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Graduate Studies News

Thursday, October 19, 2023
Dr. Hussein Al-Ahmad, Professor of Media and Communication at the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Lights Break through Deep Darkness

The new model, “The Bargaining Power,” comes as a scientific contribution to the four theoretical models available through the efforts of media and communication scholars to explain media influences and their role in shaping the various features of human society, which are: the “Manufacturing Consent” model by Noam Chomsky and Samuel Herman (Chomsky & Herman 1988a).

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Ph.D candidate Rola Jarrar defended her thesis entitled: “The Role of Human Resources Management in Palestinian Institutions: The Impact of Enhancing Ability, Motivation, and Opportunities (AMO) Practices on Institutional Performance” to obtain the Ph.D of business.

The study conducted by the researcher focused on the level of implementation of high-performance work practices (HPWPs) based on individual and organizational growth (AMO) in Palestinian service institutions. It also aimed to explore the relationships between these practices, employee outcomes, and organizational outcomes as perceived by the employees, while considering the context of the private and public sectors. Additionally, the study examines the impact of employee outcomes on the relationship between high-performance practices and organizational outcomes.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Researcher Manar Abusebaa Obtains the Ph.D of Business

The Ph.D candidate Manar Abusebaa defended her dissertation entitled: “E-Leadership in Palestinian Higher Education Institutions in the West Bank during Crises” to obtain the Ph.D of business. The Ph.D of Business program is implemented in cooperation between the Arab American University and Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

The study aimed to evaluate the extent to which higher education institutions in the West Bank - Palestine adopt electronic leadership during crises. The researcher evaluated the relationship between the personality and skills of the leader, his social awareness, the availability of resources and electronic leadership.

Thursday, September 28, 2023
A Malaysian High Ranking University Honors the Lecturer at AAUP Dr. Mujahed Zayed as One of the Top Five International Ph.D Researchers

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) chose Dr. Mujahed Zayed, a lecturer at the Language Center of the Arab American University, among the top five Ph.D graduates who have presented many research papers and published in peer-reviewed, reputable journals.

Dr. Zayed was selected based on evaluating Ph.D theses, producing research papers, and publication in peer-reviewed, Scopus-indexed journals in addition to university contributions and community leadership.

Sunday, September 24, 2023
Defense of an M.A. Thesis by Atta Labib Alsharaf in Intensive Care Nursing

Researcher Atta Labib Alsharaf, a student in the master’s program in intensive care nursing, defended his thesis entitled: Spiritual and Psychological Well-Being, and Quality of Life among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis Sessions in the West Bank, Palestine.

This study aimed to estimate spiritual well-being, psychological well-being, and quality of life among patients undergoing hemodialysis sessions in the West Bank. This descriptive study examined a random sample of 413 Palestinian patients receiving hemodialysis sessions in eleven centers operating in the West Bank. The questionnaire tool was distributed and the data was collected using the psychological well-being scale, the spiritual well-being scale, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life scale - BREF during the period between March 28 and August 10, 2023.

Thursday, September 7, 2023
AAUP Concludes the First Session of the International Graduate Summer School Program

The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University completed its first session of the International Graduate Summer School program, in which a group of postgraduate students of different nationalities and specializations from The New School University of America participated.

The first session, which started in early July of this year, lasted for two months. The program provided the international students with an opportunity to study in Palestine and learn the Arabic language, in addition to enrolling in two courses in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and acquiring credit hours as part of their university studies. The two courses are: Palestinian identity and culture, and the structuralism and culture of the Settler Colonialism in Comparative Perspective.

Thursday, September 7, 2023
An AAUP Research Team Participates in the International Information Technology Conference Entitled “Cybersecurity Challenges for Sustainable Cities”

A research team from the Arab American University participated in the 2023 International Conference on Information Technology, which was held in its eleventh edition at Al-Zaytoonah University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

During the conference, master’s students and researchers from the Department of Natural, Engineering, and Technological Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University presented research papers in the fields of data science and cybersecurity. Recently, all accepted papers were listed in the IEEE Xplore digital library. The research papers are entitled as follows:

Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Student Fadia Ibrahim Defends Her Ph.D. Dissertation in Business

Researcher Fadia Ibrahim, a Ph.D. student in the joint business program with Indiana University of Pennsylvania, defended her dissertation entitled: "School Principals' Practices in Technological Leadership and its Impact on the Technology Integration by Teachers."

The study aimed to investigate the impact of school principals' practices in technological leadership on teachers' integration of technology into classrooms, considering the variables of professional development, gender, experience, and professional diploma in school leadership. Data was collected by conducting a cross-sectional survey of a sample of 319 principals and 895 teachers from Palestinian public schools.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Defense of a Master's Thesis by Thaer Darabi' in Data Science and Business Analysis

Researcher Thaer Darabi', a student in the master's program of data science and business analysis, defended his thesis entitled: "Using Competitive Generative Networks in Retrieving Images Based on Manual Graphics."

The thesis presented a research in the field of manual graphics-based image retrieval (SBIR) to find similar images from big databases by entering sketches into a model composed of a generative unit and a retrieval unit. This model aims to develop the ability to view and retrieve images from big databases, and to solve the problem of linking manual drawings to groups of images that are seen during training and that fail to generalize to groups that are not visible.

Sunday, July 30, 2023
Students of International Graduate Studies Have a Field Tour to Villages North of Ramallah

The Conflict Studies Research Center organized a field tour for the students of the International Postgraduate Program to the villages north of Ramallah.

During the tour, the students of the American University of The New School, who participated in the program, learned about the nature of the administrative division of the different parts of the West Bank. The tour allowed the students to move around in several areas with the help of community organizations due to the nature of these areas and the restrictions imposed on them.
