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Thursday, February 17, 2022
AAUP and National Security Forces Sign a Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding

Eng. Bara Asfour- the Assistant to the President and General Amin Fawalha- the Deputy Commander of the National Security Forces signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding that focused on enhancing the partnership between both bodies.

Attended the signing, Mr. Faleh Abu Arrah- the General Director of the Arab American University Company, Mr. Fadi Jumaa- the Public Relations Manager, General Hatem Waked- the Public Relations and Media Manager in the National Security, General Khalid Raslan- the Head of the Higher Committee for Academic Affairs and some officers.

Thursday, February 17, 2022
Arab American University Graduates the Participants in the "Personal Trainer" Course

The Sports Facilities Department in Arab American University graduated the “Personal Trainer” course that was trained and supervised by Dr. Maen Zakarneh that covered 210 training hours which many students, graduates and people from the local community participated in.

Eng. Bara Asfour- the Assistant to the President, Dr, Maen Zakarneh- the course trainer and a Lecturer in the Faculty of Sport Sciences in AAUP, Dr. Uday Daraghmeh- the Sport Facilities Manager in AAUP and Mr. Fadi Jumaa- the Public Relations Manager attended the graduation.

Monday, February 14, 2022
A Delegation from AAUP Visits Ibn Sina Hospital

A delegation from Arab American University organized a visit to Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin to build and strengthen the relationship between both parties and to have a good idea of the departments of the hospital and the services it provides to the local community.

Dr. Imad Dwaikat- the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Mr. Fadi Juma- the Public Relations Manager, Raid Abu Bake, Samah Dawahdi and Marina Daibes from the Public Relations Department were in the delegation.

Mr. Jani Abu Jukha- the Executive Director of Ibn Sina Hospital, Dr. Kamal Abed0 the Medical Manager, Mr. Qais Abu Khaizaran- the Operations Manager, Mr. Abdallah Umar- the Financial Manager and Mrs. Dani Masri- the Public Relations Manger were in the reception of the delegation from AAUP.

Sunday, February 13, 2022
The Chairman of the Board of Directors Participates in the Draft Lottery for "Al Quds and Al Karameh" Championship

Dr. Yousef Asfour- the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of Arab American University participated in the draft lottery for “Al Quds and Al Karameh” Championship in Ramallah. This championship that will be in March will be under the auspices of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas "Abu Mazen" and His Majesty King Abdullah II “Abu Hussien” of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

The Palestinian Football Association did the draft lottery with the presence of Mr. Jibril Rjoub- the Head of the Association, Dr. Layla Ghannam- the Governor of Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Mr. Faleeh Khuslat- the Deputy Secretary of the Jordanian Football Association, members of the executive office of Football, representatives from the Jordanian Football Association, representatives from the participated Palestinian and Jordanian Clubs and representatives from the sponsoring companies.

Friday, February 11, 2022
Prof Bashar Saad

Stanford University announced that Scientist Bashar Saad- a lecturer in Arab American University was chosen among only 2% of a list of best scientists in the world for the year 2021 for his distinguish and excellent scientific researchers. This classification is considered one of the most famous around the world and it depends on bibliometric information (that uses statistics methods and mathematics to analyze documents’ data0 that is listed in Scopus database.

Prof. Bashar Saad has a good reputation in the scientific fields around the world and he has a special presence with his researches, lectures and scientific books in the international scientific platforms. Prof. Saad spent almost 20 years in the esteemed Switzerland universities where he got his PhD in Biochemistry and started his career life as a post-PhD in Neuroscience in ETH Institute. He was assigned as a lecturer and a researcher in the same institute in the field of the new methods in testing toxicity and then an assistant professor of Tissue Engineering.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022
The International License for Human Resources Leadership Course in AAUP is Concluded

The Continuing Education Center in Arab American University concluded the 40 hours training course of the International License for Human Resources Leadership Course that targeted the university students of all programs.

Dr. Khalid Attyeh- the Continuing Education Center Manager said that the goal of this course is to develop students’ skills in the human resources field to enable students to be leaders who are able to direct the human resources in a successful way. Dr. Attyeh added that Eng. Mohammad Hassouneh was responsible for training this course and that many training courses will be organized soon that will target university students and local community as well.

At the end of the course, participated students were handed accredited certificates.

Sunday, February 6, 2022
The Head of Cultural and Press Affairs at the German Representative Visits the Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center in AAUP

The Head of Cultural and Press Affairs at the German Representative in Palestine Mr. Christian Kosters visited the Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center in AAUP- Ramallah Campus. In his reception was Dr. Eyad Yaqoub- the Chairman of the Board of the Center and Ms. Rula Shahwan- the Manager of the Center.

During the meeting, they discussed the collaboration relations between the representative and the center especially in establishing the visual Palestinian Archive and the experts and academic mobility in this field. Also the student mobility was discussed especially related to the postgraduate students from the Conflict Resolution and the Intercultural Communication programs.

Sunday, February 6, 2022
AAUP Hosts the Palestine Football Cup Finals in the Sport Hall

Organized by the Palestinian Football Association, Arab American University hosted the final games of the Palestine Football Cup for people born in 2006 – 2007 inside the sports hall

The following teams participated in the championship finals: Askar Center, Yatta, Beit Luqia,  Beit Ummar, Al Mokabber Mountain, Al Bireh Institute, Bethlehem Islamic Center and Ibal Center.

In the first place was Al Mokabber Mountain team, then in the second place came Bethlehem Islamic Center and in the third place was Beit Ummar team.

Thursday, February 3, 2022
AAUP and INJAZ Palestine Sign an MoU to Enhance Collaboration

Prof. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri- the University President and Mr. Imad Hindi- the Chairman of the Board of Directors of INJAZ Palestine signed an MoU to enhance collaboration between the two parties and implement training and activities programs for students.

The signing for the MoU took place in Ramallah Campus with the presence of Dr. Yousef Asfour the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors and Ms. Rania Qutainyeh- the General Director of Injaz.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Two Students Win in the National Competition of the Scientific Research for the Researcher University Student

Mohammad Qabha and Nour Junaidi won in the National Competition of the scientific research for the Researcher University Student that was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the second year.

The competition encourages university students to conduct scientific researches and continue their activities and research initiatives in order to encourage the scientific research culture and this contributes in increasing the quality of researches in Palestine and reaches the sustainable development in the research sector.
