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Thursday, December 21, 2023
The Arab American University Holds a Medical Day in the Town of Seilat Al-Dhahir

The Arab American University, through the Office of the Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, held a medical day in cooperation with the Medical Relief and the Municipality of Seilat Al-Dhahir.

In addition to the residents of the town of Seilat Al-Dhahir, the medical day targeted residents of Al-Rama, Al-Fondoqumyah, and Al-Attarah villages by providing medical services, examinations, and medications to patients.

Thursday, December 7, 2023
The Department of Arabic Language and Media Holds a Training Workshop for Its Students on Information Verification Mechanisms

The Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Arab American University organized a training workshop for its students on mechanisms for verifying information, presented by the founder and director of the Palestinian Observatory “Tahaqaq” journalist Baker Abdel Haq, via the “Zoom” platform.

The head of the department, Mr. Sudqi Mousa, stated that this workshop comes as part of activities organized by the department for its students with the aim of training them on important skills in their professional lives. He explained that mechanisms for verifying information are among the most important skills that a journalist must possess for several reasons, including that s/he should not be prey to misleading information in light of the massive content published on social media, which increases the difficulty of the verification process.

Sunday, December 3, 2023
AAUP Holds a Workshop on Management of Local Authorities at Times of Crises and Disasters

The Office of the Assistant to the AAUP President for Community Affairs organized a workshop entitled “Management of Local Authorities at Times of Crises and Disasters for the Emergency Committee in Jenin Governorate,” with the presence of the Director of Local Government in Jenin, and the heads of municipalities and village councils in the governorate.

The workshop was inaugurated by the Assistant to the President of the University for Community Affairs, Dr. Laila Herzallah, with a speech in which she welcomed the attendees. She indicated that the aim of organizing the workshop is to develop the emergency committee’s strategies, raise the level of awareness, and know the obstacles that cause crises within municipalities for the sake of overcoming them and providing all services to the local community.

Monday, November 13, 2023

The Office of the Assistant President of the Arab American University for Community Affairs organized a workshop on ways of preparing for disasters and psychological and first aid for wars. This workshop was held in cooperation with a number of Palestinian universities with the participation of psychological experts. The workshop was conducted via the Zoom platform.

The workshop participants touched on the repercussions of post-traumatic stress, psychological and social support for those affected, and the importance of the educational process and its continuation in light of crises.

Thursday, October 19, 2023
Dr. Hussein Al-Ahmad, Professor of Media and Communication at the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Lights Break through Deep Darkness

The new model, “The Bargaining Power,” comes as a scientific contribution to the four theoretical models available through the efforts of media and communication scholars to explain media influences and their role in shaping the various features of human society, which are: the “Manufacturing Consent” model by Noam Chomsky and Samuel Herman (Chomsky & Herman 1988a).

Tuesday, October 17, 2023
An AAUP Delegation Visits the Local Government Directorate

Within the framework of strengthening the relationship and community partnership, a meeting was held with the Directorate of Local Government in Jenin Governorate, represented by its director, engineer Abdel Majeed Madaniyah, and the University represented by Dr. Laila Herzallah, Assistant to the President for Community Affairs, in order to discuss ways of cooperation between the two parties, providing services, and opening ways of cooperation and partnership with municipalities and local councils. The meeting was attended by Eng.

The Director welcomed this important step and the great initiative by the University, appreciating the development it is doing in the governorate and the region. He pointed out that the needs are numerous, and most of them fall within the framework of developing staff in all fields, including communication, communication, public relations, financial analysis, geographic information systems, the financial department, and electronic programs.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Ph.D candidate Rola Jarrar defended her thesis entitled: “The Role of Human Resources Management in Palestinian Institutions: The Impact of Enhancing Ability, Motivation, and Opportunities (AMO) Practices on Institutional Performance” to obtain the Ph.D of business.

The study conducted by the researcher focused on the level of implementation of high-performance work practices (HPWPs) based on individual and organizational growth (AMO) in Palestinian service institutions. It also aimed to explore the relationships between these practices, employee outcomes, and organizational outcomes as perceived by the employees, while considering the context of the private and public sectors. Additionally, the study examines the impact of employee outcomes on the relationship between high-performance practices and organizational outcomes.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Researcher Manar Abusebaa Obtains the Ph.D of Business

The Ph.D candidate Manar Abusebaa defended her dissertation entitled: “E-Leadership in Palestinian Higher Education Institutions in the West Bank during Crises” to obtain the Ph.D of business. The Ph.D of Business program is implemented in cooperation between the Arab American University and Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

The study aimed to evaluate the extent to which higher education institutions in the West Bank - Palestine adopt electronic leadership during crises. The researcher evaluated the relationship between the personality and skills of the leader, his social awareness, the availability of resources and electronic leadership.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University Holds the first “White Coat” Ceremony

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University organized the White Coat Ceremony to mark the transition of the first group of the Faculty of Medicine from the stage of learning basic medical sciences to training in hospitals.

This celebration comes as part of the careful and deliberate steps taken by the faculty towards creating a promising and distinguished generation of Palestinian doctors.

Sunday, October 1, 2023
AAUP Team Qualifies to Represent Palestine at the GITEX International Exhibition in Dubai

The Arab American University team won its project submitted in the annual Palestine challenge for the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for 2023 to represent Palestine at the GITEX International Exhibition in Dubai.

This came during the announcement of the winning projects by the Al-Nayzak Foundation for Supportive Education and Scientific Creativity, in a ceremony previously held in the city of Ramallah, in partnership with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Supreme Council for Creativity, the Swedish Diakonia Foundation, and the Information Sciences Syndicate. The closing ceremony included an exhibition of a number of creative technological projects from various governorates of the country specializing in artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.
