networking Sites and the Extent of its Impact on Academic Achievement among a Sample of University Students in the Northern West Bank.”

The study aimed to identify the tendency to fun and its relationship to addiction to social networking sites and the extent of its impact on academic achievement among a sample of university students in the northern West Bank. The researcher followed the descriptive, correlational approach and applied it to a sample of (300) male and female students from universities in the northern West Bank, distributed among the Arab American University, An-Najah National University, and Palestine Technical University – Karoorie.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
The Arab American University and Hclinic Specialty Hospital Sign a Cooperation Agreement to Train Medical Students

The Arab American University and the Hclinic Specialty Hospital signed a joint cooperation agreement to train students of the Faculty of Medicine enrolled at the University on its Ramallah and Jenin campuses. The University was represented by the Vice President of the Ramallah Campus, Professor Mohammad Asia, and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Malik Zaben, while the hospital was represented by its Medical Director, Dr. Jihad Mishal, and the Director of Personnel Affairs, Hadeel Sawafta.

The terms of the agreement revolve around providing a high level of training to medical students in the clinical stage and before by the most skilled specialist doctors at Hclinic Specialty Hospital in the departments of internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, obstetrics, and specialized departments of orthopedics, neurology, cardiology, emergency, anesthesia, and diagnostic radiology.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024
The AAUP Department of Optometry Obtains the World Council of Optometry (WCO) Membership

The Arab American University has recently obtained membership in the World Council of Optometry (WCO) in an important step towards strengthening its global presence and contribution to the field of optometry.

This achievement reflects the University’s continued commitment to promoting active participation in developing skills and standards of education and scientific research for the optometry profession at the local and international levels. This membership also represents international recognition that reflects the quality of the University’s educational and research programs.
