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Data Science

Sunday, October 20, 2019
Part of Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayih speech

Data Matters Festival

Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayih declared that the launching of Data Matters Projects is a milestone to the future.

As he added that without data there is no planning which in return there will be no development, as he pointed out that “Cluster” plan presented by the government relies on data offered by the PCBS.


Sunday, October 20, 2019
AAUP and PCBS Sign a Collaboration and Partnership Agreement During the Data Matters Festival

from the Data Matters Festival :

AAUP & PCBS sign a collaboration & partnership agreement sponsored by the Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Ashtiyeh.

Sunday, October 20, 2019
AAUP President Prof. Ali Zidan Abu Zuhri

From Data Matters Festival

AAUP President Prof. Ali Zidan Abu Zuhri: AAUP philosophy in education focuses on all what’s new and virtual, as it aims to meets with the need of the Palestinian sociality with creative solutions and cutting edge technologies. AAUP continuously develops new modern academic programs to provide the Palestinian market with specialist and experts that can contribute and build our nation and internationally.

AAUP continuously seeks to develop new modern programs and create international partnerships with other universities to deliver high quality teachings to its students, and as for that said AAUP is pleased to announced that international experts and academics will participate in teaching the master program in data sciences along with local experts.


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