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Graduate Studies News

Sunday, October 30, 2022
The Arab American University and the French University of Grenoble Conclude a Cooperation Agreement for Postgraduates

The Arab American University and the French University of Grenoble signed a memorandum of cooperation that allows postgraduates in Natural Sciences and Engineering programs to use the laboratories of University of Grenoble to prepare their theses for MA and PhD degrees. It also provides scientific visits for researchers from the university.

The memorandum was signed during a scientific visit by a delegation from the Arab American University to the French University of Grenoble. The delegation consisted of Dr. Adli Saleh, Advisor of Board of Directors for Planning and Development, Dr. Muayad Abusaa, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Amjad Rattroot, Coordinator of the PhD Program in Information Technology Engineering.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022
AAUP Concludes a Partnership Agreement in Media and Public Relations MA and PhD Programs with the Higher Institute of Journalism, Communication, and International Relations in Paris

The Arab American University and the Higher Institute of Journalism, Communication, and International Relations in Paris concluded a partnership agreement to offer MA and PhD programs in media and public relations at the university. The signing ceremony took place at the institute's headquarters in Paris.

The agreement was signed on behalf of the university by Board of Directors’ Academic Advisor, the Founding President of the University, Prof. Dr. Waleed Deeb, accompanied by Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Eng. Bara Asfour, and the Dean of the Faculty of Modern Media at the university, Dr. Hanadi Dwaikat. On behalf of the Higher Institute for Journalism, Communication, and International Relations, the agreement was signed by the president, Dr. Guillaume Joban Accompanied by his assistant, Dr. Noha Rishmawi.

Thursday, October 13, 2022
Two AAUP Students Win in the Scientific Conference of Postgraduate Students 2022

The Arab American University won two awards at the Palestinian Scientific Conference of Postgraduates 2022, which was organized by the Islamic University of Gaza.

The MA student in "Contemporary Public Relations", Baraa Abed and her supervisor, Dr. Elias Kukali, won the best research award in the Humanities and Social Sciences field for her research paper entitled "Exploring the Causal Links Between Locus of Control and Functional Performance Among Public Relations Practitioners in the Government Service Sector: A Track Analysis.”

The study sought to measure the indirect effect of causal links, such as (financial incentives, powers granted by senior management, and the quality of the relationship with the leader) as intermediate variables between locus of control as an independent variable and job performance as a dependent variable for public relations practitioners in the government service sector.

Monday, September 26, 2022
Two Researchers from the University Discover a method to Diagnose Disorders and Skin Diseases Using Millimeter Wave Sensors

Two researchers from the Arab American University have come up with an innovative method for non-invasive diagnosis of skin diseases and disorders without the need for healthcare professionals or a medical clinic.

This study is considered the first of its kind. The innovative method of the two researchers from the Arab American University, Dr. Amani Owda, Head of the Department of Engineering, Natural, and Technological Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and co-researcher Dr. Majdi Owda, Dean of Faculty of Data Science, is based on diagnosis by measuring millimeter waves that emerge from human skin and produce invisible signatures that contribute to inferring the health of the skin.

Thursday, June 9, 2022
The Scholar-Diplomat Ulrike Shannon Visits the University

The Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University hosted the diplomat and researcher Mr. Ulric Shannon, in a meeting with MA students majoring in International Law and Diplomacy.

In the lecture, Shannon talked about the development of the field of diplomacy between traditional and contemporary diplomacy, leading to digital diplomacy that crossed the borders of countries by introducing many players in foreign policy. Shannon shared the lessons learned in diplomatic work.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Meeting on scholarships for the graduate studies students

Arab American University Faculty of Graduate Studies organized an introductory meeting on scholarships offered by the Palestinian Water Authority, which is offered annually to postgraduate students in Palestinian universities.

In the presence of Head of Humanitarians at the Graduate Studies Faculty Dr. Mohammad Abu Sharbeh, faculty members Dr. Waleed Sabbah and Eyad Yacoub and a number of lecturers at the graduate schools

The lecture launched by Head of Human Sciences Department at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dr. Abu Sharbeh, who stressed on the importance of such meetings, calling students to benefit from these scholarships.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Arab American University-Jenin hosted, Lori Hunter; the British Political Consul of the Consulate General in Jerusalem, Mr. Declan Johnson; the Irish Deputy Consul General, within the Comparative Studies in the Negotiation Processes and Peace Building Course.

Dr. Dalal Erekat, the instructor of Conflict Resolution and Development course, spoke about the negotiation elements and the basics of the successful negotiations in detail. She said that the lecture course aims to inform students about the British and Irish official viewpoints as essential parties in the negotiation processes.

The two guests, in turn, presented their interventions as a formal diplomatic viewpoint by providing a detailed explanation about the Irish experience from an academic perspective.
