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Medical Day

Sunday, June 2, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Medical Day in the Apartheid Wall Adjacent Villages

The Arab American University has held a free medical day in the villages adjacent to the apartheid wall, targeting the villages of Al-Kholjan, Um Dar, Zabda, and Tura.

The University delegation included Dr. Ahed Zakarneh, a general physician, Dr. Imad Abu Al-Rub, a surgeon orthopedist, and a delegation from the Faculties of Dentistry and Allied Medical Sciences, represented by Dr. Nidaa Fashafsheh, and Ms. Kifaya Abu Aziza, a psychological and social specialist. The University delegation also included students from the Faculty of Nursing. The medical delegation was accompanied by the President’s Assistant for Community Affairs, Dr.

Thursday, April 25, 2024
The Arab American University Holds a Free Medical Day in the Northern Jordan Valley

The Arab American University has held a free medical day in the northern Jordan Valley, targeting the Bardala, Kardala, and Ain Al Bayida areas, as well as Al Maleh and Bedouin areas.

Mr. Omar Fuqaha, Chairman of the Ain Al Bayda Village Council, in the presence of Mr. Abdullah Daraghmeh, representative of Tubas Governorate, and Mr. Mohammad Fuqaha and Osama Fuqaha, representing the Fatah Movement, welcomed the University team, represented by Dr. Laila Herzallah, Assistant to the President for Community Affairs. He thanked the University for this initiative which comes within the framework of Strengthening the steadfastness of families in these areas that suffer from the scourge of the siege and the lack of adequate medical services.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
The Arab American University Holds an Activity for People with Special Needs

The Office of the Assistant to the President for Community Affairs has held a rehabilitation activity and initial screening for people with special needs at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Tubas Governorate. The activity was held in cooperation with the Palestinian Pioneer Scouts and Guides Association.

The activity was inaugurated with a welcoming speech by Ms. Maha Salama, with the presence of Dr. Laila Herzallah, Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, Dr. Rima Daraghmeh, Chairman of the Association, Mr. Mohammad Jamil Sawalmeh, Vice President of the Palestinian Scouts Association, Joseph Lambros, a member of the administrative staff, Dr. Wafa Al Sa’adi as well as a number of families and specialists.


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