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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Under the auspices of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai-U.A.E and the President of Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, the 14th Innovation Arabia Conference was recently organized in Dubai where a group of students from the Faculty of Graduate Studies in Arab American University participated with more than 9 researches, as 20 other countries participated in the conference.

Dr. Mohammad Mereb- a lecturer in the Faculty of Graduate Studies who supervised on  participated students’ researches said that students from the Master in Cybercrimes and Digital Evidence Analysis and Master in Data Science and Business Analytics participated in the conference to enhance the scientific research between graduate studies students.

Sunday, February 21, 2021
A Delegation from Military Intelligence Visits AAUP to Discuss means to Develop a Palestinian Strategy for Information Security

Arab American University represented by Dr. Yousef Asfour- the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Prof. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri- the University President welcomed a delegation from the military intelligence headed by General Maher Al Faris (Abu Wasif) who visited AAUP –Ramallah Campus to discuss means of joint collaboration to develop Palestinian strategy to information security.

Dr. Yousef Asfour welcomed the delegation and talked about Arab American University, its academic programs, its achievements and its future projects and vision to advance higher education in Palestine. Dr. Asfour also explained how hard they worked and the efforts during the establishing period of AAUP and the mechanisms they use to develop the different academic programs. Moreover, Dr. Asfour and Prof.

Friday, February 19, 2021
The "Monthly" Dialogue Mediology of the "Faculty of Modern Media" in "Arab American University" Discusses the Economic Models of the Palestinian Media Institutions

Mr. Fathi Abu Hatab: the media institutions are currently either restructuring or reducing costs, but they do not consider raising their revenues by understanding the question of: What is the use of what we offer?

Ms. Areej Itani: the rush of media institutions towards inclusiveness and the trying to reach to all people of the community and presence on all platforms exposes the media project to failure.

Ramallah- Arab American University: The Faculty of Modern Media in AAUP has organized the third monthly “Dialogue Mediology” that was entitled “Palestinian Media Institutions … Which Economic Model is for Survival?”

The symposium that was held via Zoom presented some of the media experts who provided their critical evaluation to the Palestinian and Arab media institutions especially under the circumstances and challenges they face while delivering their missions.

Monday, February 15, 2021
AAUP Laboratories

As part of the studies that the Arab American University laboratories do under collaboration with the Ministry of Health that ensured the existence of 41 new cases of the new COVID strain that recently appeared in Britain in September 2020, AAUP laboratories studied new samples that were received from the Ministry of Health and discovered 139 more new cases of the new COVID strain.

Dr. Nowar Qotob said that the collaboration with the Ministry of Health will continue in order to draw the pandemic map for COVID in Palestine to follow up the new strains due to its biological importance and its rapid spread.

Mr. Osama Najjar- the Allied Medical Services General Manager in the Ministry of Health ensured on the importance to follow up the cases of all the patients that tested positive and asked all patients to stay in self-quarantine and follow the safety precautions. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021
The Italian Consul General Visits AAUP

Mr. Giuseppe Fedele- the Italian Consul General visited AAUP- Ramallah Campus where in his reception were Dr. Yousef Asfour- the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Prof. Waleed Deeb- the Academic Advisor of the Board of Directors and Dr. Dalal Iriqat- the VP for International Relations.

Dr. Yousef Asfour- the Chairman of the Board of Directors welcomed the guest and talked about Arab American University, its academic programs, its achievements and the future projects.

Monday, February 8, 2021
The Board of Directors of the Center of Excellence for Climate Change and Environmental Technology in AAUP holds their regular meeting in the university

The Board of Directors of the Center of Excellence for Climate Change and Environmental Technology in AAUP held their regular meeting in AAUP Campus in Jenin to discuss the upcoming projects for the next period including the Novak and German projects. The members of the board also went in a field tour to the meteorological station, the greenhouse for smart agriculture, and the laboratory of the center which will be established before the end of the first half of this year.

The meeting was headed by Prof. Mohammad Asia- the Deputy Head of the Center, with the presence of the Board members, Dr. Jacqueleen Joubran and Dr. Iyad Yaqoub- from Arab American University, Eng. Yousef Abu Asaad - from the Palestinian Meteorological Department, Eng. Basil Yassin- from the Energy Authority, Eng. Hanan Hijawi- from the Environmental Quality Authority, Eng. Ibtisam Abu Haijaa- from the Ministry of Agriculture and Eng. Hazim Kettaneh- from the Water Authority.

Sunday, January 31, 2021
The “HULT PRIZE 2021” Competition in AAUP

With the participation of 11 teams from the different faculties and departments, Arab American University organized the HULT PRIZE 2021 Competition entitled “The mechanism of using food as a mean to change the world”

Organizing such competitions in Arab American University is one of the goals of the university to ensure that its role is not only to focus on the educational part for students, but also to encourage the creativity and pioneer projects and ideas in its students as in AAUP we believe that our youths are the push to change. This competition will give students the opportunity to create competitive and creative projects.

Saturday, January 30, 2021
Arab American University and the Palestinian Ministry of Health Announces 11 Cases of the New COVID Strain in Palestine

As part of the studies that the Arab American University laboratories do under collaboration with the Ministry of Health that ensured the existence of 17 new cases of the new COVID strain that recently appeared in Britain, AAUP laboratories studied new samples that were received from the Ministry of Health and discovered 11 more new cases of the new COVID strain.

Mr. Osama Najjar- the Allied Medical Services General Manager in the Ministry of Health stated that the cases are distributed as the following: 5 cases in Deir Jarir, 2 cases in Taybeh, 2 cases in Al Ram and 2 cases in Bethlehem. The total number of cases in Palestine of the new COVID strain that appeared recently in the UK is 28 cases until this moment.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021
AAUP Hosts the Medical Council Certification Exam, the Palestinian Board in Dentistry

Under joint collaboration between the Faculty of Dentistry in Arab American University and the Palestinian Medical Council, the laboratories and clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry in AAUP hosted the Palestinian Board Certificate Exam (the oral and clinical part in Prosthodontics) for November, under the supervision of a scientific committee headed by Dr. Ziad Abu Arrah and includes both Dr. Ibrahim Nashashibi and Dr. Naji Anadi as members.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021
A seminar to discuss “The Palestinian Intellectual and the Stakes of Modernity (1908-1948)” book

The Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center in Arab American University organized a Zoom Seminar to discuss the book of the Palestinian historian and researcher Dr. Maher Sharif entitled “The Palestinian Intellectual and the Stakes of Modernity (1908-1948)” that was published by the Institute for Palestine Studies in 2020.

The seminar that was moderated by Dr. Nahed Habiballah- the Social Sciences Professor in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in AAUP was organized under collaboration between the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut, and was attended by students of both the Conflict Resolutions and the Intercultural Communication and Literature Graduate programs. 
