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Ramallah Campus

Friday, March 18, 2022
US State Department Envoy Meets the Graduate Studies Students in AAUP

Students of the Faculty of Graduate Studies from the programs of Conflict Resolution and International Law and Diplomacy met Mr. Hadi Amro- the US State Department Envoy and its accompanied delegation in AAUP- Ramallah Cammpus.

Dr. Dalal Iriqat- the VP for International Relations was in the reception of Mr. Amro and the delegation along with Dr. Muayad Abusaa- the VP for Academic Affairs, Prof. Mohammad Asia- the VP for Medical Schools Affairs, Eng. Bara Asfour- the Assistant to the President and Dr. Nowar Qotob- the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Thursday, March 10, 2022
AAUP Concludes the Activities of the Palestinian Day for Media Simulation in Ramallah Campus

The Faculty of Modern Media in Arab American University concluded the activities of the “Palestinian Day for Media Simulation” that was organized over two days in Ramallah Campus, under collaboration with the Ministry of Education and some media, educational and civil organizations that are interested in the media education. The event targeted the high school students of public and private schools in Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Jerusalem and Birzeit areas.

Dr. Hanadi Dwaikat- the Dean of the Faculty of Modern Media in AAUP confirmed that the event was successful and that the message was delivered to the targeted group as planned.

She also thanked all who contributed to make this day a successful one and clarified that this day will be an annual tradition for the Faculty of Modern Media with the local partners.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
AAUP Launches the Palestinian Day for Media Simulation in Ramallah Campus

In a ceremony that was organized in Arab American University- Ramallah Campus, the Faculty of Modern Media in AAUP launched the activities of “the Palestinian Day for Media Simulation” that continued for two days.

This activity was organized under joint partnership with the Ministry of Education and some media organizations and educational institutions in Ramallah which are interested in media education. The activities targeted the high school students in public and private schools in Ramallah, Albireh, Jerusalem and Birzeit.

The activities of “The Palestinian Day for Media Simulation” aim to create an area of communication between high school students and the media and civil organizations in order to introduce students to such organizations and how they perform.


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